Early morning.

Chu Feng pushed open the thorny gate, stretched his waist as he looked at the already bright sky in the distance, and gave an order in his mind.

"Sign in!"

A virtual screen popped up in front of his eyes, and the date representing 20 lit up.

"There is another day, it seems that I will stay up until the early hours of the morning today." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked, and he was looking forward to what rewards the next gift package would have.

Yesterday I was busy at the camp all day, going to the creek in the morning to dig clay, during which I cut a little grass and went back to feed the rabbits, and I didn't go out in the afternoon, busy building walls and weaving rope.

The three walls of the new shelter were already half built, and the location of the gate, Chu Feng, was built by the stacking method, using stones to press one by one, ready to build a semicircular arched door.

For ventilation and lighting, the arched door will be made very large, and it is expected to be nearly one meter five meters high and two meters wide when completed.

Now this semicircular door is half built, and the rest can be all built today.

On the other side of the wall, there is also a gap more than half a meter wide, which is reserved for the construction of toilets.

"Chu Feng, is 860 going out today?" Yun Xin rubbed his sleepy eyes and walked out.

"No, let's finish all three walls today." Chu Feng shook his head lightly and said, the new shelter is going to be built quickly.

"Okay, then I'll make breakfast." Yun Xin yawned and carried the coconut crab in a steel pot to the sink to clean.

Three coconut crabs, two already eaten yesterday, this is the last one.

"Good." Chu Feng nodded in reply, turned around and went to the pile of rocks, taking advantage of the fact that the sun was not so big in the morning, and built the wall first.

He had already moved enough clay yesterday, and the rest only needed to concentrate on building the shelter, ready to set it all up in three days.

Chu Feng softened the solidified clay on the top layer with water, then laid new clay layer by layer, selected stones of similar size and began to build the wall.

Half an hour later.

"Chu Feng, eat breakfast, get it after eating." Yun Xin shouted loudly inside the shelter.

"Here it is." Chu Feng answered casually, went to the sink to wash his hands and entered the shelter.

While eating, Yun Xin remembered that the seaweed dried yesterday had not yet been processed, so she opened her mouth and asked, "Chu Feng, do you know how to make seaweed?" "

"It's simple."

Chu Feng chewed the crab foot meat of the coconut crab in his mouth, and said: "Tear the dried seaweed, sprinkle some oil and salt and stir well, and then put it in the oven to bake." "

"But we don't have an oven." Yun Xin said with a good-looking brow.

Chu Feng thought for a while and spoke: "You can use a kiln, it's similar to burning ceramics, but you have to wait for the fire to go out before putting the seaweed in, and the temperature inside is enough to bake the seaweed." "

Although the kiln has cracked, it is still okay to repair it with clay and use it to roast seaweed, after all, the temperature of roasting seaweed does not have to be too high.

"Okay, then I'll try it later." Yun Xin nodded thoughtfully.

More than ten minutes later, the two finished breakfast, and the girl collected the steel pot and the clay bowl and clay plate, ready to take and rinse.

"Yunxin, try the soap to see if it works." Chu Feng stopped the girl and took out the soap made the day before yesterday from the corner of the wooden shed.

He looked at the soap in the clay bowl, rubbed it with his hand, and found that it had solidified, put it in front of his nose and sniffed, and there was no big smell.

Because of the constraints, it is already very good to be able to do this for the first time.

When there was a chance, Chu Feng decided to improve the soap again, pick some petals to dry, mash it and mix it with grass and wood gray water, and then stir it well with lard, so that the soap will have a floral fragrance.

Another method is to add a little anti-itching herb to it to make medicinal soap, which is used to clean the wound after being bitten by mosquitoes, which can be used to itch.

The petals are not in hand for the time being, and Chu Feng's main thing is (bhch) to build the shelter first, and he can only postpone the implementation of the plan.

"Hey, can I use it?" Yun Xin took the pottery bowl handed over by Chu Feng and said in amazement.

"Just try it." Chu Feng used his fingers to deduct a little soap from the pottery bowl, dipped some water and rubbed his hands quickly, just after eating coconut crab, his hands were sticky with oil stains, just wash them with soap.


He put his hands in the sink and rinsed it, and the oil stains were quickly washed off, revealing palms full of calluses.

"The effect is still very good."

Chu Feng nodded with a smile on his face and satisfaction, turned his head to the girl and said, "You can try to wash your hair tonight." "

"Let me try." Yun Xin shouted happily.

She buttoned some soap with her fingers, rubbed her hands like Chu Feng, and washed with water to wash off the oil stains on her hands.

"I've never thought soap was so good." Yun Xin sighed in amazement and looked at her hands, it had been a long time since they had been washed so cleanly.

"You can follow my method and try to make some soap yourself." Chu Feng reached out and touched the girl's head.

Yun Xin was silent for a moment, and then shook his head and said: "Don't waste too much oil, just use one piece of soap, and use the rest for cooking." "

Although the girl also loves it, she also knows the importance of oil, and it is too wasteful to use it to make soap, after all, there is not a lot of wild boar oil.

The audience in the live broadcast room brushed the barrage again.

"Little Loli is so sensible, she loves it."

"If my girlfriend had a little loli who was half sensible, I wouldn't have to break up with her."

"If you want to marry a little loli in the future, you will marry a little loli, sensible and considerate."

"You all get out of the way, little loli is mine."


Chu Feng nodded with a smile and watched the girl take the soap to wash the pots and bowls with interest.

He decided to go hunting after finishing the shelter, and then there would be fat meat to boil oil, soap or something like a few more pieces, and a quality life in the wilderness.

After resting for a while, Chu Feng moved the wooden table of the wooden shed out and came to the pile of stones, as the stone wall became higher and higher, standing on the ground was no longer reachable, and he could only increase his height with the help of the table.

More than two hours later.

Chu Feng fixed the last stone with clay, and the first wall was officially completed.

The height of the entire wall reaches two meters, and in the middle position, there is a square hole one meter wide and more than half a meter high, which is reserved for the installation of windows in the back.

Chu Feng sat and drank water to rest, and after a while, he continued to build another wall.


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