Chapter 151

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 7 Episode 4

4. Loyalty!(2)

Hoya’s name was not on the list of participants for the Hero Battle Qualifier, which was finally officially announced.

It was a somewhat expected situation because there was no information on sightings in Dalian Matching until the day before the application deadline, but interest in Hoya was greatly ignited as the fact approached.

-Youa and Doban also participated, so why didn’t Hoya participate?

– Did the three of you fight?

-Actually, you can’t participate because you’re doing a very important quest.

-I heard that Doban and the bookworm are not participating in the Hero Battle to aim for the top spot while they are losing their minds.

– Yeah, neither of you.

– Say all of the above. no one believes

– You just don’t want to participate in the Hero Wars. Why are you writing novels like this?

-Ha…, I waited so much for Hoya oppa to participate… If I only passed the online preliminaries, I would have been able to receive Hoya oppa’s real thing in the offline preliminaries ㅠㅠ!

Rankers who had jobs in the auxiliary or crafting series that were not combat-related jobs did not participate.

However, Hoya was definitely a combat-type job.

And because only participating in the preliminary rounds was rewarded, almost all of the rankers of combat-related occupations had completed their application for the hero.

For this reason, there were many questions and rumors about Hoya’s absence, but none of them had an answer.

As time passed, the heroic battle proceeded safely, and since it was already over, the story about Hoya ignited once again when the story about Hoya’s absence had subsided.

-Dude, Hoya-nim, I haven’t even leveled up 1 in months, do you know what happened?

– There’s no mention of having even seen Hoya’s hair in the last few months.

– Isn’t it folded?

-How much money do rankers make, but will the top ranks quit the game? Think about it and tell me.

– If you think you’ve earned all the money, you might be able to close it. If that’s the case, it’s a bit disappointing, really.

– Maybe something big happened? Hoya, you shouldn’t get hurt.

-Aren’t you dead? Hahahahahahahahahaha

– Oh, don’t say anything strange; Hoya-nim’s pet is showing up occasionally, so it’s not folded;

Hoya’s ranking, which continued to rise, stopped at 3rd place and did not rise even a single level in these months.

As a result, the rankings were being pushed back by the rankers who were rising through level up.

Hoya had never seen a drop in the rankings so far, so there was a lot of talk about him, but he didn’t show any reaction.

Hoyoung, who was in the military, also knew about himself through the Sa province and the new recruits, but he did not want to refute it, so he kept the situation still.

Even when Ho-young left the unit on vacation, he spent most of his vacation with his family, and even when accessing the game, he mainly spent time in Ordo, so it was natural that there was no sighting information.

And the only people on his friends list knew he was on vacation when he was on vacation, and they knew he was in the military except for one, but they didn’t bother talking about it.

The only person who didn’t know that he was in the military, Lee Soo-ah was curious and went crazy.

* * *”Sergeant Sun, you’ve worked hard until now. When I’m discharged, society will buy you a drink or something.”

“Yeah, Jeongsu, you too, enjoy the rest of your military life.”

“How do you spend your military life well, you just spend it.”

After being discharged after 21 months, Ho-young left his unit with a light footstep.

While he was in the army, he experienced first-hand things that he had only heard of with words, but with the exception of one or two people, most of the people in the unit had no particular corners, so he was able to finish his military service safely.

When he completely left his unit, Baek Ho-min greeted Ho-young with a big wave of his arm.

“Brother! Congratulations on your discharge!”

“Yes, thank you. But thank you for coming to meet me. Is it okay for college students to come here at this time?”

“Today is a public lecture. And since both my uncle and my little mother can’t come, I have to come too.”

Lee Ye-sook and Baek Jae-geon, who had promised to meet Ho-young on the day he was discharged from the military, were suddenly busy with work and both could not pay their monthly rent, so they could not come.

So Baek Ho-min, who had no class, came to meet Ho-young on their behalf.

Baek Ho-min checked the time on his smartphone and opened his mouth.

“If we go up quickly, I think we can eat lunch in Seoul. Let’s go back soon.”


At Ho-Min Baek’s words, Ho-Young tried to walk towards the station to get on the subway.

But Ho-young’s steps were stopped by Baek Ho-min.

“Oh, bro. It’s not that way.”

“Huh? The subway station is this way, isn’t it?”

“Did you bring that car?”

Ho-young trembled at Baek Ho-min’s words.

It reminded me of the dizzying experiences I had while riding in Baek Ho-min’s car on my previous vacation.


“Yes, really.”

“…can’t we just take the subway?”

“I know what you’re worried about. But I’m no longer a beginner driver! I haven’t had an accident in over a month!”

As Baekho-min proudly stretched out his chest, Ho-young thought deeply inside.

He didn’t want to ride even for himself, but he couldn’t ignore his sincerity.

“…Yeah, let’s go get a car.”

Fortunately, Ho-young was able to safely make it to Seoul.

* * *


“Wow! Wait…!”

Hoyoung, who spent the first day of his service with his family, accessed Initium only the next day.

Then Badu, who had been waiting for Hoya in Ordo, wagged his tail and ran, knocked Hoya down and licked his face.

Since we were always together every day and only saw each other once every few months for almost two years, his attachment to Hoya grew stronger.

