The director has been paying attention to this Chu Feng and Yun Xin's live broadcast room, and after seeing the two of them see the wild boar caught, they immediately understood that this was a flashpoint, so he asked the observer live broadcast room to switch to the live broadcast room of the two.

"I didn't expect to really catch a wild boar."

"Wow, that's great luck."

"It's nothing, let me go and do this, the most important thing is to have little loli with me..."

"Did you drink fake alcohol during the day? If I change to you, I am afraid that I will already die there. "

"Little Loli doesn't have to be so frugal now."

"A wave of delicacies flew towards the little loli, braised pork, back pot meat, dry pot meat slices..."

"You all seal the gods with your mouths, right?"


Wang Lin looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth~

He decided to ignore these statements, and he also felt envious of the luck of Chu Feng and the two in his heart.

"I didn't expect that the two really caught the wild boar, although there is a certain element of luck, but without Chu Feng's preliminary preparation, they can't catch it." Wang Lin cleared his throat - Zi rational analysis.

"The trap is very important, Chu Feng also understands the habits of wild boars, strictly speaking, this is a wild boar caught by strength." Qi Weiting said lightly, and hit the nail on the head to expose Wang Lin's shortness.

"Yes, Chu Feng and Little Loli worked very hard, it took so long to dig a pit, and catching a wild boar is completely their own strength." Wu Qingyue raised her index finger and fought for Chu Feng and Yun Xin.

The corner of Wang Lin's mouth twitched again, this time the evaluation was obviously very pertinent, why is there still a problem?

He has already decided that he will definitely not open his mouth easily next time.

"Haha, Chu Feng and the two are very powerful, you might as well guess how long they can last in the end." He Ming laughed dryly, so he had to open his mouth to change the topic.

I didn't expect Qi Weiting to suddenly speak, and also maintained Chu Feng and Yun Xin, but the program effect was very good.

"I think I should be able to last for three months." Wu Qingyue said softly.

After all, winter is coming, and she feels that the food now is enough for the two of them to last for three months.

"Half a year." Qi Weiting said lightly.

In fact, she felt that Chu Feng should know a lot of survival skills, which was a guess she had observed recently.

"Hey, Wei Ting is so optimistic about Chu Feng and Yun Xin." He Ming said in amazement.

"Chu Feng has this strength." Qi Weiting nodded slightly.

Wu Qingyue rolled her eyes, turned her head and asked playfully, "Teacher Wang, what do you think?" "

Wang Lin pursed his lips and decided to pretend that he hadn't heard her question.

"Teacher Wang, you talk about it." He Ming answered and asked.

"Half a year." The corner of Wang Lin's eyes jumped, and he was depressed in his heart, and began to consider whether he should push off this show.

"Teacher Wang is also so optimistic about the two? It's rare. Wu Qingyue snickered.

The audience in the live broadcast room was happy, and they were happy to see Wang Lin's helpless appearance.

"Expert Wang's face is about to turn black into carbon."

"Who made him look down on the little loli and the two."

"The goddess of the clear moon is really naughty, and the show works very well."

"Expert Wang lives next door to me, and I want to go to him tonight..."

"The one in front, are you driving?"


More than ten minutes later.


Yun Xin returned to the trap with two clay pots, and kept panting after stopping.

She was afraid that the pig's blood would run out, and she ran over along the way without resting.

"You rest first, I'll go down and finish the pig's blood first." Chu Feng patted the girl's back.

"Be careful with those bamboos." Yun Xin instructed.

"Uh-huh." Chu Feng nodded and slowly slid down against the side of the trap, avoiding the bamboo in the middle.

The wild boar was already dying, and it could only let out a faint roar for Chu Feng's appearance.

He slowly pulled out the bamboo at the neck of the wild boar, and immediately made the wild boar howl.


The boar's body trembled, blood gushed outward like a spring, and the girl quickly handed the clay pot to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng took the clay pot, squatted down, and aimed the clay pot at the wound on the neck of the wild boar and the pig's blood.

After a few minutes, the wild boar stopped twitching, the clay pot was also filled with pig blood, and a bloody smell filled Chu Feng's sense of smell.

He held a full clay pot and handed it to Yun Xin, and the girl quickly reached out and hugged it, put it on the ground, covered it with wide leaves, and tied the rope around the mouth of the jar a few times to prevent dirty things from falling in.

The other clay pot was only eight points full, and the pig's blood had already been shed.

In the same way, the girl sealed another clay pot.

"Yunxin, give me the rope." Chu Feng shouted.

"Good." Yun Xin put the clay pot aside and handed one end of the rope over.

Chu Feng caught the rope, and then pulled out the bamboo on the boar's belly, and then tied the two hind hooves of the wild boar, and pulled hard to make sure that it would not fall off before climbing onto the ground.

"I shouted 123 and pulled it up." Chu Feng took the rope in the girl's hand.

"Good." Yun Xin stood behind Chu Feng, holding the end of the rope in his hand.

"1...2...3...pull." Chu Feng shouted numbers in his mouth, leaned back, and stepped back.

"Hurry up~~" Yun Xin pulled back with all her strength, and her delicate face was a little red from excessive force.

Ask for flowers...

The wild boar in the trap was slowly pulled upside down, and after a few minutes, under the girl's gasping, the wild boar was pulled to the ground.

"Whew... This wild boar must have more than two hundred pounds, right? Yun Xin sat on the ground with his butt, panting heavily.

"Almost." Chu Feng also sat on the ground and gasped, mainly using his strength.


Chu Feng and Yun Xin looked at each other and smiled, this wild boar was enough for the two of them to eat for a long time.

"Chu Feng, the wild boar is so heavy, how do you transport it back?" Yun Xin asked suspiciously.

It was not early, and it would be dark in a while, and the two had to quickly get the wild boar back to dispose of it.

"Leave the wild boar to me, you are responsible for holding the pig's blood." Chu Feng thought about it and said.

With his current physical fitness, there should be no problem carrying a wild boar of more than two hundred pounds and walking back to the shelter.

"Chu Feng, are you kidding me? How could such a heavy wild boar be moved. Yun Xin's eyes widened and she said in amazement.


Chu Feng stood up, patted the dirt on his pants, and said, "Just give it a try." "

In the live broadcast room, after the audience heard Chu Feng's words, the barrage brushed up wildly again.

"Chu Feng is joking, right? This wild boar looks like three hundred pounds, how can he be so thin and move alone! "

"I didn't expect that Chu Feng also loves to be strong, do you want to show your majesty in front of Little Lori?"

"Maybe Chu Feng is a strong man."

"You should be strong with abs."


"Let's move together, the pig's blood will come back later to get it."

Yun Xin frowned and said softly: "It will be a little less laborious for two people to carry it." "

"Let me try it first, if it doesn't work." Chu Feng reached out and poked Yun Xin's pretty face.

He didn't want to delay any longer, staying here for too long, the smell of wild boar blood had already drifted out, which would attract the prying eyes of wild beasts.

"Okay, then don't be reckless, be careful to hurt your waist." Yun Xin pouted and cared.

"Good." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked, and he walked to the wild boar and tied the two front hooves with a rope.

He bent down, holding his hind hooves with one hand and his front hooves with the other, and suddenly carried the boar on his shoulders.

"It's really not an ordinary weight." Chu Feng said in a muffled voice, and his entire waist was suddenly bent by the wild boar.

"Chu Feng, if you put it down quickly, it will crush you." Yun Xin said anxiously on the side, reaching out to support the wild boar on Chu Feng's shoulder to help reduce some weight.


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