Chapter 152

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 7 Episode 5

5. Returning Villager (1)

A familiar nickname appeared at the bottom of the Initium ranking.

It was Hoya, a player who had completely lost news about two years ago.

As a result, his existence, which had been swept away from people’s heads, began to return to the center, little by little.

– Guys, guys! Hoya-sama’s nickname was embedded in the rankings, did you see it?

-what? really?

– And how much is this? He is truly a memorable person.

– Did you fold it and come back again? come now?

– You ran out of money and came back to earn money, didn’t you? LOL

– Don’t say speculative words. it’s bad to see

-Oppaaaaaaaah!! How long have I waited for you oppa ㅠㅠ!! What have you been doing for two years?

At first, it was just a response of pleasure that a person from the past came back after a long time.

Because of his name, who appeared again after a long time, he was immersed in the memories of the past, and there was nothing more or less than that.

Because two years in the game is that long.

Hoya did not have the same status as before.

Hoya was no longer a figure standing in the sky of the world called Initium.

That is why there were some who mocked him when he came back.

However, that reaction changed less than a week after Hoya returned to the rankings.

The reason was that his level up was abnormally fast.

-crazy;; Hoya, why are you leveling up so fast?

– Yesterday, you raised 3 levels. I’m bored, really.

-Where the hell are you hunting? I’ve never seen people hunting in the eastern continent.

– Seriously, where are you hunting?

– It seems to be taking over by discovering a new hunting ground.

-Even if you read it yourself, is it common sense to be able to do this?

– At this speed, wouldn’t it be possible to regain the original position?

-Breaking News, Rankers can’t help but be astonished at Hoya’s level up.

Leveling up at level 300 is by no means easy.

The amount of experience required to level up is enormous.However, level 300 monsters do not give such a huge amount of experience.

In addition to that, the monster concentration of players was taking place, so the number of monsters compared to the player was too small, making leveling up more and more difficult.

Those were the reasons why no one reached the 400 level in the 21 months Hoya left the game.

However, Hoya was rapidly raising the level as if all the causes did not apply to him.

At this speed, it would not be unreasonable to regain the original position.

Maybe he can get to number one.

Thinking like that, people couldn’t get a single question out of their minds.

It was a question of where he was currently hunting.

Numerous players are hunting in the hunting ground where monsters of his appropriate level inhabit.

But not a single one of them said they had seen Hoya.

However, it does not mean that there are no places to hunt while avoiding the eyes of people.

If it was a dungeon that could be entered by one person, it was possible to hunt without being noticed by the players.

However, the number was limited, and even if you go through all the dungeons that can be entered by one person, the level-up speed will never come out as it is now.

The level-up speed he sees now is a speed that barely makes it possible to catch monsters that are judged to be at an appropriate level above his level at a very high speed and not share his experience with anyone. it was

Of course, it was only an expectation because no one had such a trip at level 300 until now.

So people wondered where Hoya was hunting, but no one could know the answer.

* * *

“Byeo! Mwa! Mwa! Mwauuuuuu!”

Dozens of monsters chasing Sammy could be seen behind Sammy, who was running at high speed towards Hoya from the wasteland at the bottom of the cliff, located 30 minutes on foot from Greyno, the capital of the demon realm.


“Yeah, well done.”

Sammy, who had driven the monsters with all his power, hid into Hoya’s arms, and Hoya stroked Sammy once and then used his skill towards the monsters that were still running.



As Hoya slammed his foot hard, the ground cracked around Hoya and the earth shook.

Due to the effect, the monsters that were chasing Sammy lost their center and floated in the air or were eaten into the ground.

Hoya swung his sword surrounded by swords at those monsters and attacked the red dot that he saw due to his weakness.

Without a single exception, all the monsters Sammy had driven disappeared after a while due to the continuous critical strikes.

And just in time, Badu followed immediately after and drove dozens of monsters back.

After all the monsters brought by Badu were hunted down, Miho followed and drove the monsters in front of Hoya.

In order to maximize the amount of experience going to Hoya, Sammy, Badu, and Miho were moving while avoiding touching the monster as much as possible.

So many hours of hunting without a single break.

[Level has risen.]

“Sup, whoo…”

After seeing the system message announcing the level up and no more monsters around, Hoya stopped his movement and caught his breath.

It has already been a month since Hoya entered the Demon Realm and started hunting again.

In the meantime, the forced march continued, but looking at the experience and level rising without blockage, I did not feel much fatigue.

Thanks to the title of the demon pioneer, the added experience was quite large.

In terms of the amount of additional experience, the Eastern Continent will give you much more experience.

