Chu Feng's bent waist straightened up a little, but the wild boar was really not light, and in the end he could only maintain a half-bent waist.

He turned to the girl behind him and said, "Yunxin, let go, I'll be fine." "

The weight of the wild boar is just the limit of the current body, if it weighs a few more pounds, I am afraid that it will not be able to move, unless the body is strengthened again.

"No, it will crush you." Yun Xin said stubbornly.

"It's okay, I'll show you."

Chu Feng walked forward with steps, and after taking a few steps, he slowly turned around and said, "I can do it myself, you don't have to worry." "


Yun Xin looked at Chu Feng stunned, frightened by his strength, but still a little uneasy, and couldn't help but tell again: "You must not be reckless." "

"I know, you come with it, it's not early." Chu Feng bent over.

"Five three seven" "Good. Yun Xin quickly picked up the two clay pots on the ground with great effort.

Chu Feng carried the wild boar on his back and walked towards the outside of the jungle with heavy steps, carefully avoiding the branches from time to time to prevent the wild boar from getting stuck on his back.

Yun Xin held the clay pot and followed behind Chu Feng, looking at his curved back and suddenly felt inexplicably sad.

From childhood to adulthood, almost all of them were Chu Feng who took care of her.

Chu Feng walked in front and could sense the girl's concern, so he said easily: "Go faster, don't lose it." "

"It won't." Yun Xin said arrogantly, but his eyes were sour.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, and he quickened his pace and walked towards the camp.

More than twenty minutes later.

It took the two twice as long to finally get out of the jungle.

"Chu Feng, when we arrive, put the wild boar directly next to the sink." Yun Xin suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

She put the clay pot by the sink and immediately got up to help Chu Feng squat down with the wild boar.


Chu Feng sat on the ground exhausted, pressing the wild boar with one hand and panting: "This wild boar is really not light." "

Yun Xin turned around and ran to the shelter, immediately came out with a cup of mint water, handed it to Chu Feng and said with concern: "Quickly drink some water and rest." "


Chu Feng took the water, drank it in three or two sips and said with a long sigh of relief: "While it is not dark yet, dispose of the wild boar first." "

"Then you rest for a while, I'll get it." Yun Xin hurriedly said.

She had seen Uncle Wang catch a small wild boar and come back, watching the entire pig killing process on the side.

Before Chu Feng could speak, the girl had already walked towards the wild boar with a firewood knife.

"Why is the skin so thick?" Yun Xin laboriously cut off the tail of the wild boar, put it in the sink to rinse it, and threw it into the bamboo basket.


Chu Feng sat on the side and watched the girl laboriously cutting the wild boar's skin, and couldn't help laughing.

"This boar's skin is too thick."

Yun Xin looked at Chu Feng, who was full of smiles, and said discouragedly: "You can't cut it with a firewood knife at all." "

"The wood knife is too blunt and should be sharpened."

Chu Feng walked over, took the firewood knife in the girl's hand, and sharpened it a few times on the edge of the stone diamond horn: "This should be a good cut." "

"Really?" Yun Xin took the wood knife and tried the letter suspiciously, and the result was much better.

"Okay, I'll cut it, you move the meat in, and you have to finish it before dark." Chu Feng took the firewood knife in the girl's hand again and cut off the entire pig's trotter in three or two strokes.

According to the speed of the girl, the wild boar cannot be dealt with after dark, and the smell of blood should attract the beast if it drags on.

"Good." Yun Xin looked up at the sky and squatted down to clean the pig's trotters cut by Chu Feng.

Chu Feng held up the firewood knife, cut the head of the wild boar open, turned his head and said to the girl: "Take a water tank out to hold pork." "

"Good." Yun Xin shook the water stains on her hands and carried two clay pots into the shelter.

She drained the remaining half of the tank, the largest container the two currently owned.

Yun Xin laboriously held the water tank to the sink, and just saw Chu Feng take out the pig's brain.

"Pig brains are a good thing." Chu Feng took the pig brain and casually put it in the water tank.

Yun Xin squatted down, cleaning the internal organs of the wild boar that Chu Feng had just cut, and chanted in his mouth: "Pig lungs, you can add some lemon to cook together." "

Pig lung has great nutritional value, can supplement the protein, calcium, zinc, vitamin B and so on needed by the human body, and has certain benefits for treating lung deficiency, cough and other symptoms.

"The pork belly is so big, if only there was a chicken, you can cook the pork belly chicken to eat."

"Pig hearts can also be eaten, and this pig intestine, pork liver seems to be okay, casings can be used to make sausages..."

Listening to the girl's chanting, the corners of Chu Feng's mouth were slightly hooked, and the speed of the knife was getting faster and faster,

More than half an hour later, the entire wild boar was dissected by Chu Feng, and only some parts that could not be eaten were still there.

The cut parts were washed by the girl and packed in the water tank, and Chu Feng moved into the shelter with the water tank.

The whole wild boar, there was very little left to eat, even the bones were moved in by the two.

According to the girl's words, bones can be boiled in soup and have great nutritional value.

Taking advantage of the fact that it was not completely dark, the two hurriedly took a shower.

"Chu Feng come in quickly, it's dark." Yun Xin's voice came out from inside the shelter.

"Here it is." Chu Feng replied, walked into the shelter, closed the thorny gate, and covered the gate with a piece of wood.

It was already completely dark, and the smell of blood outside would soon attract the beast.

"Tonight, let's eat the offal first, and the meat will be smoked first." Yun Xin stirred in the pot with a wooden spoon.

"Okay, you arrange." Chu Feng responded.

The pot was boiled with pig blood and lungs, as well as chopped pig hearts, and finally the girl threw a handful of wild vegetables into it and cooked it into a pot of pork soup.

"Add some salt." Yun Xin chanted in his mouth, and paused after opening the bamboo tube containing the salt.

She turned the bamboo tube over, and only a pinch of salt fell into the steel pot. 5.9

"Chu Feng, there is no salt, how to marinate the rest of the meat?" Yun Xin said bitterly.

"I can only wait until tomorrow to go to the beach and boil some salt." Chu Feng was also distressed, tomorrow's trip to the seaside could not be avoided.

"It's going to break if you leave it like this, right?" Yun Xin looked at the bamboo basket of pork and said worriedly.

Chu Feng looked at the wooden shed, pondered for a while and said, "I will strengthen the wooden shed and cut the pork into small pieces and smoke it, it should not be broken." "

He said as he stepped forward and removed the hanging venison, smoked fish, and sausages and put them in a dry clay pot.

These are already smoked and can be stored for a long time.


"Four more,( ̄▽ ̄). Customize, support... "_

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