Chapter 162

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 7 Episode 15

15. Where is it beneficial to stick (2)

Even before the preliminaries were over, a big fire broke out on the Internet faster than Ho-Young had expected, but Ho-Young was unaware of the fact yet.

Hoyoung, who was able to cool his head thanks to Doban, was able to finish the first day of the preliminary round without any problems.

After he greeted the audience with 15 other players excluding himself, a phone call rang on Hoyoung’s smartphone as he came down from the stage.

The sender was Baek Jae-gun.


-Hoyoung-ah, where are you now? Aren’t you in the gym yet?

“Yes? Yes, I’m just passing by the players waiting room.”

– Someone is going to pick you up, so wait there. Don’t come out of the gym!

At Baekjae Gun’s words, Hoyoung tilted his head.

“Dad, I don’t need to meet you. You know Dovan and Infant, too, right? We’ve seen each other at the airport. Only the two of us will drive you to the hotel and enter.”

– No, no. you need to meet me now that’s the case

Baek Jae-gun explained to Ho-young that the video showed Ho-young’s wrist scar and the community and Internet articles that were heated by it.

He couldn’t help but be surprised by the words of Ho Young-eun and Baek Jae-gun, who had never imagined that his unconscious actions would be like that.

He was a little vigilant because he was wearing a long sleeved robe.

– Reporters are very camped at every exit now. The reporters will run into other players as well, but you’re probably the main target for Hoyoung.

“Then… How long will I be here?”

– I’ll call you when someone arrives. I’m sorry for your friends, but moving separately will be more convenient for you and them.

After talking enough with Baek Jae-gun, Ho-young hung up the phone and immediately called Do-ban and explained the situation.

-Yeah, I think that would be good.

“I’m really sorry.”

– All right, see you tomorrow.

A few minutes after the phone call with Doban was cut off, Baek Jae-gun called again.

-Hoyoung-ah, when you come out the front door, two ugly-looking hyungs wearing black vests will pave the way. You only have to come to your father’s car by following the directions of the hyungs.

“Yes, got it.”

-When you come out, the reporters will ask you a lot of questions, but don’t give any answers, just smile confidently. Never move. If you show weakness, you will only become good prey.


Ho-young followed Baek Jae-geon’s words and moved to the front door.

* * *

“Reporter, are you really going to come out the front door?”

“Huh? What do you mean, reporter Choi?”

The man called Lee Lee took his eyes off the camera at Choi’s words and looked at him.”Hoya. If it were me, I would go out the back door. It’s more comfortable that way.”

“No, Hoya must come out the front door.”

“How can this reporter be sure of that?”

“It’s just a feeling.”

When reporter Choi made a face that seemed to be absurd, this reporter smirked.

“Well, it’s not just a sense. If you run away through the back door in the current situation, we’ll be bitten by that alone. There will be a lot of speculative articles that portray Hoya weakly because of running away from reporters.”


“If I were Hoya, I wouldn’t want to be like that. Rankers are ultimately a battle for image. If I show a weak side, my rank will remain, but my status will fall. In that case, I’d rather walk out the front door proudly.”

“Is that so?”

The reporter’s words were plausible, but Choi was skeptical.

Still, I was hoping that this reporter’s prediction was correct.

I couldn’t even move to the back door after coming here, and even if I did, I wouldn’t be able to get a good seat like it is now.

Now that I took pictures of almost all the players, it would be perfect if I could take a picture of Hoyoung and save a few words.

“Come out!”

At that time, the camera flashed towards the front door with a single cry, and reporters rushed towards the front door.

“Hoya, it’s your first time participating in the Hero Battle, so please tell us a little bit about your feelings!”

“There are various speculations about Ho-young’s wrist scar on the Internet right now, but what about the truth!”

“Did you drop out of high school! Why?”

Reporters rushed to Ho-young and asked him various questions.

Even celebrities who are accustomed to the situation can’t help but be careful to break through the wall made up of journalists.

If even one reporter falls over while trying to force it through, it becomes a good news story.

It is the wall of journalists that celebrities sometimes make mistakes.

Reporters Choi and Lee also approached Hoyoung and asked questions before the reporters could utter what they wanted.

But the reporters had no choice but to step back immediately.

It was because two men in a black shirt, black pants and a black vest jumped into it as if they were putting Hoyoung between them.

Oddly enough, no one was knocked over or injured as they entered the center.

“I will pass.”

“Please move away.”

As they left the scene with Ho-young, reporters began to murmur about what had just happened.

“What, what? Are you a bodyguard?”

“Wow…, to have a security guard from the start. Where is the rich man originally from?”

“It could have been called Xabi. And it’s not uncommon for players to come out with bodyguards during competitions. Lee Dae-hyun alone had six.”

“Honestly, he’s a little over-the-top.”

Due to the intervention of the bodyguards, the reporters were unable to recover anything except a photo of Ho-young’s dignified expression.