In the meantime, there were many fun things with Miho and Sammy, but Hoya, the owner, was the best.

“Sleep… Baduya, I’m not going anywhere, so calm down.”

“Heh, heh.”

“Hehehehe, it’s because Madu misses you too. It looks good too, so please stay like that for a while.”

“Myeo! Mwa!”

And seeing that, Miho smiled.

She didn’t seem to want to dry Badu.

In the end, it took about 10 minutes for Badu to calm down.

In those 10 minutes, whispers congratulating Hoya on his discharge were pouring in.

“…is it all over now?”


Sitting on top of Hoya’s head, Badu tapped Hoya’s head with his front paw as if satisfied.

After stroking Badu once, Hoya got up and took out a thin book from her inventory and opened it.

It was a guide book with explanations of the level-up route, hunting grounds, and dungeon locations that Hoyaman could run, which he made in advance for this day with the help of Chibin during his last vacation.

Miho saw that and opened his mouth.

“Are you going to move right away?”

“That’s right, because there is a goal.”

His goal was to reach the top of the rankings and rank Heroes of the Battlefield before the qualifiers for the 3rd Heroes War, which will be held three months later.

The level of those listed in the current ranking is 300, and the level of the bookkeeper who reclaimed the top spot while Hoya was in the military was 381.

The highest level of monsters players have discovered in the last 21 months is Darkness of the East Continent at level 363.

Because of that, most of the current top rankers flocked to the East Continent to find dark or the next strongest monster, or to find a monster with a higher level than the dark.

Those who do not are exploring the Western Continent and looking for monsters.

The level up of the current rankers was very slow because the level of monsters was low compared to the level of the rankers, and a large number of rankers were flocking to catch a limited number of monsters compared to the number of monsters.

Therefore, the ranking has been reversed due to the slight difference in experience, and if one level is raised, the ranking increase is large.

It is by no means impossible to fill the 21-month gap if Hoya follows the guidebook created with Chibin’s help and moves without rest with the help of Badu and Miho.

Of course, equipment that had become outdated in the process also had to be adjusted.

It was possible to obtain the materials recommended by Dantals by moving along the route of Chibin, so there was no worry.

“Let’s go straight to the Demon Realm. I’ll take care of you.”

“Only trust me.”


“Myeo, Myam!”

* * *

Hoyoung’s goal of achieving No. 1 in the rankings was due to the alcohol he drank with Baek Jae-gun during his second regular vacation.Baek Jae-geon, who heard Ho-young saying that he had never drank alcohol as an adult, took Ho-young to a bar, telling Ho-young that the first drink should be eaten with the adults in the household so that there is no strange drinking habit.

The bar that Baek Jae-geon took Ho-young to was a place visited by many celebrities, so they were all separated into private rooms.

As soon as he arrived at the bar, Jae-Gun Baek ordered beer and snacks, and Ho-Young, who drank beer for the first time, got drunk after only two drinks.

“Ugh, black.”


Hoyoung’s drinking habits were tears.

When Ho-young got drunk, he held his glass tightly with both hands and shed tears like chicken poop.

“Ugh… Dad, I think I’m going crazy because I’m so angry and resentful these days.”


Ho-young, who was drunk, confided his feelings to Baek Jae-geon in drunkenness.

During the Hero Wars, it was Eriman and Lee Dae-hyun who won the national individual qualifiers and took the place of the Korean national team in the individual competition twice.

Although he did not win in the finals both times, he was able to advance to the semi-finals and finals, making him the best player in Korea and a player recognized in the world at the same time.

The Korean players were enthusiastic about him, who had a high score compared to the representatives of the team competition, who were very fussy, and they were honored with great interest and affection, believing that he would win the championship next time.

Hoyoung did not like the fact that he, the perpetrator, enjoyed popularity in that way.

Because Lee Dae-hyun wasn’t the kind of person to be respected like that.

“It’s fine now, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen in the past… I mean, he should be punished. He has to pay the price……”

Ho-Young threw off a lot of traces of his past, but that didn’t mean that the lumpy feelings in his heart were gone.

I want to get revenge on Lee Dae-hyun.

The thought of letting him pay the price was still deep in his heart.

It came out of drunkenness.


Baek Jae-gun was deeply concerned about Ho-young’s confession.

In the case of school violence, the statute of limitations is not set, but if there is no solid evidence, the perpetrator may be evaded, and the perpetrator may report the victim innocently.

However, there was solid evidence in the hands of Baek Jae-gun.

However, there is a problem that it is illegal evidence.

Even if Baek Jae-geon’s evidence is officially recognized as evidence, it will not be published.

‘Even if you become a knight, there is a high probability that you will be treated like a jerk.’

Currently, people’s perception of Lee Dae-hyun is on the very good side.

Therefore, in order to achieve what Ho-young wanted, it was necessary to gradually open up the scratches by making small scratches on Lee Dae-hyun’s appearance in a way other than reporting.

And there should be no scratches or dirt on Hoyoung in the process.

“…Hoyoung-ah, if there is a way to get revenge even if it hurts your wounds, what would you do?”

“Uhhh… huh?”

To do that, the following preparations and scenarios were necessary.

Achieving the first place in the ranking and achieving the hero rank for participating in the Hero Battle qualifier were only preparations for the real purpose.

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