When the sun goes down, the sky seems to be covered with a light veil.


"We're home." Chu Feng walked out of the jungle carrying a large bundle of bamboo on his shoulders, and in front of him was a camp surrounded by thorns.

The bamboo on his shoulder has about ten bamboos with calves thick, all of which add up to more than a hundred pounds.

After eating coconut crabs at the beach, the two went to the coconut forest, and under Chu Feng's search, it took half an hour to catch two coconut crabs.

When the sun was not so hot in the afternoon, the two continued to boil salt a few times before packing up and leaving, went to the beach with bamboo, tied a large bundle of bamboo with a rope and returned directly.

The two did not stop on the way, and finally returned safely to the camp before dark.

"It's finally here, this time it's a big harvest." Yun Xin panted and squatted down and put down the bamboo basket he was carrying.

"I'm tired, let's take a break." Chu Feng walked over and helped the girl put the bamboo basket down.

"Where you are tired, the bamboo is all dragged back by you, at least one hundred and fifty pounds, all let you take less..." Yun Xin pouted, with concern in her black and white eyes.

She stood up and couldn't help but press Chu Feng's shoulder to let him sit by the sink, her slender fingers pressed on his shoulder, and slowly squeezed his shoulder.

540 "I'm really not tired. Chu Feng said with a wry smile, the girl's long hair fell down his shoulders, and a faint girlish body fragrance wafted on the tip of his nose.

"Sit obediently." Yun Xin pouted and pressed his shoulder to prevent him from getting up.

Yesterday, Chu Feng moved more than two hundred catties of wild boar, and today he walked for more than an hour with more than 100 catties of bamboo, who would believe it if he wasn't tired?

Chu Feng smiled helplessly, so he had to quiet down and enjoy the girl's service.

More than ten minutes later, Chu Feng patted the girl's hand and said, "Okay, it's almost dark." "

"Okay, I'll wash the seaweed first and let it dry." Yun Xin looked at the sky before letting go of Chu Feng.

She collected the contents of the bamboo basket and placed three tightly bundled coconut crabs in another bamboo basket. Then he poured both seaweed and kelp into the sink and squatted down to wash them.

After washing, the seaweed should be drained and dried, and then it is convenient to bake to make seaweed.

Chu Feng looked at the girl's busy appearance, and decided to go back to the shelter to light the fire first, and only then could the salt be filtered later.

More than ten minutes later, the fire was lit, and the girl had already washed the seaweed and walked in.

Yun Xin put down the bamboo basket containing (BBFJ) coconut crabs, turned around and closed the thorn gate, walked to the fire and sat down, and asked, "Chu Feng, do you want to filter the salt?" "

"Well, pork needs to be marinated with salt." Chu Feng nodded and replied.

He poured the salt in the bamboo tube into the clay pot, added some clean water and stirred it to melt the salt.

"I'll help you." Yun Xin held a bamboo spoon in her hand and stirred the salt water.

Chu Feng picked up the filter device he had used before and drained the charcoal inside. I grabbed some new charcoal and put it in, rinsing it repeatedly with clean water according to the previous method until the water that came out was clear.

Yun Xin took the filtering device in Chu Feng's hand and remembered the incident of taking out bird eggs during the day.

She couldn't help but ask: "Chu Feng, the salt has melted, let me filter it, now tell me what to use for a bird egg?" "

Being reminded by Yun Xin, Chu Feng thought that there was such a thing, but he didn't expect that the girl had been thinking about the bird's egg.

"That's to test the alkali content in grass and wood gray water." Chu Feng got up and carried the clay pot containing the grass and wood gray water over.

"What do you do when you detect it?" Yun Xin said in amazement, and the action of filtering salt water in his hand froze.

She hadn't learned to use bird eggs to detect alkali in water at school, and she hadn't heard of it.

"Used to make soap." Chu Feng chuckled, and carefully poured a relatively clean layer of water on top of the clay pot into the bamboo tube.

"Make soap out of grass and wood gray water?" Yun Xin wondered, grass and wood gray water can be made into soap?

"Of course not, you have to add lard." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked up, and he began to popularize science for the girl.

The simplest soap method is actually made by mixing alkaline water and oil, and many people do not know that their commonly used soap comes from this.

In ancient times, people had not yet discovered alkali, but by chance, it was discovered that after mixing grass ash and lard, some hard-to-wash stains could be washed off, and this discovered the method of making soap.

"Soap is actually made of lard and grass ash?" Yun Xin said in amazement, with a look of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

"It's just a simple way to make soap." Chu Feng explained.

The conversation between the two was heard by the audience in the live broadcast room, and the barrage of amazement began to brush up.

"This is how the soap I usually use came from, which is a long insight."

"These are junior high school knowledge, I already know it."

"First I made toothbrushes and looms, now I made soap, should I make people in a few days."

"I advised you to be kind in front, the little loli is mine, no one can take it away."

"Pick up a small book and remember it, ready to open a factory."


"Not only lard, but also vegetable oil, as long as the purity is enough, you can make soap." Chu Feng picked up the bird egg and prepared to test whether the alkali content of the water met the requirements.

"When a bird's egg falls into the water, whether it floats or sinks to the bottom, it means that the alkali content is not up to the requirements."

Chu Feng turned his head to the girl and said, "So the bird egg must float in the middle of the water." "

Yun Xin nodded as if he understood something, but he still didn't understand what the principle was.

Chu Feng gently put the bird egg into the bamboo tube, slowly sank after touching the water, and finally suspended in the center of the water.

"Chu Feng, look quickly, the bird egg is floating in the middle." Yun Xin said quickly.

"Very good, the alkali content is enough."

Chu Feng nodded with satisfaction, scooped a spoonful of wild boar into the clay pot containing oil with a bamboo spoon and poured it into the bamboo tube, and said: "The next step is to keep stirring until it is sticky." "

He kept stirring with a small wooden stick, and the grass and wood ash water in the bamboo tube were mixed with lard.

With the passage of time, the liquid I body in the bamboo tube became more and more viscous, and the grass and wood gray water has been completely fused with lard.

Chu Feng found a pottery bowl and poured the liquid body in the bamboo tube into it, filling it with just one bowl.

"Chu Feng, is the soap just like this?" Yun Xin came close and sniffed the liquid body in the pottery bowl, but did not smell anything special.

"It takes two days to let it solidify before you know if it can be used." Chu Feng placed the pottery bowl on the edge of the wooden shed, away from the fire, otherwise it would never solidify.

"Great, if it really succeeds, you can wash your hair with soap in the future." Yun Xin said excitedly in a crisp voice, reaching out to touch her long hair, which was already greasy.


"Four more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for support, ask for customization. "_

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