Chapter 164

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 7 Episode 17

17. Building up takes a long time, collapsing in an instant (2)

‘What just happened?’

With the 30-second reorganization time given after the winner of the first match of the final was decided by Hoya, Eriman couldn’t believe the text floating above the countdown.

Hoya 1:0 Eriman

The pet Hoya was carrying suddenly gained tremendous momentum and grew in size, then opened his mouth wide and rushed to him in an instant.

He swung his sword at such a pet, but for some reason it didn’t do any damage, and he was suddenly enveloped in darkness.

‘Why the hell?’

He did not understand why he had lost.

‘It’s like I just got hit by a pet and died!’

Eriman looked at Hoya with such a thought.

Usually, when given time for reorganization in the middle of a match, the opponent has been talking to him.

It’s an honor to compete like this.

Been a fan ever since.

I hope it leads to a good relationship in the future.

He used to talk to himself in a friendly way, bringing out his back.

Eriman didn’t hate it even though it was annoying.

However, Hoya did not respond to him at all.

He had his face covered by a mask, so he had no idea what he was thinking.

‘Ttt. Anyway, I don’t like it two years ago or now.’

He ignored his hand yesterday, and as it is now, he couldn’t find a place he liked.

As Eriman thought so, the time for reorganization passed and the second game began.

Eriman, this time using Berserk, did not rush to Hoya, but stepped back to see how Hoya would come out.

‘Is that dog going to come out again this time?’

He thought that Badu was Hoya’s secret weapon.

However, contrary to his expectations, Badu was not summoned.

Instead, Sammy opened the small bag Hoya was wearing, popped out and sat on his shoulder.

Sammy, who sat on Hoya’s shoulder, brushed the hairs on his ears with his front paws, took a pose and opened his mouth wide.


[The cry of the divine beast digs into your ears.][You cannot ignore the existence of the divine beast.][Attacks towards ‘Sammy’ are our top priority and cannot be overridden.]

Eriman blinked his eyes when he saw the system message generated to him as the cry resounded.

‘The first priority is to attack…, isn’t it?’

He must have been struck by something, given that the system message originated, but he couldn’t tell exactly what happened.

At that moment, Eriman kicked the ground and ran towards Hoya.”Huh?! What, what!”

Legs move freely regardless of their will.

Besides, the hand holding the great sword was also gaining strength by itself.

‘Is this the first priority to attack!’


Eriman swung his bayonet and smashed the spot where Hoya had been.

However, Hoya avoided the attack by stepping back and turning his body lightly.

Hoya was avoiding the next attack and the next attack very lightly.

Hoya’s eyes, accustomed to chasing attacks several times faster than Eriman’s greatsword, were accurately capturing Eriman’s movements.


At first, he started attacking by moving his body at will, but as Hoya continued to dodge the attack without taking any damage, Eriman gradually developed an itch, and he sincerely wanted to attack Hoya.

And only then did he realize.

‘uh……? Look at this?’

He thought he wanted to attack, so what he thought was a debuff was actually assisting the attack.

Giving priority to attack was leading to the best direction of attack.

Upon realizing this, a difference appeared in Eriman’s eyes, but the difference did not last long.

He didn’t do any damage to Hoya despite being attacking sharper than usual.

“Heh heh, heh-”

When the debuff that Sammy walked on was over, Eriman, who stopped moving just then, took a deep breath.

On the other hand, Hoya did not show any disorder.

“X foot …… huh!”

Eriman momentarily covered his mouth at the profanity that came out of his mouth unconsciously, and sighed in relief.

It was fortunate for him that the sound of the conversation was not transmitted to the outside.

Hoya thought while looking at Eriman.

‘I’ll have to finish it now.’

Hoya, who had already checked the internet in the players waiting room, imagined how Eriman would be treated by people after this preliminary round.

He will probably be treated 180 degrees differently from the kindness he was intended for.

When that was almost certain, the anger towards Ehriman almost dissipated, and it felt like he had enough revenge through the finals.

Now, if we finish the final perfectly, the affair with Eriman will end here.

After that, people would judge Eriman.

Hoya had made up her mind and was accepting that decision from the depths of her heart.

“We are here now.”


Hoya, who spoke to himself, ignored Eriman’s reaction and brought out a skill combination that he had used frequently for a long time, but he did not use anymore for himself.

“Buff, divine power.”

Hoya’s overall stats increased significantly.

“A villager’s blow.”


There was a huge roar and a cloud of dust enough to cover all the electronic sign boards, and the big impact shook the focus of the video.

To see the results, people held their breaths and stared at the billboards, hoping that the dust clouds would soon clear.

But before all the dust clouds were lifted, one capsule opened the lid first.

It was the capsule that Daehyun Lee was in.

He was automatically logged out before Hoya because he lost the final 2-0.

The capsule was fully opened, revealing Lee Dae-hyun’s puffy face.

‘X-foot…, what just happened?’

He did not even expect that he would be defeated in such a futile way, so the shock of defeat came even greater.


At the sound of cheering from the crowd, Daehyun Lee looked at the audience.

