Chapter 150

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 7 Episode 3

3. Loyalty!(1)


“Oh! Try turning the phone off, really!”

In the office of the head of the user management team at the Neo Wars headquarters, Lee Seok-hoon, his team leader, slammed his desk hard and shouted loudly.

The glass wall of this guy only divides the space, and there is no soundproofing at all, so the phone ringing from the outside without a break was piercing through the inside.

The phone was ringing incessantly, even though it was the phone on his desk.

“Uh-huh…, yes, hello, customer. This is Seok-Hoon Lee from Neo Wars. How can I help you?”

– There it is. Can I participate in the preliminary round if I’m not really a hero? If the conditions for participation are so strict while giving participation rewards, does that mean that 95% of our users are just sucking their fingers? Isn’t this fairness problem?

“Yes, customer. The requirement to participate in the Hero Battle Qualifier is an inevitable requirement for smooth progress. Also, there are separate events for other players who cannot participate in the qualifier. You can receive rewards accordingly, so please refer to the website for details. Until now, I was Seok-Hoon Lee of Neo Wars.”


Lee Seok-hoon, who put the receiver down strongly, scratched his head in the rising irritation and sighed.

“No, why do I have to consult with customers even as the team leader, damn it!”

“That’s because the team leader is the user management team…. The customer service team couldn’t respond, so some phone lines were transferred to our team.

“Ask because who doesn’t know that!”

Seok-Hoon Lee shouted at the words of the employee who entered the team leader’s office with the report, and then shook his head to wake up.

“Haha… I’m sorry for shouting. The content of the inquiry is all the same, and I’m frustrated because I’m going to repeat the answer I gave. How the hell does the customer service team endure this?”

While Seok-Hoon Lee was complaining to the employee, the phone on his desk was ringing.

Ten days have passed since the official announcement of the Hero Wars, but the employees were screaming as inquiries about the Hero Wars still continued.

The customer service team was unable to handle all of the inquiries due to the high volume of inquiries, so customer response manuals and lines were distributed to multiple teams as a bait for bonuses.

The customer, that is, the user management team, which is closely related to the users, received the manual, and the phone was ringing loudly after the line was split.

“Still, it’s lunch time in a little bit. Cheer up.”

“Yeah. You too, don’t sneak around here, turn over the report, go back to your seat and answer the phone.”

“Ahahahaha… did you find out?”

“Yeah, ma’am!”

After returning the employee, Seok-Hoon Lee was able to go to lunch after receiving seven more calls.

And there was a person who smiled at the appearance of the employees, and that person was Taeseong Lee, the president of Neo Wars.

He wanted to see the company’s situation with his own eyes, not by looking at it.However, he knew that employees would be nervous if he walked around himself, so he went down to the security room and secretly checked through the CCTV for security.

The result was very satisfactory, but it was too much satisfaction than expected, so I thought to myself that I should give the hotel a high-quality eel lunch box later in consideration of the health of the employees.

-Father, you look good.

“Huh? Tea?”


Tae-seong Lee, who returned to the chairman’s room with a smile, revealed this to Eve’s voice through the speaker and smiled.

“Yeah, I feel really good right now. The big response to Heroes War means that Initium is getting a lot of response. Besides, I’ll be able to meet him proudly at an official event soon.”

The premise is that the opponent must participate in the Hero Battle, though.

He’s not one to drop out of the qualifiers, so if he just passes the qualifiers, he’ll be able to meet him.

Therefore, Tae-Sung Lee was hoping that he would participate in the Hero Battle.

He thought so and looked at the small picture frame on the other side of the desk.

There was a picture of Lee Tae-sung in the frame, but seeing that she looks much younger than she is now, it looks like a picture taken at least 20 years ago.

In the photo, not only Lee Tae-sung, but another man was also photographed.

The man with Lee Tae-sung shoulder-to-shoulder was holding a laptop with Lee Tae-sung’s early model of Eve floating on it, showing it and smiling brightly.

‘Do you think so too?’

Tae-Sung Lee had no doubts that the man in the picture would want Ho-Young to participate.

* * *

Hero Battle, Initium’s first offline event, attracted the attention of all players, and the story of the Hero Battle, whether online or offline, continued.

What players were paying attention to was which players participated in the qualifiers and which players advanced through the online and offline qualifiers to the finals.

-Are all the heroes going to participate in the qualifiers? It also gives you a participation reward.

– If you don’t participate, you’re an idiot.

-But what if, after applying for the preliminary round, you fall to the rank master? If a hero doesn’t match more than once every two days, it’s immediately deprived of rank. The ends of the heroes must be burning shit.

– Automatic cancellation of participation application. You cannot apply even if you were demoted to Master during the application period and then promoted to Hero again after the application period is over.

– I’m not interested in what happens to the heroes who will be eliminated from the preliminaries anyway. Who do you think will make it to the finals?

– The book will surely go up. Even if you fall to 2nd place in the rankings, your skills don’t go anywhere.

-If that’s the case, then Dovan comes first!

