In the afternoon, the sun shines on the camp.

After eating lunch, Chu Feng took the bamboo basket and continued to dig for clay, and the girl washed the pots and bowls and rubbed the rope.

More than an hour later.

Chu Feng transported the clay back four times, some of which were filled in on the foundation, and the rest were prepared to be used to build walls.

"Chu Feng, drink some mint water." Yun Xin came over with a pottery bowl containing cold water cooked in the morning and two mint leaves.



Chu Feng took the water handed over by the girl, drank it in three or two sips, and chewed mint leaves in his mouth, and the slightly bitter cool feeling shocked his spirits.

Yun Xin looked at the remaining clay and asked curiously, "Are you going to start building the wall today?" "

"Well, let's get a little today." Chu Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead, holding a leaf in his hand and fanning the wind.

Looking at Chu Feng, who was covered in sweat, the girl turned back to the wooden shed and poured another bowl of mint water.

Chu Feng took the pottery bowl and drank it, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's so cool." "

"It's too hot, take a break." Yun Xin said with concern.

"Good." Chu Feng nodded. 533

"I'll help you wipe your sweat."

Yun Xin looked at Chu Feng's body that had sturbed a lot, and began to mumble in his heart: How come it has only been ten days since he came to the wild, how can Chu Feng's figure be so much better than before.

"No need, you'll sweat again later." Chu Feng shook his head and said, even if it was dried on such a hot day, it would be sweaty again after a while.

"Then I'll wipe it again later." Yun Xin rolled her eyes and said.

She held the leftover scraps from the sackcloth in her hand and wiped the sweat on Chu Feng's body.

Chu Feng smiled bitterly and didn't say anything more.

The girl wiped twice before stopping.

"Okay, no need to wipe it, that's pretty much it." Chu Feng patted the stone beside him and motioned for her to sit down.

"Oh." Yun Xin pouted and sat down obediently to rest.

The two of them chatted in the shade of the trees, with long ropes in their hands.

More than half an hour later.

"It's time to work," Chu Feng drank another bowl of mint water and walked towards the pile of rubble, ready to start building the wall.


Yun Xin yawned, blinked sleepy eyes, and asked curiously, "Chu Feng, how do you get it?" "

After she came to menstruation, it was easy to get sleepy when she was a little busy.

"You'll find out in a minute." Chu Feng squatted down and held stones with too small heads on both sides of the foundation.

One was placed against the stone wall, and the other was placed on the outside of the foundation, holding the stone in place with clay.

He took the rope that had just been woven and tied the ends to two stones. After tightening, a horizontal line is formed.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the observers were observing the live broadcast room of Chu Feng and Yun Xin.

Now the popularity of the live broadcast room of the two often ranks first, and the number of people has been maintained at more than 20 million.

Wu Qingyue stared at the monitor in front of her and asked curiously, "Is Chu Feng planning to build a wall?" "

"It should be, but what is he pulling this rope for?"

He Ming was surprised, and couldn't help but turn his head and ask, "Does Teacher Wang know?" "

"If you guessed correctly, this rope acts as a simple version of a level." Wang Lin guessed that he had seen workers building houses in villages use this method.

"Huh, it's a simple version of the level?" He Ming was surprised, but he didn't expect that Chu Feng would pursue perfection when he built a shelter.

"Teacher Wang, when you survived in the wild and built a shelter, were you also like Chu Feng?" Wu Qingyue asked curiously.

“...... No. Wang Lin pulled the corners of his mouth, he was not so refined (BBFJ).

Wu Qingyue's eyes narrowed, and after turning her head, she muttered in her mouth: "Sure enough, Chu Feng is still careful." "

Wang Lin pouted, and was despised again for no reason.

He Ming snickered in his heart, but he still relieved Wang Lin and began to change the topic: "Let's continue to see what Chu Feng will do next." "


Chu Feng laid a piece of clay along the edge of the rope, and placed stones on it, so that the stones did not extend beyond the range of the rope, so that the first layer was built, and then the second layer began to be built according to the same method.

"Chu Feng, why are you still building walls?" Yun Xin asked suspiciously.

"Have you forgotten? When I was in the orphanage, I helped Uncle Wang repair the wall together, which he taught me. Chu Feng didn't raise his head.

At that time, there was a typhoon that blew down an old wall. After the typhoon, it was Uncle Wang who took Chu Feng to repair the courtyard wall.

"I remembered." Yun Xin then remembered that there was such a thing.

In order to reward the two, Uncle Wang also bought ice cream for them to eat, and it is precisely because of this that she will remember it now.

After all, ice cream at that time was a rarity for the two of them.

Thinking of this, Yun Xin's face darkened, and he remembered the deceased Uncle Wang.

Chu Feng looked at the look on the girl's face and comforted softly: "After we leave here, let's go see Uncle Wang." "

"Good." Yun Xin reluctantly pulled the corners of his mouth, lowered his head and continued to weave the rope.

Chu Feng continued to get busy, fixing the stones with clay.

More than three hours later.

The stone wall has been built to a height of almost one meter, and the whole wall is straight when viewed from the side, and the uneven areas have been completely smoothed by the clay.

In the busyness, time passes imperceptibly, and it is another dusk hour of the day.

"Chu Feng, it's only been an afternoon to build such a high wall." Yun Xin praised crisply, holding the freshly washed wild vegetables in her hand.

The whole wall was seven meters wide, and Chu Feng alone had to move stones and paste clay, and he also went to move clay twice halfway, and the stones were not as smooth as masonry.

"Let's stop here today, this wall is too low, you have to wait for the clay below to dry a little before you can continue to build up." Chu Feng said softly, looking at the wall he had built, he felt very satisfied.

"Will there be windows?" Yun Xin asked curiously.


"Two more,( ̄▽ ̄). Customize, is coding the third more. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - 傂

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