After a while.

"Okay, let's go back." Yun Xin came out of the wooden cage with a slightly red face.

"Hmm." Chu Feng nodded and stared in the direction the beast left for a while, wanting to see if the beast would turn back.

Yun Xin blinked his eyes and asked suspiciously, "Chu Feng, what's wrong?" "

"It's okay, go back to sleep." Chu Feng patted the dirt dust on his hands and followed the girl back to the shelter.

After returning to the shelter, at Chu Feng's urging, the girl had to get into the sleeping bag.

"Come, drink hot water and sleep, it will be comfortable." Chu Feng walked in with a pottery bowl.


Yun Xin got up and took the pottery bowl and blew it, slowly drinking the hot water.

"Hurry up and sleep." Chu Feng chuckled and patted Yun Xin's head.

"Okay, so when are you going to sleep?" Yun Xin hunched over slightly and shrunk her head into her sleeping bag.

"Well, soon." Chu Feng walked towards the wooden shed, added two pieces of wood to the fire, and then strengthened the wooden bed.

More than half an hour later.

"Okay, it's time to sleep."

Chu Feng stretched his waist, washed his dirty hands, drank some water and walked into the shelter, took off his storm pants, linen clothes and shoes, and carefully got into his sleeping bag.

"Hmm~~" Yun Xin suppressed a painful snort.

"Haven't slept yet?" Chu Feng asked softly, reaching out and patting the girl's back.

"Can't sleep." Yun Xin half-squinted, and his body subconsciously leaned in the direction of Chu Feng, his head pressed against his chest.

"Does your stomach hurt?" Chu Feng looked sideways at the girl's frowning brows, and immediately guessed what was going on.

The girl did not respond, rubbed her cheek against Chu Feng's chest, and covered her stomach with her hand.

"Lie down, I'll help you rub it." Chu Feng said softly.

In the past, when the girl came to menstruation, the pain was so painful that she couldn't sleep, and he would help the girl rub her belly, which was a bit like the role of a warm water bag.

"Uh-huh." Yun Xin nodded shyly, and his voice was like a mosquito.

The girl lightly pressed Chu Feng's chest with both hands, slowly moved her body, retreated back, rolled over and slowly lay flat.

Chu Feng rubbed his hands together until his palms were hot, and said softly: "Pull the vest a little higher." "

"Hmm." Yun Xin responded shyly, and her small hand pulled the hem of her vest and lifted it up.

Chu Feng put his hands against the girl's belly, rubbed it gently, and asked with concern, "Will it be better?" "

"Hmm~~ doesn't hurt so much." Yun Xin's face turned red with shame, and her head turned to the side, not daring to look at Chu Feng's face.

"Sleep." Chu Feng said gently, and the movements on his hand did not stop.

"Good." Yun Xin's faint response.

Chu Feng grinned, yawned silently, rubbed his hands again after cooling, and continued to rub the girl's belly after the fever, repeating it several times until the girl's breathing was stable.

"Sign in!" Chu Feng ordered in his mind.

A virtual screen popped up in front of him, and he looked at the screen to see the 16th date light up.


Chu Feng paused and hit Hatcher again, but he didn't expect to stay up until the early hours of the morning again.

"Hmm~~ don't..."

The girl turned over and put her hands and feet on Chu Feng like an octopus, and she was still muttering something in her mouth, as if she was dreaming, and the corners of her mouth kept rising.

Chu Feng smiled warmly and slowly closed his eyes.


The next day, early in the morning.

When Chu Feng woke up, the girl was no longer in the sleeping bag, but the tip of her nose still had the fragrance of the girl's body.

"Did you get up so early?" Chu Feng stretched out a lazy waist and looked sideways for the girl's figure.

He saw the girl cooking breakfast by the wooden shack fire.

Yun Xin heard the sound behind him, turned his head and said, "Big lazy worm, get up for breakfast." "

"Why don't you sleep more, how is your body?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, he also got up at this point on weekdays, why did he become a lazy bug today?


Chu Feng climbed out of his sleeping bag, got dressed and walked towards the wooden shed.

"I'm much better." Yun Xin's face was slightly red, and his eyes did not dare to look at Chu Feng, remembering the picture of yesterday night, his face became more and more shy and red.

"That's good." Chu Feng put down his heart.

"Go brush your teeth, it's time for breakfast." Yun Xin stirred the food in the pot and boiled it out with wild vegetables, fungus and a little venison.

"Hmm." Chu Feng took the toothbrush and dipped some homemade toothpaste to brush his teeth.

More than ten minutes later, the two finished breakfast, and Yun Xin washed the steel pot and boiled the water.

Chu Feng carried the bamboo basket on his back and said with a sapper shovel: "You still don't work too hard today, I'll go and move some clay back." "

"Be careful on the road." Yun Xin added wood to the fire, now he had to boil the water, and wait for Chu Feng to come back before he had cold water to drink.

She also has a lot of manual work to do today, washing clothes, weaving rope, and making some ceramic clay pots out of clay in preparation for the next kiln.

A few minutes later, Chu Feng came to the place where he had dug the clay before, took the sapper shovel and began to dig up, today is to lay the foundation.

More than twenty minutes later, Chu Feng returned to the camp with the clay on his back, and he was busy carrying the clay and laying the foundation all morning.

"Chu Feng, drink some water and rest." Yun Xin stopped Chu Feng, who was about to leave again.

"Good." Chu Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead and took the pottery bowl handed over by the girl.

"Gollum! Grunt! "

He drank a bowl of water in three or two sips and drank another bowl before stopping.

"Haven't enough clay been shipped yet?"

Yun Xin helped Chu Feng wipe his sweat and asked, "Or I'll help you dig clay in the afternoon, so that the speed will be faster." "

"No, it's enough for me to move twice more in the afternoon." Chu Feng shook his head and looked at the foundation of the new shelter, only some corners were not covered with clay.

"But the walls of the shelter must also be fixed with clay." Yun Xin crossed his waist with his hands, remembering what Liu Feng said yesterday, the stones should be fixed with clay, and the other three walls should be built to buy.

"You rest more now and wait until you're well." Chu Feng refused with a smile.

"Oh, got it." Yun Xin pouted slightly, turned around and poured the water in the pot into the clay pot where the water was stored, then added some water to it again and began to prepare lunch.

Usually, the two of them eat two meals without special circumstances, but today the girl saw that Chu Feng was doing all the physical work, and planned to help him replenish his physical strength.


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