"Okay, you go to the shower quickly, and rest early." Yun Xin nodded in reply.

She stretched, climbed onto the big I bed and got into her sleeping bag, trying to roll around inside.

"Got it." Chu Feng smiled at the girl's rolling in the sleeping bag, turned around and put aside the unused bamboo on the ground.

More than ten minutes later, Chu Feng wiped his wet hair and returned to the wooden shed, touching the wet hair on his head and saying to himself: "Grind for a while, wait for the hair to dry before sleeping." "

"Click, click..."

He picked up the boar's fangs and continued to grind them until the moon was empty.


"It's still a little close, let's continue tomorrow." Chu Feng yawned, put down the short knife that had been formed, got up and washed his hands.

He wiped the water stains off his hands, carefully climbed into bed, and got into his sleeping bag.


Yun Xin noticed the movement, and the whole person pasted over, like an octopus lying on Chu Feng's body "two nine three".

"Sleep." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked, and he reached out to hold the girl's waist and slowly closed his eyes

As the two went to sleep, the camp was quiet, only the torches that had not yet burned, and the flames slowly swayed under the breeze.

An hour later.

"Squeaky ..."

Suddenly, there was a noise.


Yun Xin frowned and muttered in his mouth: "Chu Feng, don't grind your teeth." "

Chu Feng was woken up, opened his sleepy eyes, turned his head and said softly: "What's wrong?" "

Yun Xin did not respond, pursed his mouth and continued to sleep, Chu Feng yawned, closed his eyes and prepared to continue sleeping.

"Squeaky ..."

"Huh?" Chu Feng opened his eyes abruptly and listened vigilantly.

His face became solemn, this voice seemed to come from the wooden shed, could it be that some animal had entered the shelter?

If there is a problem in the wilderness, you must immediately get up and check it, otherwise it will be too late when the problem occurs.

Chu Feng gently removed the girl's hands and feet on his body, carefully climbed out of the sleeping bag, took the bamboo bow and walked towards the wooden shed.

He came to the wooden shed, his eyes scanning around, and his ears listening to the sounds around him.

"Squeaky ..."

The hurried voice sounded again.

"Huh? Rabbit! Chu Feng listened to the sound and looked at it, and found that it was the sound coming from the bamboo cage.

He took a bamboo torch and lit it, half-crouched close to the bamboo cage, and the fire shone into the bamboo cage and saw the situation inside.

"Huh~~ The female rabbit actually gave birth." Chu Feng said in amazement.

Yun Xin rolled over on the bed, reached out and touched her side, did not touch the familiar body, and made her wake up completely.

She rubbed her eyes, turned her head to scan the surroundings, and after seeing Chu Feng's figure, asked, "Chu Feng, what are you doing?" "

"The mother rabbit gave birth to a rabbit." Chu Feng turned his head and responded.

Inside the bamboo cage are four large rabbits and seven small rabbits. One of the mother rabbits was lying on an umbrella pile, with seven newborn rabbits drinking milk on her stomach.

The other three large rabbits, hiding in the corner of the bamboo cage with scarlet eyes, were afraid of torches.

"Huh~~ really?" Yun Xin blinked her sleepy eyes, but she didn't react yet.

She was in a trance, immediately came to her senses, and climbed into bed without even wearing a storm suit.

"Don't be too loud, it will scare the female rabbit." Chu Feng said in a low voice.

"Okay, I see." Yun Xin nodded nervously, wore her shoes and came to the bamboo cage, and Meimu looked at the little rabbit in the bamboo cage curiously.

When she was in biology class at school, the teacher once said that rabbits will eat their children when they are frightened after giving birth, and they cannot touch the rabbits with smelly hands, otherwise they will also cause the rabbits to be eaten.

I don't know if this is true or not, but she doesn't dare to try.

Yun Xin looked at the bare appearance of the little rabbit, and couldn't help but complain: "There is no hair, it looks so ugly." "

Chu Feng chuckled, the little rabbit that had not yet grown hair looked a little ugly, and it would take a few days to grow hair one after another.

"Chu Feng, do you want to raise them separately?" Yun Xin turned her head and whispered.

"Well, move the other three big rabbits somewhere else, and the mother rabbit and the little rabbit don't move." Chu Feng nodded and said.

He bent down and reached out and grabbed the ears of the other three large rabbits, moving them to another bamboo cage.

The little rabbit in the bamboo cage made the two seem to see a plate of rabbit meat flying, and after raising it, there would be a steady stream of rabbit meat to eat.

"Chu Feng, when the little rabbit grows up, this bamboo cage will be too small." Yun Xin said softly, carefully putting some wild vegetables for the female rabbit.

"When the new shelter is built, it will be used to raise rabbits and put sundries, it is enough."

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised slightly, and he said softly: "Okay, go to sleep quickly, and tomorrow I will cut some grass to feed the rabbits." "

"Good." Yun Xin replied.

The two returned to the bed and lay down, but the birth of the little rabbit made the two unable to sleep for a while.

"Chu Feng, when the little rabbit grows up, we will have a lot of meat to eat."

Yun Xin turned his head and said leisurely: "With these little rabbits, how long can we last?" "

"If nothing else, you can last for a year..." Chu Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of confident light.

He has a systematic existence, and even without these rabbits, he can spend a year here with the knowledge learned by the gift bag.

"But winter is coming, and we don't have clothes to protect ourselves from the cold." Yun Xin pouted.

"Once the shelter is built, we will start to solve the problem of keeping warm." Chu Feng touched the girl's head.

One of the reasons why the newly built shelter uses clay and stone is also because winter is coming, and it can be protected from wind and heavy rain.

However, he knows that there are often storms on the island, and it will be difficult to survive a few typhoons at sea.

Yun Xin's face turned red, and she asked softly: "After getting the bonus, what are you going to do?" "

"First send you to the best school, and then donate money to the orphanage..." said Chu Feng in deep thought.

If a girl still wants to go to school, she must provide for the best school, and then the orphanage where she grew up must also donate a sum of money, not for others, but for the grandmother of the dean.

"Chu Feng, what about you?" Yun Xin asked curiously

The plans that Chu Feng said were all about others, and none of them mentioned himself, which made her very curious.

"Don't forget, we got first place, and there is still a lot of land for me to manage." Chu Feng chuckled.

After he has his own land, he can make a lot of money just by just the mushroom growth liquid recipe, not to mention other gift packages in the future.

"Huh? Don't you read? Yun Xin asked in amazement.

"If you don't read, isn't reading for money?"

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth was slightly picked, and when he saw what the girl still wanted to say, he interrupted: "Okay, hurry up and sleep, staying up late is not good for the skin." "

It's still a little too early to think about this, at least survive here for a year, and it's never too late to discuss it when you get the grand prize.

"Well, Night." Yun Xin pursed her lips, and a trace of complexity flashed on her face.

Now that she has money, she doesn't really want to go to school.

The girl put her head on Chu Feng's chest and slowly closed her eyes.


Chu Feng said softly, and at the same time ordered in his mind: "Sign in!" "

A virtual screen popped up in front of him, and inside the screen, the date representing the 19th lit up.

There are two days left until the next pack.

Eleven days left before the monthly package.


"Two more,( ̄▽ ̄). Customize and support. "_

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