He thought it was a cheer to comfort him, but contrary to his thoughts, the eyes of the audience were not on himself but on the billboard.

Following the gaze of the audience, Daehyun Lee also turned his head to look at the electronic display board.

On the billboard, Hoya, who was holding the sword, stretched upward through the clouds of dust, and drew an arc through his mouth, was reflected.

“The player who won the 3rd Hero Daejeon Korean Individual Competition offline qualifier and qualified for the finals is Hoya! Seon Hoyoung!”

At the same time as Mina’s declaration, Hoyoung’s capsule opened and as he came out, cheers with various meanings poured out.

Amid the cheers, Hoyoung painted a look of relief on his face.

* * *

After all the closing ceremonies of the preliminaries were over, Daehyun Lee sat down in the hallway with his back against the wall with a slightly dazed mind.

‘What the hell are you doing today?’

After the semi-finals, something strange happened.

Even after the final, there was no one who comforted him in his defeat.

After all the closing ceremonies were over, he came down from the stage and there was no player to talk to him.

Even now, even though the staff is busy running down the hallway to clean up the venue, he saw himself crouched among the crowd and no one spoke to him worriedly.

‘Mr. Ha…, yes, let’s not think too deeply about it.’

The offline preliminary round of the team event starts tomorrow.

His team, the team name ‘Arena’, was also in the offline qualifiers, so Lee Dae-hyun had to prepare for the match tomorrow.

With that in mind, Lee Dae-hyun moved to the player waiting room, which he had shared with the other players, to pick up the smart phone he had left before returning home.

There was already no one left in the waiting room, and his smartphone was still on the chair he was sitting on.

“Fortunately, no one stole it.”

Dae-hyun Lee, who was about to put his smartphone in his pocket, saw the light above his LCD flickering and turned on the smartphone.

Then I saw dozens of missed calls recorded.

The callers of all the missed calls were Kapigil and Jung Woo-chan.

“Why is this bastard here again?”

Lee Dae-hyun is in a very bad mood right now and he doesn’t want to talk to him.

However, when he saw dozens of missed calls, he thought that it would not be normal, so he left the players waiting room and walked down the hallway and called Jung Woo-chan.

Jung Woo-chan answered Lee Dae-hyun’s phone call before the beep rang three times.

“Master, what are you doing?”-……Hey, you bastard.


And what came back to Lee Dae-hyun was Jung Woo-chan’s abusive language.

“Hey, why is it all of a sudden?”

– Ha, what? suddenly? what suddenly! You slap me in the back like this? So far I’ve been completely fooled, I.

“No! What do you mean all of a sudden!”

– You don’t know me even when you’re at this point, XX? Hey, quit the game altogether and try acting. If I go into an acting class, I’ll do a great job.

I don’t know why, but for some reason, Lee Dae-hyun could feel that there was hostility towards himself in every word of Jung Woo-chan.

– I’ll skip all the rhetoric in the middle and just talk about the main point, so listen carefully. As of today, you are forcibly expelled from the arena and your relationship with me is over.

“Yes? Why all of a sudden!”

-Put your hand on your chest and ask yourself why!

Jung Woo-chan’s one-sided phone call was cut off, but Lee Dae-hyun didn’t even get angry because his words were so ridiculous.

There was only laughter.

“Heh heh, why is this person suddenly like this? People like you are a speck, too! You know that I have nowhere else to go but the Arena.”

With his smartphone shoved into his pocket, Dae-hyun Lee, swallowing up his anger and frustration, walked to the front door to get into the car he had been waiting for.

However, his bodyguards blocked Lee Dae-hyun’s front.


“Master, I think you should go out the back door.”


“that is…….”

“If you can’t answer, don’t block the road and get out of the way.”

Lee Dae-hyeon, whose vision was narrowed by irritation, pushed the bodyguards and walked away, unable to hear the murmurs of countless people over the corner behind the guards.

And as he leaned over the corner, the camera flashes of reporters waiting in front of him exploded so much that it was hard to open his eyes.

It was a situation that Daehyun liked and wanted, so he raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

But he realized that the situation was strange and he had to lower the corner of his mouth right away.

“Lee Dae-hyun! Is the testimony of classmate K true?”

“Please explain to me about who you are in the video!”

“Who were these people photographed with?”

“There is a strong opinion that money is enough to cover school violence with the power of the chaebol. What do you think of this?”

The reporters’ questions were strange.

Lee Dae-hyun, who does not know the situation of the Internet yet, did not understand why such questions were being asked.

“No, wait, wait… What does that mean…”

“Evidence videos and witnesses have already appeared on the Internet. If you pretend you don’t know, it’s even worse for Lee Dae-hyun himself.”

“Until now, fans have been angry for saying they have cheated on them. How do you view this phenomenon?”

At the reporter’s words, Lee Dae-hyun took out his smartphone and tried to access the Internet to check the situation.

Then, something flew towards Lee Dae-hyun.


An egg hit Lee Dae-hyun’s head, and the yolk and white ran down his hair.

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