Chapter 147

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 6 Episode 24

24. Reunion (1)

Lee Ye-sook and Baek Jae-geon’s wedding went smoothly until the end without any problems, and ended with the blessings of many people.

After the wedding ceremony, Lee Dae-hyun, who was returning home without eating, was leaning back on the back seat of his car, showing his annoyance without hiding it.

“Hey, why the hell do I have to come to this place? If you want to hit your tail, they will crawl on your own. You have to ask me to do it. Do you know that it’s a shame to come here without being invited, too?”

Lee Dae-hyun, who had to attend a wedding he did not want to come at the orders of Lee Hyuk-gu, the chairman of the Nanjin Group, was in a very twisted state.

Lee Hyuk-gu forcibly sent Lee Dae-hyun to the wedding hall, saying that he had to put a stamp on the family of the Baeksik group, who is the top chaebol family.

It’s because the Nanjin group is hanging on the edge of the chaebol family, which is difficult to compare with them.

“Hey, tell me something too.”

“……I’m sorry. I have the President’s instructions…”

When Daehyun Lee, who was sitting in the back seat, kicked the back of the driver’s seat with his foot, his driver Najihoon gave a clerical answer.

“Ana, really. That grandpa again? Why are you taking care of my driver, the hell?”

either this guy or that guy.

this or that.

I didn’t like everything.

* * *

After the wedding was over, Ye-sook Lee and Jae-gun Baek flew straight to their honeymoon for a week.

It was a short trip for a honeymoon, but it was an inevitable choice due to circumstances.

As a result, she was going to have Ho-young staying at home alone for a week, but she was worried that if Lee Ye-sook and Ho-young were alone, she would not eat well, so she had no choice but to stay at Baek Jae-han’s house for a week. was brought to

‘Hahaha, I’m not a child…’

Ho-young, who stopped by the house to pack his belongings before being taken care of by Baek Jae-han, burst into laughter as he thought about it.

Although she was a mature adult with a resident registration card, Hoyoung was still seen as a child in Lee Ye-sook’s eyes.

In addition to that, there was such a thing today, so Ye-sook Lee had asked him to take care of Baekjae-han’s house, so she couldn’t go secretly.

With a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a simple change of clothes, Ho-young took a taxi and arrived at Baek Jae-han’s house in Gangnam-gu.

“Welcome, brother!”

“Hello, I’ll be indebted to you for a while.”

“I don’t care if you’re indebted to me forever! Come inside sooner than that!”

As Ho-young spoke while standing at the entrance, Baek Ho-min grabbed his hand and led him inside.

As soon as he entered, Hoyoung’s body felt a little awkward.The marble-finished interior exudes a luxurious atmosphere, and the entire area of ​​Gangnam-gu and the Han River can be seen through a large window that occupies one wall.

The hurdles were too high for Hoyoung, who lived in an ordinary apartment, as it boasted a spacious space as much as a luxurious atmosphere.

‘Because it’s before we moved…’

The townhouse that Ho-Young provided as the newlywed house for Baek Jae-Gun and Lee Ye-Suk is also quite good, but she was not used to it because she hadn’t moved in yet.

And it felt a little more luxurious than the townhouse.

Still, thanks to that, she doesn’t seem to have any awkward moments at home after moving.

“Your brother’s room is a guest room on the second floor. I’ll show you around. Oh, and Mom and Dad are out for work.”

A capsule was also prepared in the guest room, which was followed by Homin Baek.

Originally, Ho-Young was going to come and go to the capsule room, but Baek Seol-Young took out his spare capsule for Ho-Young.

‘I’ll have to say thank you later.’

Ho-young was thinking like that and smiling while looking at her capsule, Ho-min opened her mouth.

“If you were playing Initium, it would have been nice if you told me in advance! You only let my sister know in a shameful way! If you had told me in advance, I would have helped develop the character…….”


“Even if I look like this, I’m still a ranker!”

“Uh…, I’ll just be grateful.”

At Baek Ho-min’s words, Ho-young scratched the back of her neck in embarrassment.

As Baek Seol-young said, Baek Ho-min didn’t seem to have noticed Ho-young’s true identity yet.

“You don’t have to decline! I’ll help you! Oh, but I already have an appointment today… I’ll see you in the square of Izbaront in 3 hours! I’ll be waiting for you!”

“No, wait…!”

After finishing what he had to say, Ho-min Baek did not listen to Ho-young’s answer and smiled and went into the room.

‘How am I supposed to do this?’

I thought about speaking in a whisper, but that didn’t seem polite.

Reluctantly, after three hours, Ho-young, who decided to head to Iz Baront, put his luggage on one side and laid himself in his capsule.

The place where Hoya last logged out was in front of Dewseulchon, a village he had not known for a while, which he had visited for the first time since coming to the eastern continent.

However, what came into Hoya’s view after logging in was the white space and Initium’s title logo floating in the air, not the Dew Village.

When Hoya recognized the fact, a loud drum sound rang once, and two swords crossed into the back of the title logo, and a phrase appeared beneath it.


[Hero Battle]

“Hero Battle…?”

When Hoya had such a question, the title logo disappeared and a video started playing in its place.

A place reminiscent of the Colosseum in Rome, where two men attacked each other using their skills, wielding spears and swords.

