Chapter 148

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 7 Episode 1

1. Reunion (2)


Kwon Hyun-woo couldn’t believe what was being reflected in his eyes now.

He looked very much like himself, but a young man younger than him, and seeing him, his childhood memories that had been fading in his mind little by little became clearer.

I wondered if it was not that different from the image I had in my memory decades ago, but it doesn’t matter now.

“Tongue…, tongue, tongue, brother…?”

As Kwon Hyeon-woo spit out the thought that had sprouted in his head, Kun Seonu nodded his head slightly.

Jo Jo-yeon, who was watching the situation with Kwon Hyeon-woo, was barely supporting his body as he was about to sit down because his legs were weak.

There was also the possibility that the man in front of him was not real.

It could be that Hoya was trying to deceive them.

But instinct had been telling me that the man in front of me was the one I had broken up with in the past.

At that time, the conservator looked at Jo Yeon and quietly opened his mouth.

“When I was seven years old, there was a case where I had broken a jar that the court lady broke, and I hid the truth, and then General Cho found out. Fortunately, General Cho did not tell Abamama about it.”

Then I saw Kwon Hyun-woo.

“My brother, whom I have been a vassal of since I was young, broke my pants when I was four years old and cried profusely.”

“My, when will I…!”

Kwon Hyun-woo denied it with a loud voice, but it was a childhood memory that Kwon Hyun-woo clearly remembers.

It was something only he and his second older brother, who helped clean up with a smile without saying a word, knew.

The man in front of me was the real thing.

The small boundary between Kwon Hyun-woo and Jo Jo-yeon has completely disappeared because of the memories that only each other knew by Conservo.

Hoya felt this and quietly left the room so that the three of them could have a conversation, and leaned his back against the door.

Then, a system message notifying Hoya of the completion of the quest was generated.

[You have cleared the quest ‘Reunion with the nostalgic past’.][Experience increases.][Kwon Hyun-woo’s favorability increases significantly.][Kwon Hyeon-woo’s liking reaches a certain level, and the stat ‘Affinity’ increases by 1.][Jo-yeon’s favorability is greatly increased.][Jo-yeon’s favorability reaches a certain level, and the stat ‘Affinity’ increases by 1.][Concenu’s favorability is greatly increased.][The proficiency of the skill ‘Beginner Consonupa Martial Arts’ increases by 5%.]

* * *

After that, Consannu did not return to the West Continent to return to Hoya, but stayed in the East Continent to help Hoya in his work.

There was no big difference between what Consanu was doing in the western continent and Hoya’s quests in terms of helping people, so Consonu was doing it without any problems.

“There, Mr. Adventurer! If your hands are empty, help me carry this!”

“Oh, yes! Conservation, then I’ll go.”

“Yeah, I don’t care.”

Hoya, who was having a conversation with Consonu, rushed to the place at the call of the residents of the Dew Village.

Sammy had been lying on top of Consannu’s head the whole time, whether he liked it.

Although I have a contract with Hoya, I can’t help it because I’m still young.

A familiar figure entered Hoya’s eyes as he borrowed Badu and Miho’s hands to help the village.

Hoya found the person and immediately approached him and talked to him.

“Hello, Grandpa. Do you remember me?”

“Yeah, I remember. Did the clothes help you?”


It was the grandfather who previously gave clothes to Hoya and the Royal Knights.

At Hoya’s words, Grandpa smirked as he ran his hand through his beard, which had grown so abundantly that it covered the corners of his mouth.

“Chuckle, that’s a good thing.”

“At that time, I was really grateful. Come to think of it, I didn’t hear your name at the time, could you please tell me your name now?”

“No. One. Just call me Grandfather One. Because everyone in the village calls me that way.”

“Then I’ll call you Grandpa. Once again, I was really grateful for that time.”

When Hoya showed thanks again, Il Kwon waved his hand.

“It’s not something to be thankful for that much. Oh, no. It’s also something to be grateful for, cancer. So, in return, please help me.”

“Yes Yes.”

Hoya followed him with a curious look at Il Kwon’s attitude that had just changed, and a field the size of a village had been cultivated at the place where he followed him.

Arriving in the field, Il-gwon disappeared somewhere, and came with several wooden barrels and handed one to Hoya.

“If you walk through that forest for about 5 minutes, there is a shallow river. Would you like to bring water from there?”

“You mean water?”

“Yeah, water. It takes quite a lot of water to water the fields, so you’ll have to go back and forth a little bit. Originally, the young people in the village carried them, but now they’re busy with other things.”

“If that’s the case, of course we should help.”

It would have been a little easier if the barrel could be put into the inventory, but after a quick check, the barrel didn’t go into the inventory as expected.

Still, it won’t take as long as you think if Miho and himself take the wooden barrel, one in each hand and one in Badu’s mouth.

As Hoya was about to move with that thought in mind, Miho let out a low laugh as he put the wooden barrel he had received from Hoya on the floor.

“Huh huh huh huh …, I don’t need these things. I can finally give you a help that can be called help.