The reporters left their seats because all the players to come out came out, and reporter Choi also started preparing to leave.

Then all of a sudden, this reporter who was looking straight into his camera caught my eye.

“Reporter Lee, what are you doing? If you don’t go back and write an article, you will lose a lot of views.”

“… Reporter Choi, go in first. I’ll go in later.”


Reporter Choi looked at the corner of one of Lee’s lips and noticed that he had saved something different from his own.

“Reporter Lee, if you find something good, can you share it? Are you saying you can’t hand it over to your immediate juniors?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll tell only reporter Choi in particular. Look at this first.”

What reporter Choi showed me was a picture of the black bodyguards who were protecting Hoyoung.

“Why is this? What are you doing here?”

“Can’t you recognize who the bodyguard with the scar on his forehead is?”

“Are you famous?”

“If you’re famous, you’re famous. Because you’re the leader of BS Caps, the security team of the people’s group.”

“Really? But why is Hoya’s bodyguard there? It’s not a company, it’s a team, so outsiders will never guard…, ah.”

Reporter Choi’s reaction raised the corner of his mouth even higher.

“Yeah, hoya, it sounds like Seon Hoyoung is a member of the people group.”

This reporter began to investigate Hoyoung’s back.

* * *

The next day, Ho-young, who returned to the gym for the Hero Battle, scratched the ball at the awkward air current flowing in the players waiting room as soon as he entered.

The awkward airflow was due to the fact that the players saw an article about Hoyoung after the first day’s qualifying round.

They were having more difficulty talking to Ho-young than on the first day.

They were careful because they didn’t know what to say if it wasn’t rude.

‘What, why all of a sudden?’

Among them, there was only one who did not know the cause of the awkward airflow.

It was Lee Dae-hyun.

He didn’t connect to the internet once since the qualifiers started because he hates to see the situation on the internet, which is supposed to be focused on Ho-young.

He decided to check the Internet’s reaction only after he defeated Ho-Young in the final and the qualifiers were over.

Then people’s attention will be focused on you.

So, not knowing the story of Ho-young, he did not know why people react like this as soon as Ho-young comes in.

And he didn’t even want to know.

An awkward air flow continued to flow, but Hoyoung painted a smile on his face as if nothing had happened.

In such a situation, Hoyoung thought that if he was droopy, the awkward atmosphere would last for a long time.

After some time passed, the host staff summoned Ho-young and his round of 16 opponent, Yang Gyu-ri, to the stage.

* * *A huge square located in the middle of the old ruins that are all falling down, Hoya was standing there facing her opponents Yang Gyuri and Subub in the round of 16.

And among them, a countdown number to mark the start of the match was floating.

‘Well then, what do we do?’

After the round of 32, Hoya came down from the stage and met Lee Dae-hyun, and while heading to the audience to find Doban and Yooa, he was briefly caught by a man named the site manager.

The site manager who captured Hoya had asked him one thing.

“I know it’s rude to say this, but can you make the match a little longer?”


Up to now, the average match time for a single match in the preliminary round of the Hero Wars was 7 to 10 minutes, and even with two consecutive wins, it took at least 15 minutes for the result to come out.

However, Hoya won the two matches in a row and won the round of 32 in less than five minutes.

The progress was very disappointing.

“Audiences want to see your match for a long time. So, even in the round of 16, please fill in 4 minutes or 3 minutes per match. It’s not a compulsion, it’s a request.

It’s not that I don’t understand what the site manager is saying.

However, in that case, he had already shown strength in the round of 32, so if he showed a weaker figure in the round of 16, there was a fear that Hoya would give the impression that he was playing with the opponent.

‘Let’s just go as usual.’

Hoya predicted that the reason the site manager had asked for such a thing was because there wasn’t much to see.

Then he wouldn’t be dissatisfied if he offered something better to watch than a protracted match.

2, 1, Fight!

Although the exact job name of Subub is not known, it is a well-known fact that he is a wizard who fights close-range combat, but the wizard is a wizard.

She backed away as soon as the match started, as she needed to cast her spell ahead of time before she could cling close to her opponent.

And as soon as she backed off, Hoya used her skills.

“The sword.”

There was a blue light in his sword.


Before long, the blue light that dwelled in the sword shattered like glass, creating more than 100 petals of light around Hoya.

It was the moment when I first opened the film to the public.

“Wow…, pretty…”

Those who watched the scene through the electric billboard shed tears at the beautiful sight.

The petals scattering blue light softly swam in the air, as if small spirits were flying in the sky.

And Subub was also captivated by the sight.


She chose her magic job because she wanted splendid skills.

The figure she wanted appeared in front of her, so it was natural for her to be mesmerized for a moment.


After Hoya declared that, Subub, who came to his senses just then, used defensive magic.

But it was faster for her petals of light to wrap around her than for her magic to be used, and as her petals of light formed a small circle, she did not remain in her disappearance.

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