Chapter 161

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 7 Episode 14

14. Where is it beneficial to stick (1)

Doban and Yooa, who do not speak Korean, could not understand what Hoyoung and Kim Heeban were talking about.

However, due to Ho-young’s reaction, it was only known that the relationship between the two was not very good.

Because Hoyoung had a cold expression on her face that she had never shown to them before.

“Oh, no… What do you mean I abandoned you?”

“…if the words you said now were truly spit out, I must have misunderstood the person you are from the beginning.”

Kim Hee-ban was the first to see Ho-young’s cold expression.

Ho-young in his memory always had a smiling face, and it was the same on the stage we saw today.

Kim Hee-ban thought so, and tried to tell Ho-young what to say.

But then, Doban intervened between them and made himself like a wall, hiding Hoyoung behind him.

If this situation continued even a little longer, it was because Hoyoung was clenching his fists as if he was about to explode something.

“Go now.”


“I told you to go. We go too.”

Having said that, Doban grabbed Hoyoung’s wrist and left his hall, and Yooa followed him.

Kim Hee-ban had no choice but to watch the three of them leave the hall in disbelief.

“Ah, wait…! Aww! What should I do!”

As the three of them disappeared completely, Kim Hee-ban scratched her head vigorously.

It was an action out of frustration.

‘I’ve already shouted it out!’

As soon as he found out that Hoya was Hoyoung, he called the editor-in-chief Jung Moon-seok directly.

And he revealed that Hoya’s identity was his classmate.

Although he dropped out in the middle, it was Kim’s idea that his classmates were classmates.

At Kim Hee-ban’s words, Jung Moon-seok was greatly surprised and delighted.

In response to his reaction, Kim Hee-ban also shouted aloud, saying that he would definitely pick something that would become their own exclusive article.

For Kim Hee-ban, Ho-young was a great opportunity.

But that opportunity was far gone.

It was no longer an opportunity, but a task to hold onto his ankles.

Kim Hee-ban regretted internally that he yelled at the editor for nothing.

‘I have to make something that will be an exclusive article somehow!’

If he doesn’t, he loses the trust he had barely built up in an instant.

Should I run to Ho-young right now?

I had that thought, but looking at his reaction and Doban’s reaction, it seemed that it would be difficult to even approach him now.’If I had known it was going to be like this, I wouldn’t have avoided it then.’

If you come now and regret it, it’s already too late.

As soon as he accepted that fact, Kim Hee-ban’s head began to roll in the wrong direction.

‘Would you rather make this a knight?’

The personality of a man named Hoya, Ignoring an old friend because he became famous.

If you make the same title, it will attract people’s attention very strongly.

I’m not even writing a fake article at all.

When he made that decision, just in time, a call rang on his smartphone.

When I checked the name on the screen, it was Jung Moon-seok, the editor-in-chief.

Hee-ban Kim answered the call with his eyes closed, as it was a call he did not want to answer now, but it was not a call he did not have to answer.

“Yes, editor-in-chief. Please tell me. …Yes?”

* * *

Before calling Kim Hee-ban, Jung Moon-seok was sitting in his office, dragging his mouse and staring intently at his monitor.

What he is currently seeing is a post posted on the Initium community.

[I am attending the same school as Hoya-nim, but something is strange.]

I heard that Hoya-nim is a tearful man, and I first learned about it today.

And when I found out that the uniform Hoya-sama was wearing was the uniform of the Youngji High School I attended, I was very upset.

Eriman is also from Youngji High School, and Hoya-nim is also from Youngji High School, isn’t it amazing?

Anyway, let’s keep this story short.

As soon as I found out, I ran to the school library.

Our school has everything from the 1st year graduates’ yearbooks to last year’s graduates’ yearbooks in the library.

As you may have noticed here, I was looking for a yearbook with Hoya’s photo on it.

Celebrity graduation albums are sold at a premium, right?

To be honest, I went there with the intention of stealing and selling.

But that plan ended in failure.

No matter how much I looked through my graduation album, I couldn’t find Hoya’s photo.

I wondered who took it first, but there was no missing year.

So, there was a teacher who had been working for 10 years in the office, so I openly showed Hoya’s picture and asked how old he was.

But the teacher was startled and kept talking.

Isn’t this something strange?

– You’re really bad. Did you try to steal and sell your yearbook because you had nothing to steal?

– I can honestly say that I tried to steal.

– Guys, what we should pay attention to now is not that the guy who wrote the article was trying to steal, but that there is no graduation album with Hoya’s photo on it. Doesn’t this mean that you quit in the middle?

– Hey, why do I only have bad thoughts?

Written by a person claiming to be a student at Youngji High School was spreading rapidly.

And the article also reached Jung Mun-seok.

After checking the reactions of the comments on the post, he released his hand from the mouse, folded his arms, and leaned back on a soft chair, falling into trouble.

‘Yeah, as you’d guessed, I dropped out with tears remaining. And that’s because of the extreme school violence.’

He was also one of the reporters who went out to cover Youngji High School when Tears were previously raised as a topic of interest.