“If you look, you will know.”

Miho, who declared so proudly, clenched her right hand and spread it out, and something like gray cotton candy appeared on her hand, and when Miho lightly tossed it into the sky, her gray cotton candy disappeared from the sky.

And immediately after that, even though the sky was clear without a single cloud, water drops fell one by one on her head, and it soon became a heavy rain that covered the entire village of dew.

At that sight, Miho put her hands on her waist and proudly opened her chest.

“Huhuhuhu, hoya, how is my strength. With this, I got the job done at once!”



When Hoya didn’t respond, Miho turned her back and looked at Hoya.

Then I saw Hoya scratching her cheeks with a wet smile all over her body, and Badu, who made her body small and swiftly escaped the rain between Hoya’s legs.

Il-gwon was squeezing water for his beard next to him, and behind the three of them, people could be seen running around in fear that the materials used to repair the village would get wet and useless.

“What rain all of a sudden!”

“Not a single cloud up, damn it!”

“Residents! I’ll collect them here!”

“Bring the tent to keep it covered! Move quickly!”

Seeing this, Miho’s face, who was confident, was dyed with embarrassment.

“Uh… that…, so… I’m sorry, I was short on thoughts.”

“Ahahaha, well, I can’t help what I’ve already done, can’t you stop this? I think I gave the field all the water.”

“…I’ll get off in the next 10 minutes.”

As Miho said, the rain that fell from the clear sky disappeared after 10 minutes.

However, due to the 10 minutes of rain, the ground became muddy and it was impossible to proceed with the work, and today’s work was over.

When Miho heard of this, she secretly shed her guilt, and her one ticket took off her wet top and soothed her.

“Don’t worry about it that much. Life’s going to be busy for a while anyway, so you can just think of it as taking a day off today, I guess.”

Il-kwon said this while squeezing the moisture out of his clothes, but Miho’s expression was still unclear.

Then, in Hoya’s eyes, an old scar engraved on the chest with a large diagonal line caught my eye.

“Grandpa, how did you do that wound?”

“Huh? Ah, you mean this? Ummm……”

In response to Hoya’s question, Il-kwon thoughtfully chose an answer to the question for a long time, then opened his mouth with a bitter look in his eyes.

“It is a turning point in my life and a trace of a shameful past.”

Il-gwon, who answered Hoya that way, thought of the past in his mind after a long time.The scars engraved on his chest were traces of the person who changed his life decades ago.

On his way back to the capital, while he was camping, he had to be attacked by the enemy when he went into the woods to get some wind while avoiding the gaze of the escorts to relieve his frustration.

The vampire who had been wiggling sharp claws with its red eyes shining brightly. Immediately after being seriously wounded by that guy, he felt as if blood was draining from his body, and passed by his forehead with an intuition of death.

However, the place where Il-gwon, who had closed his eyes in the cold, opened his eyes again was not in the underworld, but in an unknown private house.

The medical facilities in the village where he woke up were very poor, so it took quite a while for the wounds he had suffered from the vampires to fully heal and move.

Il-gwon, who had healed his wounds, had moved to the capital to inform those who might be worried about his sudden disappearance or who might think he was dead.

He had no horses, wagons, or horses, so he only moved on foot, so there was never a moment when his legs didn’t hurt, but he was finally able to reach the capital, where there were people to worry about.

And he witnessed an unbelievable sight.

His own place, where he should have been, was occupied by a man who looked exactly like him.

It was then that he remembered what the vampire had said to him just before he closed her eyes due to the severe wounds.

-Your life, from now on, I will live well. So go ahead

And he could intuitively know that the man in his seat was the vampire with the same face as himself.

As soon as he saw him, the fear of those days was revived, and his body trembled.

The revived fear forced him to take a step back.

At that time, the vampire might have claimed and proved that it was a fake and could have regained his place.

But he can’t guarantee that what happened once will never happen twice.

The thought that the same thing might happen again if he regained his place, and the fear he experienced for the first time, came closer to him than the reality.

So he turned his steps and continued his life, wandering from town to town.

It was a life that was so different from the way of life I had before, so it was difficult at first because I couldn’t adapt to it, but as time passed, I gradually got used to it.

At that time, ugly rumors about the second began to circulate.

But he pretended not to know it.

After wandering around, he eventually settled in Dewseul Village.

Then the news that his father had passed away reached Dewseul Village.

But even then he did not return to the capital.

Since then, many stories have been heard and many things have changed, but he overlooked them and hoped for his own comfort.

In his own position, he had fled from his own position.

‘Unlike me, who ran away, Hyeonu, you faced reality and changed the country.’

He was immersed in his thoughts as he looked at the back of his hands, which were small and wrinkled for his age due to the suffering he had suffered.

He lived as a people himself and knew and felt the lives of the people, but did not even try to change them, he was ashamed of himself.

But he didn’t want to come back now, just because he did.

Because he himself was now officially dead.

Woo Il-gwon, a resident of Dewseulchon, was his place now.

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