Yun Xin came out of the shelter, and Meimei was amazed, and said, "What a big fire." "

Chu Feng took a few steps back, and then said next to the girl: "It's good if the fire is big, so that the burned wall will be stronger." "

The clay will be pottered when the temperature is high, which is equivalent to burning the entire shelter as a piece of pottery.

Yun Xin looked at the illuminated shelter and asked a little worriedly, "But will this allow other challenge groups to find us here?" "

She looked up at the sky, and the gray smoke from the flames burning the wood drifted high into the sky.

"Probably not?" Chu Feng said uncertainly, he didn't expect this.

With so much firewood lit, the smoke is unavoidable, and now I hope not to attract too many challengers.

"If it is people with bad intentions who come, drive them away." Yun Xin clenched her small fist and snorted softly.

She feels that the current life is good, and it is not bad that the two have been like this, and she doesn't want anyone to disturb her.

"Okay, get rid of them." Chu Feng chuckled and touched the girl's head.

"Let's go to lunch, let's go collect wood." Yun Xin's face was slightly red, and his small hand pushed Chu Feng's back towards the 710 shelter.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked, hooked the girl's shoulder with his backhand, and said softly: "We can rest for a while and go again." "

"Well..." Yun Xin blushed and said softly.

Half an hour later, Chu Feng and the two went into the jungle after lunch and continued to collect wood, this time they went further.

Chu Feng stood under a dead tree, reached out and patted the tree pole and said, "This tree should have been dead for many years, cut it back and burn it." "

He decided to chop some larger pieces of wood and burn them so he could burn longer.

The tree was completely dry, gray-white throughout, and a little decayed, about seven or eight meters tall.

Yun Xin was bending down to pick up the branches, and when he looked up, he saw several bees flying overhead.

She asked in surprise, "Chu Feng, do you think that's a bee?" "

"Bees?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up, looked in the direction the girl pointed, and quickly asked, "Yunxin, where are the bees?" "

"There, a few just flew by." Yun Xin raised his finger and pointed to the bush road (bhdb) not far away.

"Go, go over and take a look." Chu Feng said loudly, striding towards the direction pointed by the girl.

Yun Xin quickly kept up with Chu Feng's pace and asked, "Chu Feng, will there be honey?" "

The sight of bees here means that you can find hives and honey.

"Just catch up and take a look." Chu Feng was indeed looking for honey.

The benefits of honey are too many, it can supplement nutrition, enhance people's immunity, and drinking a glass of honey water after staying up late can relieve fatigue and improve people's mental state.

The most important thing is that honey can supplement the sugar consumed in the body, and sugar, as the three major nutrients of the human body, has an incalculable effect on the body.

Since Chu Feng and the two landed on the island, they have rarely eaten sugary foods, and the sugar in the body is consumed and it is difficult to replenish, and the body is prone to problems over time.

At this time, the importance of honey is self-evident, it contains abundant fructose and glucose, which is of great benefit to the human body and can supplement the sugar consumed by the human body.

This was also the reason why Chu Feng immediately pursued after hearing that there were bees, and among the body strengthening food supplement formulas obtained by the system, there were several formulas that required honey.

After he plans to build a new shelter, he will continue to find materials in the food supplement formula to improve the physique of the two.

After more than twenty minutes, the two slowed down, and in front of them could see many bees hovering in the air.

"There are a lot of bees, the hive must be very large." Yun Xin said in a low voice.

"There must be a lot of honey too." Chu Feng chuckled and said.

"What are so many bees going to do? None of us have bee suits. Yun Xin looked at those swarms of bees a little scared, if surrounded by a group of bees, I am afraid that the whole person will be swollen.

Chu Feng observed the surrounding environment, and then instructed: "You stay here and don't move, I'll go over and take a look." "

"No, it's too dangerous, I'll go with you if you want to go." Yun Xinmei shook her head with a glare.

"Don't worry, I'm just going over to see the situation, and I won't act rashly."

Chu Feng reached out and touched Yun Xin's head melon, and soothed: "What's more, you have such a good-looking face, if you are accidentally stung, it will be swollen like a pig's head at that time." "


Yun Xin rolled her eyes and instructed worriedly, "Then you have to be careful yourself, take a look and come back." "

She was really worried that she would be stung into a pig's head, but she didn't worry about Chu Feng.

"Don't worry, I know that kind of bee, the toxicity is very small, as long as it is not stung a hundred and eighty times, there will be no problem." Chu Feng gave the girl another shot of strength.

No matter what bee, its tail needle is poisonous, but the size of the toxicity difference, the less toxic bee sting will only cause red and swollen wounds, more powerful will cause dizziness and fever.

Unless you encounter extremely toxic bees, being stung can lead to shock and allergy and death, such as Hu Feng and killer bees.

Yun Xin pouted and compromised, and instructed with a serious face: "Then don't get too close, run as soon as there is danger." "

"I see." Chu Feng nodded seriously.

He hid his breath and walked forward carefully.

"Can't see me?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, and when he got closer, he found that those bees had completely ignored him, as if they were treating him like a tree.

He guessed in his heart: "It seems that the hidden aura played a role." "

He walked for three or four minutes and walked through the jungle to find a stone five or six meters high and three or four meters wide, with a beehive the size of a basin in the crack of the stone.

"What a big hive." Chu Feng's eyes lit up and stared at the hive.

The hive hangs about two meters high on the rock, and swarms of bees are flying in and out of the surrounding area.

This is an earthy yellow bee with two black stripes on the tail, each about the size of a peanut, but very numerous.

"Such a big hive, there should be a lot of honey, it seems that you have to go back and prepare." Chu Feng chanted in his mouth, his gaze scanning around.


"Two more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for customization, ask for support. "_

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