He is now the editor-in-chief, but at the time he was only a junior reporter, so he made that choice because he needed something to write about.

But then he was banned from entering the school gate.

However, he managed to sneak into the campus.

He entered the school, but he couldn’t openly walk around the hallways, so he sneaked around in moderation, looking for people to cry.

And when it was time for lunch, Jeong Mun-seok heard a sound coming from the back of the auditorium and went there to confirm the identity of the sound, and he was able to capture the scene where the tearful man was being assaulted.

He thought that tying Tears and School Violence would boost the number of views.

The perpetrator was the grandson of the famous Nanjin group, so the impact would be enormous.

But he did not submit it to the desk.

No, he didn’t even write an article at all.

Not knowing how, the Nanjin group contacted Jung Moon-seok to buy the video and photos he took with a large sum of money.

He meant take the money and shut up.

Jung Moon-seok’s convictions as a reporter faltered for a moment at the attitude of the Nanjin group, but the money offered by the Nanjin group was too large to refuse.

In the end, Jung Mun-seok handed over the original video and photos to the Nanjin group.

Of course, leaving a copy just in case.

And now the contingency has come.

Tears and school violence are no longer a topic of discussion.

However, if it is tied to Hoya, who is receiving a lot of attention now, it will be a big topic.

Thankfully, it was a golden opportunity as netizens had already warmed up the game.

‘But the risk is greater…’

However, the perpetrator is Lee Dae-hyun, the grandson of the Nanjin Group.

And since he had already received the back money, he could have had a huge backlash if he had published it now.

However, at that time, there were several reporters other than himself who broke into the school and obtained the video and kept their mouths shut after receiving money from the Nanjin group.

And it was very likely that they, like themselves, left copies.

If they take the risk and publish the story first, it will be a huge loss to them.

Jung Mun-seok was having a great conflict between his risks and the gains he could take.

But is the gain big enough to take the risk?

‘It might be better to extort more money by telling the Nanjin group that they have a copy with the current situation.’

As Jeong Mun-seok was thinking such a thought, he received a phone call.

When he saw the name of the person on the screen of his smartphone, he was surprised and very politely answered the other person’s call.

“Yes, yes. How are you, Chairman Han?”

The caller was Han Ji-cheol.

The Hanlim Ilbo, a huge media company, and News Sunday, a small media company, had no choice but to be polite because they had a relationship like heaven and earth.”What are you calling me for…?”

-I don’t want to talk back to your personality, so I’ll start with the main point. Jung Mun-seok has a video of you, Seon Hoyoung……, a tearful man?

“Video, what do you mean…?”

-The video of Ho-young being assaulted by Lee Dae-hyun.


Jeong Mun-seok felt his blood cool.

How the hell do you know?

I had such a question.

‘Wait, it must have been Hoyoung…’

As Jeong Mun-seok was thinking like that, Han Ji-cheol continued.

-Due to your personality, you must be thinking about what kind of action would be more beneficial to you by now. am i wrong?

“…I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

– I guess I’m right.

The sound of Han Ji-cheol’s laughter through the speaker reached Jung Moon-seok’s ears.

-I’ll tell you one thing in particular. Maybe my words will put an end to your troubles.

‘What is this man talking about now?’

Jeong Mun-seok had such a thought, but he waited for Ji-cheol to say it without saying it out loud.

Jeong Mun-seok was certain that something important was going to follow because he didn’t make useless calls with him.

– Do you know Baek Jae-gun well?

“Yeah, I know. You’re the second in a group of people who got married two years ago. We heard that the person who disappeared was suddenly getting married, so we sent a few of our kids there, but all we did was get a picture of a wedding car that was beautifully tinted. Why are you talking about it?”

– The husband’s son is Hoyoung.


-Hoyoung is the grandson of the Baeksang group. And I am also receiving a lot of love from the president.

At Han Ji-cheol’s bombshell remarks, Jung Moon-seok pounded the calculator’s keyboard in his head.

The Hanlim Ilbo and the People’s Group maintained close acquaintances, both publicly and privately, and there was no possibility of falsehood as Han Ji-cheol was not meant to tell such lies.

– This is a story I only tell you. Please choose wisely how you will use this information.

I hung up without hearing Han Ji-cheol and Jung Moon-seok’s answer.

Jung Moon-seok was still tapping the calculator in his head.

If I had to choose who had the higher status between the people group and the Nanjin group, it was of course the people group.

If I had to choose between the Baeksang group and the Nanjin group, which one was more honest, it was naturally the people group this time as well.

If we had to choose where the people group and the Nanjin group should be seen to be advantageous, they were also the people group.

Having reached such a conclusion, Moon-seok Jeong picked up his smartphone and called Hee-ban Kim.

– Yes, editor-in-chief. Please speak.

“Kim Hee-ban, from now on you are the anonymous accuser, class K.”


“I knew that Seon Hoyoung was being bullied at school by Dae-hyun Lee, but I couldn’t stop it because I was afraid, and I was feeling guilty about it.

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