Chu Feng's gaze paused, and he saw a large lump of feces not far from the boulder, as well as some messy footprints.

He walked over cautiously and crouched down to look at the messy footprints.

"Bear footprints." Chu Feng's brows furrowed.

He reached out and touched the footprints, comparing the knowledge and images in his mind.

"At least the footprints left this morning, the bear came today." Chu Feng stood up, scanned the surroundings with his gaze, and then quickly left here and walked towards the girl's position.

Yun Xin had been standing in place, his eyes fixed on the direction where Chu Feng had disappeared, and he was anxiously waiting in his heart.

"I'm back." Chu Feng's figure emerged from the bushes.

"Chu Feng, are you okay." Yun Xin approached Chu Feng, his eyes like scanners, scanning his whole body.

"It's okay, it's too good." Chu Feng chuckled~ soothed.

Yun Xin's small hand pulled Chu Feng's body to dangle, raised his hand to examine it carefully, and pulled up his clothes to see if it was stung by bees.

She personally looked around and was relieved to find no wounds.

"How, did you find anything?" Yun Xin then asked about the harvest.

"I saw a beehive, there should be a lot of honey, but I found something." Chu Feng said with a serious face.

Yun Xin's curiosity was aroused, and she quickly asked, "What did you find?" "

Chu Feng turned his head and scanned the surroundings and sighed: "Found the bear's footprints and feces." "


Yun Xin stared at the beautiful eyes and exclaimed, and quickly urged: "Then let's go quickly, the honey is not needed." "

"Don't worry, I've observed that the bear comes in the morning."

Chu Feng calmly analyzed and said, "Go back and get something and cut some honey back." "

Yun Xin frowned and asked rhetorically: "No, it's still too dangerous, what if the bear comes?" "

Chu Feng stretched out his hand to rub the girl's frown, and said softly: "Let's go back and bring torches and bows and arrows, it's no problem to be careful." "

He was still thinking that if he could, he would kill the bear, so that he would have a bear coat to wear.

"But..." Yun Xin pouted, wanting to say something.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine."

With a confident smile on his face, Chu Feng said with a smile: "Let's go back, the wood should be almost burned." "

The two returned to their original positions, tied up the collected wood, and dragged them towards the camp.

When Chu Feng and Yun Xin returned to the shelter, the wood had burned two-thirds, the fire was still very large, and the originally yellow clay was now all burned black.

The two placed the collected wood around the three walls, and the flames instantly engulfed it.

"Let's go, while it's still early, you can drag some wood back after cutting the honey." Chu Feng said in a deep voice.

He and Yun Xin came out of the shelter, armed with firewood knives, torches and tinder, and bamboo bows.

Yun Xin held the clay pot and chanted behind him: "Be careful, if you find a bear, we will run." "

"Yun Xin, you must not run when you encounter a bear alone, people can't run it." Chu Feng shook his head and said.

When encountering a bear, you must not run, it will be seen as a threat and provocation.

Don't look at the bear's body is very bulky, in fact it runs with all its strength. The speed can reach 40km/h, and the endurance is very amazing, running at full speed for tens of minutes without rest.

"Then climb the tree, it should not be climbed so heavy." Yun Xin pouted and continued.

"Bears climb trees too, and they climb faster." Chu Feng then shook his head.

"That... Then fight with it. Yun Xin said angrily.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, and his belly was dark: "A bear slap can slap our heads and die on the spot." "

“...... So what are we going to do? Yun Xin asked with a dark face.

"You can stand on tiptoe, try to make your body appear taller, and then stare fiercely into its eyes." Chu Feng rummaged through the knowledge in his mind.

The sudden change in body size will indeed make many animals doubt and waver, so as to stop moving forward or choose to leave.

If the bear is not scared away, there is another way, which is to maintain this posture, and then face the bear backwards and slowly walk away, there is a certain chance of successful escape.

There is a saying circulating on the Internet that it will be okay to encounter a bear lying on the ground and pretending to die.

In fact, sometimes this method will make you die faster, because bears are omnivores, and in addition to fruits and nuts, sometimes they also eat dead and spoiled animals.

The corners of Yun Xin's mouth tugged, rolled his good-looking eyes, and said leisurely: "Do this, is it three seconds to be eaten?" "

Chu Feng pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled bitterly, his face full of embarrassment.

In the live broadcast room of the two, the audience barrage quickly brushed up.

······· Ask for flowers...

"Chu Feng is going to collect honey, don't forget that the bear likes honey the most."

"Hahaha, Chu Feng was speechless by the little loli."

"Don't go, what if you meet a bear?"

"When you encounter a bear, you can do it according to the method Chu Feng said, and there is really a certain chance that you can escape."

"If it's useless, is it really the same as Little Lori said, just being eaten in three seconds?"

"When you encounter a bear, you can lie on the ground and play dead."

"Do you think you met the two bears of Xiong Er and Xiong Da?."

"Why haven't I seen it for a day, and Chu Feng is going to take the little loli to deliver the 'express' meat meal to the bear?"


Yun Xin walked two steps faster and walked in parallel with Chu Feng.

She pulled a face, turned her head to stare at Chu Feng's side face, and said seriously: "Chu Feng, we don't want honey, let's go pick up wood." "


"Don't worry, I'm sure."

Chu Feng raised the fire in his hand and said, "I really met a bear, I can scare it with fire." "

Yun Xin squinted slightly, and asked suspiciously, "Is it useful?" "

"Of course, I learned all this from television." Chu Feng patted his chest and said confidently.

In fact, these are all knowledge transmitted by the system, and bears are afraid of fire and strong light, and can scare it away with firelight.

The bear's eyesight is also very poor, in fact, it can ignite the dead grass to form a large amount of smoke, block the bear's vision, and then escape in the direction of the downwind, so that the bear's sense of smell cannot find the smell along the way, and there is a high chance of escaping.

"Okay, still have to be careful." Yun Xin sighed and no longer objected.

After all, objections are also invalid.

The two walked along the trail and soon returned to the location where the swarm had been found.

"Yunxin, you wait here, I'll be back soon." Chu Feng took the clay pot in the girl's arms.

Yun Xin frowned delicately and instructed, "You must be careful and careful, I won't leave if you don't come back." "

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back safely." Chu Feng responded seriously.

He grabbed a handful of dead grass around him, then lit a torch and walked in the direction of the hive.

Yun Xin bit her lower lip and stood in place, watching Chu Feng's back disappear into the bushes.


"Three more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for your own customization, please for support. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - 傂

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