But for a while, the location in the video changed, and the men wielding spears and swords also turned into summoners and assassins.

After that, the location and the characters in the video changed quickly, and at the end, at the end of the video that was played back at double speed, a short text with the title logo came to mind once again.


[Hero Battle]

We look forward to the participation of great heroes.

Please refer to the notice on the website for details.

After all the text appeared and about 5 seconds passed, the white space was broken along with the video, and the entrance to Dew Village appeared in front of me.

However, Hoya did not go directly to the village, but accessed the Initium homepage to find out the identity of the video just before.

On the back of the title logo embedded in the top center of Initium’s homepage, crossed swords and the phrase “Hero Wars” were written below them.

Upon checking the most recently posted notice, Hoya was able to find out the identity of the video.

Initium’s global game competition ‘Hero Battle’ and the online qualifier to be held a month later were written in the notice.

The tournament will be held in individual and team competitions in the form of a tournament, and the minimum condition for applying for the preliminary round was achievement of the hero level, which is the highest level of the battlefield level.

Hoya was not rated because he had never used the matching system that affected the rating even though he had used the practice room until now.

He glanced at the community and found that the community had already been heated by the hosting of the competition.

-crazy! crazy! Jackpot case!

-Ha…, the cut-off for participation is too high! What is a hero, a hero! Are you saying that light users like us should take a look?

– So, it’s a hero warfare and a world tournament. And if a player from your country advances to or wins the finals, there are benefits for light users like us.

-By the way, there are no players to look forward to in Korea…

– This hero hyung is going to apply for the preliminaries now.

However, it was not related to him right now, so Hoya turned off the community window and headed to the village for the quest.

Each player who received the East Continent’s support quest has a designated village, but the number of players assigned varies according to the size of the village.

Therefore, only one player, Hoya, was assigned to support Dew Village, which is a small town even for a village.

Except for Hoya, everyone is an NPC.

“Where are you…”

Among those NPCs, Hoya wandered around the village looking for a person, and the town was small and she was able to quickly find the person she was looking for.

He was a masked, dark-haired man who, along with Badu, Miho, and Sammy, were helping to repair the building.

As Hoya approached him, the man who felt his presence looked back.

“Oh, hoya. I’m a little late today.”

“Yeah, I’ve got some work to do. But it’s only been a day, but the situation in town has improved quite a bit.””It doesn’t take long since the village is small. There is also the virtue that people who came from the western continent by boat are putting in a lot of effort.”

“Thank you for helping Conservo too.”

“You don’t have to thank me. It’s something I said I wanted to do, right?”

The true identity of the masked man was Consannu.

* * *

On the day Hoya told Kun Seonu about the eastern continent, after hearing Hoya’s story, Kun Seonu thought for a long time, then nodded his head as if he had made a decision and asked Hoya a favor.

“Hoya, can you help me meet Hyeon-woo and General Jo-yeon secretly?”

[The quest ‘Reunion with the nostalgic past’ has occurred.][Reunion with the nostalgic past]

The legendary fighter Consonu is Kwon Gwon-woo, the second prince of the Kwon Nara who disappeared decades ago.

He, who has lived away from the eastern continent for decades, felt nostalgic after hearing your story.

Help him to have a conversation with his past so he can clear his mind.

Others on the eastern continent should not be aware of Consanu’s existence.

Completion Conditions: Help the conservator talk to Kwon Hyun-woo and Jo Jo-yeon.

Success Rewards: Experience increase, Kwon Hyeon-woo’s favorability greatly increased, Jo Jo-yeon’s favorability increased significantly, Consunu’s favorability increased significantly, beginner Consonupa martial arts proficiency increased by 5%

Failure Penalty: Consonu’s favorability drops sharply, Beginner Consonupa martial arts proficiency decreases by 10%, Consonu falls into a depressed state for 30 days.

“Yeah, well thought out. I’ll have to get it out once in a while, so I won’t get sick inside.”

Dantals, who was listening to the story next to him, nodded his head at Consonu’s decision.

After that, the day before the players boarded the boat, Evan came to Hoya, who was on the eastern continent, and told him that Kwon Hyeon-woo met him and wanted to reciprocate.

Hoya heard the story and, with the help of Evan, went straight to the palace and met with Kwon Hyeon-woo while keeping it a secret from others.

Kwon Hyeon-woo, who later personally thanked Hoya, asked him to say what he wanted in order to repay him once again.

What Hoya asked him to do with Kwon Hyun-woo’s words wasn’t particularly great.

“Then… Can you meet just one person with General Jo? Keep it a secret from others.”

“Are you satisfied with that?”


Kwon Hyeon-woo was puzzled by Hoya’s request, but he accepted his request and called Jo-yeon.

At the sudden appearance of In-young, Jo-yeon grabbed the handle of the sword and took the guard, but when In-yeong took off the hood of the cloak and showed his face to the two, he quickly loosened the guard.

His brain did not understand his appearance, so he could not think of anything for a moment, and the boundary was loosened.

“It’s been a while, both of you.”

In-young’s true identity is Consunu.

After the quest occurred to Hoya, he had been following Hoya all the time in order not to miss the opportunity by covering his appearance and presence.

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