At night, there is a breeze blowing and the sky is full of stars.

Chu Feng held a rope in his hand, tied and reinforced several connection points of the wooden shed, and added two more logs on both sides to strengthen the wooden shed.

This is to prevent the wild boar from crushing the wooden shed after hanging up, after all, the wild boar still has more than a hundred pounds after removing the bones and internal organs.

"Chu Feng, these pork are enough for us to eat for a long time." Yun Xin carried the pork, tied it with a rope and hung it on the wooden shed.

"Well, so you don't have to be so frugal, we can continue hunting after eating." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked, and his heart was much calmer when he looked at these pork.

There is more and more food, and then he can build a new shelter with peace of mind, and he doesn't have to worry about food for the time being.

Yun Xin nodded, but the frugal character that the girl has cultivated since she was a child is estimated to be unable to change for a while.

"Chu Feng, there is still a lot of fat here." After Yun Xin hung the pig's trotters and pork, he found that there were several large pieces of fat in the water tank.

"It can be used to refine lard, and it can be used for stir-frying and cooking." Chu Feng suggested.

Fatty meat can be practiced with oil, and meals made with 11 lard will be more fragrant and tastier, and occasionally improve the diet.

"Then eat, after eating, there will be a pot to refine lard." Yun Xin chuckled and nodded, and the pork miscellaneous soup in the steel pot had already been cooked.

"Good." Chu Feng came to the wooden bench and sat down.

Yun Xin held the pottery bowl and filled a bowl for Chu Feng: "Taste it quickly, how does it taste?" "

"It must be delicious." Chu Feng had a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He took the clay bowl, picked up the chopsticks, took a piece of pig's blood, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it.

"How? Which is better than the deer blood from last time? Yun Xin asked with wide eyes expectation.

Chu Feng swallowed the pig's blood, gave a thumbs up to the girl, and praised: "Very good, all equally delicious." "

"Then you can eat more, as well as pig lungs and pig hearts." Yun Xin laughed happily and scooped a lot of meat with a bamboo spoon into Chu Feng's pottery bowl.

"You can eat it too, it won't taste good if you cook it for too long." Chu Feng hurriedly said, there was still a charcoal fire burning under the steel pot.

"Good." Yun Xin picked up the pottery bowl, took a piece of pork lung and stuffed it into his mouth and chewed.

"The rest is yours." Chu Feng put another bowl and said, today the wild boar has a little more internal organs, and it is full of pots.


Yun Xin's mouth was stuffed with food, and he made an indistinct voice: "There are so many, you eat another bowl, and the rest is mine." "

Chu Feng glanced at the steel pot, and there were indeed quite a few left, so he filled another half bowl.

In the live broadcast room, many viewers became envious and jealous.

"Sure enough, I shouldn't have come to see the two of them to eat in the evening, I was hungry to see it."

"I have pig's blood at home, do you want to eat it?" Only young ladies who are about twenty years old and good-looking are accepted. "

"No, I'm going out now, brother is waiting for me..."

"Fortunately, the Mao Xuewang I ordered has arrived."


More than half an hour later, Chu Feng and the two finished a whole pot of pork miscellaneous soup in casual chatter.

"It's so good." Yun Xin patted his stomach, and his face was full of satisfaction.

"Then you sit down first, and I'll refine the lard." Chu Feng got up, threw out the remaining soup in the steel pot, rinsed it with clean water and hung it back on the wooden hook.

The girl sat on the side, watching Chu Feng skillfully rinse the cutting board, take a firewood knife to cut the fat meat, cut it into pieces and put it in the steel pot.

"Shhhh Shhh

As soon as the bottom of the red-hot pot touched the fat meat, it suddenly made a sound, and oil droplets sprayed out.

"You sit farther away, and you will blister when splashed with hot oil." Chu Feng waved his hand and said.

"Good." Yun Xin obediently moved the stool back, still a little afraid of lard.

When I was in the orphanage, everyone ate lard, especially when pressing oil, hot oil splashed on people will cause blisters, and if it is not treated well, it will leave traces.

There is no scalding medicine in the wild, and it is sprayed with hot oil so that it can only be repeatedly rinsed with clean water to cool down, and even then it is easy to blister and leave scars.

"Okay, let's let it refine slowly." Chu Feng threw the last piece of fat meat into the steel pot.

He took a bamboo spoon to turn the fat at the bottom of the pot up, and the newly put fat fell into the bottom of the pot, so that the fat meat was fully heated, so that refining lard would be much faster.

"Shhhh Shhh

The fat in the steel pot is constantly shaking, and lard has already been refined.

After more than ten minutes, the yellow lard became more and more, and the fat meat was refined into oil residue and floated on the oil surface.

"This lard is enough for a long time." Chu Feng looked at the half pot of lard, saving a little can improve his life.

Wild boar, but compared to domestic pigs, there will be much less fat on the body, and it is already a lot to be able to refine half a pot of lard.

"Put the oil residue in a clay pot, and you can leave it for a long time after it has been fried."

Yun Xin brought the clay pot over and said, "I'll go to the cutting board and the wood knife to wash it first." "

"Okay." Chu Feng used chopsticks to sandwich the oil residue into the clay pot, filled half of the clay pot, and the remaining hot oil had to wait for cooling before pouring it into the clay pot to seal.

"It's greasy, the charcoal can't be washed clean, if only there was soap." Yun Xin scrubbed the wood knife with charcoal, and after washing it twice, he still found that it was very oily.

"Soap?" Chu Feng read softly, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He got up and picked up another clay pot, put some water into it, grabbed the grass ash and threw it in by the 537 fire, took a small wooden stick and began to stir it.

Yun Xin barely finished washing the wood knife and cutting board, and asked suspiciously: "Chu Feng, what are you doing?" "

"Secret, you'll know tomorrow." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Oh, you're like that again." Yun Xin pouted and stomped her foot,

She saw Chu Feng's mysterious appearance, and wanted to rush over and pinch him.

"Okay, you pack up and get ready for bed, otherwise it will be very noisy in the evening." Chu Feng pursed his lips and urged.

He was worried that at night, wild beasts would come over, and it would make the girl unable to sleep.

Yun Xin put the cutting board and firewood knife away, looked at Chu Feng and asked, "What about you?" "

"You sleep first, I'll keep vigil."

Chu Feng turned his head in response to a reassuring smile and said softly: "This water still needs to be stirred, and the pork must also be smoked with water, otherwise we won't be able to go out tomorrow." "

He had to watch over the fire to smoke pork, and if the blood and water of this pork were not smoked, it would easily spoil in such weather in the wild.

"Okay." Yun Xin answered obediently.


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