"Finally able to take a hot shower. Yun Xin held up the torch and said excitedly, and Meimu stared at the wooden cage steaming.

"I'll test the water temperature first. Chu Feng said softly and stepped into the wooden cage.

Heating water with stones, the only bad thing is temperature control, putting too much stone water is too hot, putting less water and not hot.

Moreover, there is a danger in this, that is, to prevent the cracking of the stone when it expands and shrinks, especially when the cold water washes, it is likely to splash out the stone fragments.

The wooden cage solves the damage of stone cracking, and people only need to stand outside the wooden cage to release water.

As for the water temperature, people have to test it by hand, and you will have experience after a few more visits.

"Well, the water temperature is about the same. "

Chu Feng tested it with his hand, then removed the water-filled bamboo tube and said softly: "You can come in and take a bath." "

"Chu Feng, you take a bath first, you don't have any clothes on. Yun Xin handed over the towel, charcoal powder and boxer pants.

"This... Alternatively, you go back to the wooden shed to bake the fire. Chu Feng hesitated and nodded 510 heads, and reached for it.

"Okay, I'll go back and boil some water to wash my hair. Yun Xin said softly.

"Go ahead. Chu Feng enjoyed the first hot bath in the wilderness.


The moment the warm water was poured on his body, Chu Feng was full, and the busyness of the day seemed to be very worthwhile at this moment.

"Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to have the opportunity to build a large wooden barrel to soak in?" Chu Feng took a bath, but his thoughts were a little floating.

He muttered: "There is no shortage of wood, and waterproof seams can also be bonded with pine resin." "

"The plan is good, but it's too time-consuming. Chu Feng shook his head, and when he washed until there was a little water left, he found that the water was still a little hot.

He pulled the bamboo tube over, let the water flow into the small tank, and enjoyed the hot bath again.

"With this little tank, there's so much you can do. Chu Feng said softly.

In fact, it is not difficult to take a hot bath, the only difficult thing is the container, with a small water tank can be filled with water during the day and exposed to the sun under the sun, so that you can also get warm water.

A few minutes later, Chu Feng took a bath and took out the stones in the small water tank, these stones could not be used a second time, otherwise they would really burst open.

He came out with a change of underwear, and when the cold wind blew, he subconsciously tensed his body.

"It's so cold. Chu Feng trotted into the wooden shed and saw the girl take the steel pot off the fire.

"Washed, how?" asked Yun Xin with a smile.

"Very comfortable. Chu Feng gave a thumbs up, but he pinched his underwear in his hand, which was inexplicably a little weird.

"Give me the pants to be washed. Yun Xin rolled her eyes, grabbed her underwear with one hand, and prepared to wash them again tomorrow morning.

"Ahem..." Chu Feng's coughing sound, he didn't pay attention for a while, and now the entire live broadcast room knows that he is wearing underwear of what color.

He glanced around, saw the pine needle water in the steel pot, changed the topic and said, "Let me wash your hair." "

"Huh?" Yun Xin looked at Chu Feng in surprise, her long eyelashes blinking.

The water in the small tank is not enough to bathe and wash your hair. Chu Feng said softly.

"The first time you said to wash my hair. The corners of Yun Xin's mouth lifted slightly.

She helped Chu Feng wash her hair several times, and sometimes she also wanted him to help her wash her hair once, but she didn't expect it to be realized in the wilderness today.

"There will be many opportunities in the future. Chu Feng pursed his lips.

"I remember. Yun Xin said playfully (BBFJ).

"Whenever you need it, you can wash your hair anytime, anywhere. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose.

He brought the barrel over, took the steel pot in the girl's hand, poured pine needle water into it, and then tested the temperature with his hand, and the water temperature was just right.

"Hurry up and squat down. Chu Feng beckoned to the girl, and chose to wash his hair by the fire outside the wooden shed.

"Here it is. Yun Xin handed the charcoal powder to Chu Feng, squatted obediently, and lowered his head.

"The first time I wash someone's hair, I shout if it hurts. Chu Feng took a bamboo tube filled with water and poured it on the girl's head, and then smeared the charcoal powder on it.

His slender fingers scratched around the girl's scalp, and then rubbed my long hair.

"I poured water, you close your eyes. Chu Feng reminded, holding a bamboo tube to rinse the girl's hair.

"......" Yun Xin bit her lower lip, her heart was painful and happy, the boy helped the girl wash her hair for the first time, the technique was too clumsy, and it hurt a little to pull her long hair.

But my heart was full of emotion and joy.

Chu Feng looked down and saw that there were water droplets slipping down the back of the girl's neck, and quickly reached out to pick it up, and the feeling of entering the hand was soft and soft, very delicate.

"Hmm~~" Yun Xin's entire neck shrank slightly, and her cheeks flushed.

"It got better soon. Chu Feng quickly withdrew his hand and seriously helped the girl rinse her hair.

A few minutes later. Yun Xin stood up after washing his head, his neck was full of water stains, and his face was still a little black charcoal powder water stains, and the whole person was very embarrassed.

"I'll help you bring the stones over. The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched, and he took the sapper shovel to load the hot stone.

"It's an experience you can't forget. Yun Xin wiped the water stains on her cheeks with her thumb, raised her eyebrows, and followed to the wooden cage with a change of clothes.


The water vapor rose again, and the girl also entered the wooden cage to take a hot bath.

"Familiar feeling. Yun Xin poured warm water on her body, and her pretty face softened a lot.

Her thoughts were thinking of Chu Feng, today's pottery making, and this hot bath, the impact on her senses was relatively great.

Or rather, she worshipped Chu Feng a little. Although I also had a bit of worship when I was a child, that feeling disappeared when I grew up, and I wouldn't be as naïve as when I was a child, and I worshipped like a fart.

But since landing on String Moon Island, Yun Xin's sense of worship for Chu Feng has slowly returned, and it is slowly deepening.


"Three more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for support, the fourth more positive code. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - 傂

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