Chapter 163

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 7 Episode 16

16. It takes a long time to build, a moment to collapse (1)

In the second semi-final, which started after the winner of the first match in the semi-final of the offline qualifier was confirmed as Hoya, the players competing were Eriman and Scotch.

Scotch wasn’t a very high-profile player, but there were strong opinions that he could be a nemesis for Eriman.

Scotch is a player who has driven the stats almost to agility and raised the speed to the maximum by aligning the special effects of items with those related to speed.

Therefore, he was expected to be able to target the gaps of Eriman, who wields a large sword.

As if reciprocating people’s expectations, Scotch succeeded in driving Eriman beyond expectations.

However, due to his increased agility, his stamina was low, so each and every attack of Eriman came in big and he was quickly pushed into a corner, and in the end he was defeated with 1 win and 2 losses.

“Good job, Scotch! Great!”

“Junseok!! If you turn on streaming, hyung will shoot you gold coolly!”

“Brother! It was really cool!”

First, after logging out, people’s encouragement and cheers poured out to Scotch and Byung Jun-seok, who opened the cap of the capsule.

At the sound of cheers directed only at himself, emotions surged in his chest.


“Brother! Don’t cry!”

“Don’t cry! Don’t cry!”

As he shed tears from his rising emotions, ‘Don’t cry’ continued to chant to appease him.

However, when he heard the voice not to cry, more tears came out, and his tears did not stop flowing as the song continued.

Then, suddenly, the chant suddenly stopped and stopped.

In an incomprehensible murmur mixed with various words, Byung Jun-seok lowered his hand to wipe his tears and looked around to see Dae-hyun Lee who had just come out of the capsule.

‘Why are you doing that…?’

When I turned my gaze back to the audience seat, I saw several people whispering while squinting at Lee Dae-hyun.

No, that was the case with the entire audience who could see their faces from the front.

And there was no favor in their gaze.

Byung Jun-seok couldn’t figure out why the audience reacted like that, and so was Lee Dae-hyun.

‘what? Why are you all here?’

Daehyun Lee couldn’t figure out why the situation was like this, so he smiled and tilted his head.


“Yes! I enjoyed the match!”


At that moment, someone in the audience tried to scream, and Mina stopped it with a louder voice.

The sound was so loud that it mixed with Mina’s voice and a mechanical sound came out of the speaker.

“The players who make it to the finals are Eriman and Lee Dae-hyun! You both did a great job, please come downstairs. Lee Dae-hyun too. The staff will pick you up later.”

“Uh, wait…”

“Yes, yes. Please leave as soon as possible in order to proceed quickly!”

Lee Dae-hyun, who came down from the stage with his back pushed by Mina, turned around with slightly irritated eyes and looked up at the stage, and Mina’s commercial smile caught her eye.

‘Are you sent down without an interview with the winner? You’re protecting that woman’s script, right?’

He wanted to say something, but he couldn’t because he had an image of himself, so Lee Dae-hyun went back to the player waiting room.




As Lee Dae-hyun opened the door and reflected his face in the players waiting room, the conversations of the players leaking out of the door were cut off.

And everyone in the waiting room was looking at Lee Dae-hyun with hostile eyes.

‘Why are you here again?’

As Lee Dae-hyun was thinking such a thought, the host staff rushed to him and dragged him out of the waiting room.

“Where are you going now?”

“Lee Dae-hyun’s waiting room for the players is prepared separately. Isolation… Oh, no, it is the consideration of the host for the final.”

Lee Dae-hyun was escorted to the empty waiting room of another player without knowing English, but he decided to think well.

He had no one to bother with, at least until the finals he would flirt with.

He didn’t know that if he had been in the waiting room he shared with the others, no one would have approached him.

‘Oh, the smartphone is still there.’

Many missed calls were recorded on the smartphone that Daehyun Lee had left in the waiting room where other players were gathered.

* * *

“Audiences, please refrain from making violent comments. Nothing has been fully revealed yet, right?”

“There is nothing that has not been fully revealed!”

“Isn’t it right to have the right to participate right away?!”

‘I think so too!’

Mina was sweating profusely to appease the angry audience on stage.

This reaction from the audience was caused by an article posted on the Internet while Hoyoung was in the semifinals.

[School violence at Yeong-ji, which became known belatedly due to a tip from alumni K, the victim was Seon Hoyoung]

It was revealed through a report from alumni K that he, who is currently participating in the 3rd Hero Daejeon Offline Qualifier, was a victim of school violence, nicknamed Hoya and real name Seon Hoyoung.

Classmate K, who had secretly filmed the video at the time, handed it to the reporter who saw it, and, for fear of retaliation from the perpetrator, cursed and regretted himself, and expressed his feelings at the time.

“Perhaps everyone felt the same way as you”, “No teachers helped him because the perpetrator L was a chaebol family”, “When he dropped out, artificial turf was laid on the school grounds and the auditorium was repaired with the support of the chaebol family.” Describe the situation in detail….

