Night falls, and a gentle breeze blows through the bamboo forest.

Inside the shelter, Liu Yiqiu and Liu Yimeng were staring at their little eyes wide-eyed.

"Let's move and get out of here." Liu Yimeng pouted.

"No, there are bamboo rats and mango trees here, and moving away to another place is not necessarily better than here." Liu Yiqiu shook her head and refused.

She also wants to move, but if she doesn't say she can move, there are too many worries, what if she can't find a better place than here?

"There are satyrs here." Liu Yimeng shouted.

After the two left the bamboo forest where the bamboo rat was located in the morning, they went to explore other places, and finally could not find meat, and only brought back a bundle of wild vegetables.

At noon, Liu Yiqiu took Liu Yimeng and wanted to go to the bamboo forest to catch bamboo rats and try their luck.

As a result, they ran into Li Huaan and the two, and they directly loaded the bamboo rat hole into a trap, completely occupying the bamboo rat resources.

The two had no choice, so they had to go to the other side of the bamboo forest and dig up bamboo shoots.

What the two didn't expect was that in the afternoon, Li Huaan and Lin Zhenhua actually came to the door, using the reason for borrowing the shelter, wanting to come in and visit, but in the end they were scared away by Liu Yimeng's action of bending the bow and taking arrows.

"Stay for two more days to see, if not, we'll move away." Liu Yiqiu reached out and rubbed her temples, unwilling to give up the bamboo rat here.

This is currently the only source of meat for the two people, and the places that can be explored around have been explored, although deer herds have been found, but the jackals are afraid to act rashly.

"What if tomorrow they harass us again? And the bamboo rat has also been occupied. Liu Yimeng pouted.

She didn't like those two people very much, especially the way the other party looked at them.

"So where do you say we're going to move?" Liu Yiqiu asked helplessly, and felt very disgusted by Li Huaan's two methods.

"Or let's go to the other side of the hill, I think there should be a lot of good food over there." Liu Yimeng tilted her head and said.

She had long wanted to explore in the distance, and if it weren't for her sister's restraint, she might have set off alone.

"What if the resources on the other side are worse than here?" Liu Yiqiu said with a serious face.

This is something that must be considered absolutely or it will be difficult to come back after leaving.

"Oh... Then let's change places, there will always be a suitable one. Liu Yimeng was stunned and whispered.

She doesn't want to stay here anymore, although there are bamboo rats here, but it is too difficult to catch, and every time she relies on luck to catch one, not to mention that now the bamboo rat hole has been occupied by others.

"No, let's stay for two more days and decide according to the situation." Liu Yiqiu shook her head and said, unwilling to take the risk of not being sure.

She was wondering if she should negotiate a well water that would not interfere with the river water, and store enough food to move the camp.

"Then stay for two more days, and if there is no change, we will move away." Liu Yimeng said with a bitter face.

No way, everything is still decided by her sister.

"Sleep, get up tomorrow." Liu Yiqiu's thoughts were very confused, and she sighed and lay down.

Liu Yimeng also lay down, pouting and muttering: "Sister, I want to eat meat." "

"Didn't you say yesterday that whoever gives you meat will marry whom?" Liu Yiqiu pulled the corners of her mouth and teased.

"Yes? I didn't say those things yesterday, did I? Liu Yimeng's eyes were glancing and began to pretend to have amnesia.



"Think about it."

"Whew... Huh..."

"Are you pretending to sleep?"

"No, whew... Whew..,,


Early the next morning, the sun slowly rises from the sea level and shines on the bamboo forest.

Zhang Zhenhua was carrying a bamboo rat in his hand, and he talked to Li Huaan in a low voice: "Do you say they will agree to cooperate with us?" "

After the two set up the shelter yesterday, they set up a rope sleeve at the mouth of the bamboo rat cave, and the next day they caught three bamboo rats.

At Li Huaan's suggestion, the two came to Liu Yiqiu and the two sisters with their own hearts to cooperate.

"Will agree, after all, we have food." Li Huaan said confidently.

He had tried it yesterday, the two sisters could not catch bamboo rats, the traps they made were too rudimentary, and the food must be very small.

Zhang Zhenhua looked up at the drone above his head, showed a kind smile, and said heartily: "I also think that if four people help each other and cooperate, the chance of survival will be greater." "

Men and women are not tired of working together, and the two also have a little thought, especially Li Huaan, an unmarried person.

More than ten minutes later, the two came to the bamboo forest where the Liu Yiqiu sisters were.

Zhang Zhenhua secretly stepped on Li Huaan with his foot and signaled him to open his mouth with his eyes.

He didn't dare to blatantly provoke the Liu family sisters, and his own tigress must be staring at the live broadcast room at this time.

Li Huaan rolled his eyes and shouted towards the shelter inside the bamboo fence: "Two beautiful women, are you at home?" "

Sister Liu Yiqiu, who was asleep, was suddenly woken up by the shouts outside.

"Why are they here again?" Liu Yiqiu said angrily.

Liu Yimeng stood up against the messy hair, pouted and gritted her teeth: "Annoying, why are they so annoying?" "

The two women put on their storm pants and walked out of the shelter, and at a glance they saw Zhang Zhenhua and Li Huaan with smiles on their faces.

"It's early." Zhang Zhenhua greeted with a smile.

Liu Yiqiu squinted her eyes and stared at the two coldly: "Something?" "

Liu Yimeng picked up the bow and arrow and looked at the two with an unkind face.

"We are here to cooperate with you." Zhang Zhenhua said with a smile, his eyes scanning Liu Yiqiu and the two.

Liu Yiqiu raised his eyebrows, and asked in a quiet tone: "How to cooperate?" "

"I found out that you dig holes to catch bamboo rats, that's the wrong way."

Zhang Zhenhua grinned and said positively: "We can give you bamboo rats, and you can help us do some work within our ability." "

He lifted the bamboo rat in his hand and shook it, wanting to attract the attention of the two sisters.

Liu Yimeng stared at her eyes and muttered in a low voice: "Sister, they caught the bamboo rat." "

"We caught three in total, how about it, consider my proposal." The smile on Zhang Zhenhua's face became even kinder.

"Sorry, we won't say yes, please leave my shelter." Liu Yiqiu said with a cold face.

She's seen too many of these things, but money is exchanged for (good) bamboo rats.

Zhang Zhenhua was stunned, his smile disappeared, and he said in a deep voice: "The chance of four people surviving together will be greater." "

"Consider our suggestion, we will catch a lot of bamboo rats, and we will definitely win the grand prize." Li Huaan's brows furrowed and persuaded.

My Fair Lady, a gentleman, especially for a single Wang, especially a single Wang who can't contact beautiful women.

"No need, please come back." Liu Yiqiu said indifferently.

Zhang Zhenhua gritted his teeth, and finally spread his hands, remembering that there was a drone above his head, and it was better to say less.

"You better think about it, we don't mean anything else."

Li Huaan reluctantly pulled the corners of his mouth and said, "We are on the other side of the bamboo forest, you can come and find us after you think about it." "


"Four more,( ̄▽ ̄). Please, this chapter is a bit of a twilight. "_

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