However, as the existence of underground tunnels has been known for the past two years in the Eastern Continent, many players have already been there.

Because there were so few monsters that could be caught, the additional experience was low, but it was faster to level up faster than hunting in the Demon Realm where monsters could be monopolized because there were no players.

Taking a deep breath, Hoya checked the quest received from the demons of Greyno, confirmed that he had fulfilled all the conditions of the quest, handed over the quest item, and headed to Greyno to receive the reward.

Greyno is located a 50-minute walk from the current Hoya, but if you rent a back from Miho or Badu, you can reach Greyno in 5 minutes or 10 minutes at the latest.

Arriving in Greyno, Hoya greeted the demons who had already become familiar with each other, went to the place where the person who gave him the quest is, and handed the quest item to him.

[You have cleared the quest ‘Troubleful Lycan’.][Experience increases.][Yuba’s favorability increases slightly.][Obtain the item ‘Phantom Trace’.]

‘Finally, this is the last.’

I was finally able to collect all the materials for making the armor.

Now, after entrusting the materials collected so far to Dantals, you can put out an urgent fire right now by simply obtaining the materials necessary to improve the blade of the raging cold, the weapon you are currently using.

Hoya thought so and gave Yuba a smile and thanked him.

Then Yuba waved her hand.

“I am even more grateful. Because of the Lycans, how much trouble I suffered. You took care of them and brought them leather like this. To me, this is more valuable than what you gave to Mr.

After greeting Hoya, Yuba went straight into the workshop with the skins of the Lycans he had handed over.

After she entered, Hoya, who had just finished all her work in Greyno, was about to return to Ordo using Return to Village to hand over the ingredients to Dantals.

“Hoya brother!”

As Hoya turned to the voice from afar, he saw Mayglyn running towards him.

After a long time, Hoya lowered her posture and opened her arms so that Mayglyn could be embraced in her arms as before.


However, Mayglyn, who was running, turned to Miho and Sammy behind him, not Hoya’s arms.

Grasping Miho’s neck, who was the size of a large dog, May Glynn lit up her eyes.

“Miho! Long time no see! Oh, it’s been a while, Hoya oppa.””……”

“Hoya brother?”

Hoya couldn’t answer Mayglyn’s question right away because the damage from the previous incident was so great.

He felt the gazes around him looking at him.

Inwardly, Hoya wished with all his sincerity that I hope that everyone would not laugh and just ignore it.

“Brother? Why are you doing this?”

“Huh? Uh-huh… it’s nothing.”

Hoya got up from the floor where he had floundered, brushing his hands and knees, and looked at May Glynne as if nothing had happened.

She maintained her appearance not much different, except that May Glynn had grown a little bit taller than her two years ago.

she was still cute

While Hoya was in the army, Miho, Sammy, and Badu had visited Greyno several times with the help of the villagers of Ordo, so they had already become acquainted with Mayglyn.

Although she was a Miho who discriminated against people because of her work in Handong Village, her Mai Glyn’s innocence broke down her walls.

Maybe that’s why Miho didn’t show any outward expression despite Mei’s frustration with her hand.

“Hey, Mei! What if I go without a word! You’ve been looking for a long time.”

Then Ivern came from afar, calling her May Glynn loudly.

“You ran away in the middle and I had to receive training from your mother by myself. How am I supposed to survive it alone?”

“Hehehe, sorry. Let’s run away together next time!”

“…I don’t mean that. Come on, let’s go back soon.”

Hoya blinked as he looked at Ivern.

Perhaps in these two years she had grown rapidly, Ivern was about two heads taller than her May Glynne.

There was a glimpse of her affection in Ivern’s eyes as he looked down at her May Glynne.

“I’m sorry, hyung. I haven’t seen you in a long time. Mei in the middle of the class. When your mother is angry, she’s a little scared. We’ll see Baro.”


“See you later!”

After saluting Hoya, Ivern grabbed her May Glyn’s hand and passed her demons and disappeared.

A happy smile hung on Hoya’s face as he waved his hand toward the back of the two.

As Ivern was holding her May Glyn’s hand, so did May Glynne holding her Ivern’s hand.

There was a strong feeling that something was running between Mayglyn and Ivern.

When the two were completely out of sight, Hoya used Return to Village to return to Ordo.

When he returned to the Demon Realm again, he had to return using the hearthstone set in the hunting ground.

When Hoya was thinking that way, the community was constantly talking about Hoya.

The story was going in a slightly worse direction, but Hoya, who had his whispers set invisible to focus on hunting, was unaware of it.

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