People who saw the article published by a media outlet called News Sunday were shocked.

If only the articles were posted, they would have been dismissed as journalists struggling to earn views.

However, there were several photos in the news.

Those pictures were large enough for people to put together in their heads to imagine what had happened.

Among them, a photo of Ho-young sitting on the floor and bowing her head was telling a lot of things.

The article spread rapidly by the outraged people, and articles with similar content were derived here and there.

Interestingly, some of the articles used completely different photos taken from different angles rather than citing photos published on News Sunday.

Some reporters who hid in school and captured the scene on camera used photos they had copied because they thought they couldn’t lose on News Sunday.

Upon hearing the article, the netizens’ investigators were furious and moved to find out who the perpetrator was.

It wasn’t too difficult to specify the subject.

At that time, there was only one ‘chaebol family L’ who was attending Youngji High School.

Lee Dae-hyun, it was an instant when he was pointed out as the perpetrator.

When he was identified as the perpetrator, his fans vehemently defended him.

How do you believe the words of classmate K?

Eriman is not such a person.

Don’t gossip about it without accurate evidence.

It was the moment when the power of image management that Daehyun Lee had been doing so far shined, but that light did not last long.

One of the photos posted in the article became decisive evidence.

Korea’s strange social protection law created photos in which the face of the victim, Ho-young, was exposed while the face of the perpetrator was mosaic.

However, there was only one thing, the mosaic was not done properly by mistake.

Even the face of the assailant and the nameplate he was wearing were all mosaic, but the nameplate on the window of the auditorium, where their image was dimly reflected, was not mosaic.

The photo is from News Sunday. It was a mosaic that Jung Moon-seok deliberately missed, and he directly reported the mistake to people by borrowing the power of anonymity.

Then, the voices supporting Lee Dae-hyun gradually diminished, and people who testified that he was a student in the same class at the time and that Lee Dae-hyun was the perpetrator appeared on the Internet.

Some of them were fakes and some were real classmates.

However, that did not mean that they gave such testimony out of guilt about Hoyoung.

It was a testimony solely for himself, intended to lighten his own mind and wrap his avoidance into oppression caused by the absurd to reduce his guilt and get people’s attention.

And all of this happened within 30 minutes of the semifinals between Lee Dae-hyun and Byeong Jun-seok, and it was a story that spread throughout the gym where the qualifiers are currently in progress.

Mina, who was on stage and could not see the fact in person, was puzzled at first by the sudden roar of the audience, but she heard the truth through the in-ear and took control of the audience.

“Thank you for your cooperation, everyone! Then we will start the final of the 3rd Hero Daejeon Korea Offline Qualifier!”* * *

‘Something is strange.’

Eriman, who was facing Hoya with the number counting down in between, could not erase the dazed feeling of the situation that had just happened.

‘Does it make sense that no one is calling my name?’

Hoya and Eriman went up on the stage at the same time, and of course cheers poured out.

But those cheers were directed only to Hoya, and none of them were directed at him.

It also bothered me that the interview before the start of the final was shorter than in the 1st and 2nd sessions.

For the finals, I had a strong feeling that something was about to pass quickly.

‘Well, I’ll think about it later.’

2, 1, Fight!


When the countdown was over, Eriman immediately used the skill.

Berserk is a skill that has a recoil that brings a strong debuff after the skill’s usage time has passed, but the skill has grown to an advanced level and the duration has been increased, so it can withstand 10 minutes and the effect has also increased.

However, the increased effect was also eroded by the debuff of Hoya’s mask, so Eriman’s current stat increase rate was only about 35%.

Eriman, who used Berserk, immediately sprinted the ground and approached Hoya.

The method Hoya chose to respond to such Eriman was Badu.



As Hoya called for Badu, Badu appeared from the air.

This was the first time Hoya had shown Badu after the qualifying round started.

Eriman knew that too.

And he thought that the reason Hoya came to the finals and took out the pet was that he could not defeat him alone, so he thought that he intended to borrow the pet’s help.

‘Yes, the two-year gap will not be filled so easily.’

But Eriman’s thoughts were completely out of line with Hoya’s intentions.

He summoned Badu not because he can only defeat him by borrowing his power.

He intended to let Eriman know that even if he did not move, he could win with only the power of Badu.

For two years, Badu had become stronger than Hoya, but Eriman, unaware of this fact, would experience great frustration.

Hoya had no intention of defeating Eriman on a regular basis.


“Creaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah clerk!”

Badu, who used the skill on Hoya’s horse, showed off his majesty like a boss monster with a huge and sharp body, and opened his big mouth to Eriman and rushed to bite him.

Eriman, unaware of Badu’s strength, snorted as he looked at Hoya, who was standing still behind Pete, and swung his sword towards Badu, but his greatsword did no proper damage to Badu.

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