– I vote for Hoya-sama!

The names of famous rankers were all coming out.

However, being famous did not mean that everyone could be listed in the preliminary rounds.

-Hey, some of the people you mentioned are unrated. not a hero

There are a total of seven grades: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, and Hero in Initium’s dungeon.

And, as a joke, people without a rating because they never used Dalian matching were called unranked.

-Still, these are the skills that you can achieve as a hero before the application deadline if you watch the placement test well and win consecutively. I heard that Ae-seo is actually slaughtering Yang-min.

– Most of the rankers who were unranked jumped into the dungeon, so it’s not a joke on the hero cataclysm now. The older sister I know was demoted to Master right away.

-Still, it must be difficult for a support ranker.

And the current unranked rankers started to use the matchmaking system in Dalian, which was not usually used.

Dealing with humans and dealing with monsters was definitely different, but those with a lot of experience in PK or with excellent adaptability were coming up fast, aiming for the position of a hero.

However, there were some unranked rankers whose sighting information did not come out through Dalian matching, and Hoya was one of them.

People showed great interest in Hoya’s participation in the Hero Wars and wanted to know, but he is currently located in the Eastern Continent.

It was not a place where reporters could go just because they were curious.

Also, according to the players who were performing the quest in the East Continent, he was acting separately from the other players, so he could not ask the players in the East Continent.

The only people who could ask him questions were those who could whisper with him by putting their names on Hoya’s friends list.

And Lee Soo-ah, who is the only media official to be friends with Hoya, had to suffer from reporters.

It was leaked that Lee Soo-ah was friends with Hoya, and a small number of reporters got it.

“No, Sua-san. Let’s share a life together. If I go back like this, I’m sure the desk will get it right!”

“Honestly, did you secretly ask me in a whisper? What does Hoya say? Are you participating in the preliminary round? What are your aspirations for the future?”

“I do not know either!”

Those who could not pass through her broadcasting station gate because she did not have her access card were aiming for Lee Soo-ah on her way to work and persistently asking her questions.

Lee Soo-ah was tired of such people.

The amount of hair she lost when she combed her hair in the morning was probably stressful.

“Soo-ah, honestly, do you think it makes sense to not know?”

“Let’s share, really. Sua-san, I didn’t see it that way, but I don’t like it.”

“Oh, I really didn’t ask, so I don’t know! And when we saw it, you say that we didn’t see it that way? Besides, I’m a writer too, a broadcast writer! If you really knew, would you pass on such information?”

“Cine Sua’s pro is a talk show. If you don’t appear, you won’t be able to use it anyway, so I’m asking you to share it.”

“Well, I don’t know!”

Lee Soo-ah evacuated her reporter and used her access card to evacuate into the station.

It hurts my head as to where the hell the story leaked.

‘…But what are you really trying to do?’And on the other hand, Lee Soo-ah herself was raising questions about whether Hoya would participate in the preliminary round.

You can ask them through a whisper, but it would be a big deal if Hoya felt uncomfortable and cut off friendships because of that question.

“Shall we try a little bit of luck?”

When Lee Soo-ah was pondering inside her, she had someone who put her troubles into action.

* * *

[YooA: Hoya, how are you going to play the hero battle? Me and Doban already filmed Heroes and applied for the preliminary round.]

Hoya, who received the infant’s whisper, pondered inwardly as to how she should respond, and then she decided that she would tell her everything without hiding.

She had to tell her first anyway.

[Hoya: I can’t participate.][Infant: Huh? why? Maybe because of the grade? If it’s a grade, can’t it be raised quickly?][Hoya: No, that’s not it……]

When Hoya explained the reason behind the negative words, the whispers of the infant were interrupted for a moment.

It was something that had been decided before, and it was impossible to change it now.

After a while, the whispering voice of the infant again showed a look of embarrassment.

[Yooa: Uh…, that… Have a good trip.]

* * *

A few days later, in Nonsan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, there, Ye-sook Lee was holding Ho-young tightly and weeping.

She said, “Ugh, how I raised you!”

“Ah, Mom. Everyone around us looks at us once in a while…”

Her Ho-young, who could not shake her off with her strength, as she was not ignorant of her heart, patted her on the back so that her Lee Ye-sook could calm down.


Then, suddenly, a strong wind blew off the hat Hoyoung was wearing, revealing his short-cut hair.

In place of Ho-Young, who could not go to pick up the hat, Baek Jae-Gun came and put the hat on Ho-Young’s head again.

“Ye-sook, you have to slowly move your mind. It’s not that you don’t understand your heart, but it’s a place you have to go to at least once unless you’re exempt.”

“But… your son could have gone for the public interest…”

At Lee Ye-sook’s words, Ho-young scratched his cheek shyly.

The three of them are now located in Nonsan, Chungcheongnam-do, and behind Hoyeong, there is an entrance with the words ‘Cradle of Patriotism’ written on it.

Where they are now is in front of the Nonsan Army Training Center.

Hoyoung enlists at the training center today.

“I’ll go back in good health, okay?”

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