At night, the dark night sky is full of stars, and a shooting star crosses the sky.

"Chu Feng, quickly see that there are meteors." Yun Xin raised his head and stretched his waist, and from the distance of one meter between the wooden shed and the shelter, he saw a meteor speeding across the sky.

She had just filtered the sea salt, and the steel pot was still boiling salt water, and only after boiling it again was the edible salt that people could eat.

"Where?" Chu Feng raised his head, his eyes looked for the shooting star, but after looking for a circle, he didn't see it, and turned his head to look at the girl.

Yun Xin clasped her hands together, raised her head and made a wish to the stars in the sky, not knowing what she was muttering.

Chu Feng and the other girls finished making a wish, and asked curiously: "Yunxin, what wish did you make?" "

"Don't tell you."

Yun Xin playfully stuck out his tongue, shook his head and said seriously: "The dean said, the wish cannot be said, otherwise it will not be realized." "

When she was a child, when she was still in the orphanage, the director told her that when a meteor appeared in the sky, a wish for it would come true.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Chu Feng asked, "Did you just see a comet or a shooting star?" "

"Of course it's a shooting star, I can still tell the difference between a broom star and a shooting star." Yun Xin pouted and glared at Chu Feng.

Comets have tails like brooms when they cross the sky, so they are also called broom stars, and many years ago, it was believed that broom stars would bring disaster.

Because comets and meteors look alike, many people don't know whether they are making a wish to a meteor or a broom star when they make a wish.

"Click, click..."

Chu Feng smiled and squatted down and continued to grind the wild boar fangs in his hand.

The one killed yesterday was a male boar with two ten-centimeter-long fangs, about three fingers thick, and he intended to sharpen into two short knives.

The two currently only have a firewood knife, sharpen the wild boar's fangs into a short knife, and there is no need to share a firewood knife when cooking, and it is still possible to cut a wild vegetable with a fangs short knife.

"When the wish comes true, you will know." Yun Xinqiao smiled and stirred the brine in the steel pot with a bamboo spoon so that the water could evaporate faster, but the two had not eaten a meal yet.

"Good." Chu Feng rolled his eyes, and the girl also began to play mysterious.

He looked at the wild boar fangs in his hand that had been worn off, and at this rate, it would take a while to complete.

After half an hour, the brine in the steel pot began to become viscous, and the brine decreased, causing the temperature of the steel pot to rise and the water to evaporate faster.

Yun Xin continued to stir for a while, and after the salt water completely disappeared, he used a bamboo spoon to scrape part of the boiled salt into the bamboo tube, and then dried it when the sun came out tomorrow, which was the salt that people could eat.

The remaining salt is scraped in a clay bowl, and when it is cooler, it is rubbed on the wild boar so that it can be stored longer.

"Let's eat pork and stew today." Yun Xin put half a pot of water into the steel pot and boiled.

She picked up the cutting board, cut the boar's tail into segments, cut another piece of pork and put it in the pot and cooked.

A few minutes later, the water began to boil, and the girl put some wild vegetables and fungus, hesitated, washed the two crabs she caught in Shuixi the day before yesterday and threw them in.

The two crabs had been placed in the sink, covered with a small bamboo basket and did not escape, and only remembered when the girl washed the seaweed.

"It's really stew." Chu Feng chuckled.

Yun Xinqiao's face was slightly red, and she scooped a little soup with a bamboo spoon and tasted it, and said with satisfaction: "The taste is not bad, you can eat it." "

The two sat on wooden stools, chatting and eating pork stew.

Soon the two finished their dinner, and the girl cleaned up the kitchen waste, and then wiped all the hanging wild boar with cool salt.

The girl sat on a wooden bench and knitted a rope, and the two chatted about the sky, from the orphanage to the school life after leaving the orphanage.

"Okay, it's time for you to take a shower and go to bed." Chu Feng put down the wild boar's fangs that had not yet been ground in his hand.

It's not early now, and it's even colder in the evening.

"Good." Yun Xin got up and went to prepare the bathwater.

Chu Feng looked at the wooden bed frame placed on the side of the wooden shed, got up and laid the big bed flat, intending to make the big bed first.

"Click, click..."

He picked up a firewood knife, measured the bamboo dragged back according to the length of the bed, and then cut the bamboo into pieces and flattened the raised areas of the bamboo nodes

More than ten minutes later.

Yun Xin came over after taking a bath and asked, "Are you going to make the bed today?" "

"Well, we can sleep in bed tonight." Chu Feng chuckled, the bamboo piece in front of him was almost enough.

······· Ask for flowers...

He got up and held the bamboo piece on the bed, so that the smooth side was facing up, covering the entire bed, picked up the rope and began to fix the bamboo piece on the bed board, so that the bamboo piece would not flip when he slept and turned over.

"I'll tie up the other end." Yun Xin took the rope to help.

The two were busy in the wooden shed, and more than twenty minutes passed, the bamboo pieces were all fixed, and a large bed two meters long and eight meters wide was completed.

"Okay, done." Chu Feng clapped his hands and looked at the big bed in front of him with satisfaction.

"How about trying." Yun Xin sat on the edge of the bed and shook, and found that there was only a slight shaking.

Chu Feng lay down directly, rolled twice on the bed, raised his butt and shook, and the big bed only shook slightly.


"Very stable, more stable than the bed in the previous rental house." Yun Xin said with a smile.

When renting a house, the bed I slept on was a very old wooden bed, and the whole bed would shake when I turned over slightly. As a result, the girl did not dare to turn over at will when she slept in the evening, and could only lie straight.

"You take out the sleeping bag first, I'll put the bed in." Chu Feng got up and said.

"Good." Yun Xin quickly nodded, turned around and took out the sleeping bag in the shelter.

Chu Feng carried the big bed with both hands, carefully moved it into the shelter, and stuffed the shelter full after putting it in.

"It's all stuffed." Yun Xin looked at the shelter that was stuffed with bamboo and wood beds without a single gap, and the narrow space felt more secure.

"In a few days, the new shelter will be spacious." Chu Feng said helplessly, the shelter was only built for temporary emergency use.

He has already decided that he will not go out in the past few days without special circumstances, and he must first set up the shelter.

Now that the new shelter is halfway built, it will be very easy if it suddenly rains, the rain will soften the clay, it will wash away a lot of clay, and the wall must be finished before it rains, and then burned to a semi-terracotta state.

"Hurry up and sleep, it's not early." Chu Feng spread the sleeping bag on the big bed and said.


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