Observer live broadcast room, pay attention to the live broadcast room of Chu Feng and Yun Xin throughout the whole evening, after all, making pottery in the wilderness is a big flashpoint.

"It turned out to be a big pile of water burned with stones." Wu Qingyue exclaimed.

"It's a really clever idea. He Ming praised.

Wang Lin made a face, from the time he saw Chu Feng put the stone into the fire, he already knew what it was for.

Therefore, he tried to speak as little as possible during the whole process, after all, yesterday he questioned that making pottery was a waste of time and energy.

But today, Chu Feng and Yun Xin have already enjoyed a hot bath, which is simply unattainable in the wilderness.

For example, Wang Lin's previous participation in wilderness survival, he had taken several cold showers in sixty days, and when he came out victorious, he clearly remembered the expression and disgust on the staff's face when he took him home.

It was so smelly, it looked like salted fish that had been marinated for a year. That day, he shaved his hair and soaked in the bath for an hour.

"Teacher Wang, you come to comment on the actions of Chu Feng and Yun Xin. He Ming turned his head and smiled.

"Uh..." The corner of Wang Lin's mouth twitched, and he forced a smile: "It's good to be able to ensure that your stomach is not hungry and make your life more comfortable." "

The well-behaved comments made the director in the background a little disappointed, and he thought that Wang Lin would refute and stick to his own ideas.

"Indeed, I am a little envious of the lives of Chu Feng and Yun Xin. He Ming chuckled.

Qi Weiting tilted her head and glanced at He Ming, the old fox, when everyone ate a working meal yesterday, it was not like that.

"I think it's so romantic, Chu Feng helped Yun Xin wash her hair. Wu Qingyue supported her chin with one hand, and her eyes were full of longing.

She added many romance bridges to her mind, the plane crashed, a man and a woman survived in the wilderness... Eventually multiplied to create a large family.

"Cough, cough..." He Ming coughed lightly, interrupting the fantasy after a certain innocent female song.

He commented fairly: "Chu Feng, being able to make pottery is unexpected, ordinary people don't have this knowledge. "

"Yes, I can make pottery, and I will live well in the wild. Wang Lin quickly replied and made up yesterday's steps.

"In order to be able to take a hot bath, go to fire pottery, Chu Feng this person is very popular. Wu Qingyue did not hesitate to praise.

In fact, Chu Feng's behavior was pleasing in the eyes of many people, especially ordinary people, who felt that it was like surviving in the wilderness.

Instead of lying in the wilderness and not wanting to move, under the pretext of saving physical strength, in fact, it is too lazy, there is no goal to survive, holding the idea that it is a day to survive a day.

"Wei Ting, do you have anything you want to add?" He Ming looked at the quiet 'Valkyrie'.

"Nope. "

Qi Weiting shook her head, and then added: "He's great. "

She has a little desire to go to the wilderness to survive, to hone her will.

These days she watched many challengers, the two quarreled over trivial things, and made all kinds of excuses to be lazy... It can be said that there are many sentient beings, and only a few groups of challengers find the shining point.

"It seems that Chu Feng has won the favor of our two goddesses. He Ming said in a lively atmosphere.

The director's words sounded in his headset: Prepare to switch to the next live broadcast room.

"Let's look at the next live room. He Ming said softly.

The screen switched, and the live broadcast room of Liu Yiqiu and Liu Yimeng appeared.

"This time it's the twin sisters' live broadcast room. Wu Qingyue blinked her long eyelashes and watched carefully.

She still admires the Liu sisters, and the two girls dare to survive in the wilderness, and stay longer than many male challengers.

"Huh, what are the two of you doing?" said He Ming in amazement.

The screen shows Liu Yimeng and Liu Yiqiu looking outside the shelter in panic, and then the conversation is transmitted from the camera.

"Sister, what's going on outside?" said Liu Yimeng timidly.

She clenched her bow and arrow and aimed at the door of the shelter, her eyes full of panic.

"I don't know. Liu Yiqiu held a saber with venison jerky on the tip of the knife, and looked nervously outside the shelter.

The two were hungry and ready to grill some venison jerky to eat, and before they started eating, they heard a noise outside, which frightened the two of them at a loss.

"Do you want to go out and take a look?" asked Liu Yimeng boldly.

What if you encounter a jackal or a bear?" Liu Yiqiu refused sternly.

Going out at night to explore is not a smart decision, especially in the case of two girls.

Ask for flowers...

"Oh. Liu Yimeng did not talk back and obediently answered.

"Tonight, we take turns keeping vigil, and the fire cannot be extinguished. Liu Yiqiu said with a serious face.

"Well, good. Liu Yimeng nodded.

In this way, the two sat around the fire, their eyes fixed on the outside of the shelter, afraid that a wild beast would break in.

In the observer live broadcast room, because of the presence of drone drones, they can clearly see what is making noise outside.

"It was the bamboo rat that scared the two people like this. Wu Qingyue said with a dumbfounded expression.

"It is estimated that during the day, because of the existence of the Liu family sisters, the bamboo rats are afraid to come out to feed, and this dares to come out at night. Wang Lin analyzed.

After the bamboo forest moved into the Liu family sisters, the ruler changed, and the carefree days of the bamboo rat became a thing of the past.

.... ,,0

"Bamboo rat, this is unintentional revenge." He Ming teased.

"The two of them are not far from Chu Feng and the two, if they move in and survive together, they will definitely live a good life. Wu Qingyue said softly.

"Not necessarily. "

Wang Lin made a serious face and immediately retorted: "Two people, the pressure of four people is different. "

"How is it different?" said Wu Qingyue with a frown.

"Dominance is not the same, don't forget that there is only one set of challengers in the first place. "

Wang Lin raised his index finger and said in a deep voice: "There is also pressure on food, if the effort is different, and the food is the same, there will definitely be a quarrel." "

He had seen too many such things, not to mention the exaggerated prize money for the first place.

"The two sisters of the Liu family are very hardworking. "

Wu Qingyue pouted and said, "Besides, of course, capable people dominate. "

"Pi is not necessarily, people are greedy. Wang Lin said lightly.

"Well, sooner or later this problem will be known, and the two groups will definitely have a chance to encounter it." He Ming Yuanchang said.

The challengers on String Moon Island do not have the rule to stay in one place to survive, and many challengers have already chosen to move, with the idea of expanding their scale.


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