Chu Feng approached the hive carefully, looked around, and did not find new bear footprints on the ground, and the tension in his heart was less.

In fact, he doesn't want to run into the bear now, after all, the hasty preparation is not complete enough, and if he really encounters the bear, he can only find a way to escape.

The torch was lit before it approached the hive, and the appearance of the fire attracted the attention of the surrounding bees, and the bee swarm became a little chaotic and hovered above Chu Feng's head.

He came under the boulder, set the clay pot aside, crouched down and lit the dead grass with the torch in his hand.

The dead grass burned rapidly, a large amount of thick smoke drifted upward, and Chu Feng held the dead grass and swung overhead, driving away the bees hovering around the hive.

Bees began to scatter when they encountered thick smoke, and some were already dizzy and even fell to the ground

After smoking for a while, Chu Feng placed the dead grass next to the hive, allowing the "zero zero" smoke to continue to float by the boulder.

Chu Feng barely reached the hive with a firewood knife, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he jumped up and directly cut a large piece of the hive with the firewood knife.

The hive fell down and fell to the ground, and golden honey flowed out of the gap in the hive and dripped to the ground.

Chu Feng quickly picked up the clay pot and loaded the hive into it, and at the same time put the clay pot under the low honey.

The audience in the live broadcast room boiled again, and the barrage kept brushing.

"Only by lying in the groove can we express the praise in your heart."

"Dead? So much honey is taken directly on the spot? "

"I can already foresee that Chu Feng's face will turn into a pig's head."

"It's so scary, I don't dare to look at it anymore."

Little Witch: "Shark fin×188." Chu Feng be careful. "


Chu Feng didn't know what happened in the live broadcast room now, and he didn't have the mind to know.

At this time, he tried his best to hide his breath, hiding next to the boulder, watching the golden honey turn into a golden silk thread and fall into the clay pot.

The bees went crazy, but did not dare to approach the hive, and the smoke around them made them unable to find their way.


Chu Feng shook his hands, and said with cold air in his mouth: "It really hurts." "

His hands had been stung three or four times, and there was already some slight redness and swelling.

The golden honey continued to drip down, and after three or four minutes, the speed of the honey slowed down, and it began to drip down drop by drop, and finally every few seconds before dripping down.

Chu Feng hesitated, did not take the remaining half of the hive, ready to save it for later.

He stood up, sealed the clay pot with the prepared leaves, then picked up the torches on the ground and lifted his feet to extinguish the lit leaves on the ground.

Chu Feng held the clay pot and quickly ran in the direction where the girl was, shouting in his mouth: "Yunxin run, the bees are coming." "

Behind him, dozens of bees chased, and Chu Feng had to continue waving the torches in his hand.

Yun Xin heard Chu Feng's voice from a distance, and when his figure appeared in his line of sight, he turned around and ran quickly towards the shelter.

After more than ten minutes, the two listened breathlessly, and there were no bees chasing behind them.

Yun Xin supported his knees with both hands, half-bent over and looked at Chu Feng, panting and asked intermittently, "Chu... Chu Feng, are you okay. "

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired." Chu Feng propped his elbows on the ground, panting and sitting on the ground, with a faint smile on his face.

The girl's eyes looked at Chu Feng, scanning from beginning to end. Her eyes froze, and she immediately walked over and took Chu Feng's hand to check.

Yun Xin bit her lower lip, looked at the redness and swelling on Chu Feng's hands, and asked softly: 'Will it hurt a lot?' "

"Just a little." Chu Feng chuckled.

Yun Xinmei's eyes widened, her nose was a little sour, and she said in a deep voice: "You are still laughing, your hands are about to swell into pig's trotters." "

"It's okay, go back and rinse it with soapy water, and find some herbs to apply to it, it will be fine soon." Chu Feng stood up, patted the dust on his butt, and then bent down and picked up the clay pot.

The poison of bees is acidic, while soapy water is alkaline, and the two can be neutralized.

"Give me the clay pot, and my hands are like this." Yun Xin rolled her eyes and quickly took the clay pot.

"Let's go, let's go back first." Chu Feng shook his hand in disdain.

He was stung by a bee a few times, don't say it - it really hurts.

A few minutes later, the two returned to the camp.

"Sit still, I'll help you get some soapy water." Yun Xin pointed to the stone by the sink with a serious face.

"Good." Chu Feng sat on the stone obediently.

After a while, Yun Xin came out with soap, dunked a little soap from it, and melted it in another clay bowl.......,

"I'll help you rinse it first." Yun Xin pursed his lips and said, grabbing Chu Feng's hand, and was about to pour soapy water on it.

"Wait a minute, it seems that there are two wounds with bee tail thorns in them, you have to get them out first." Chu Feng waved his hand to stop the girl's movement.


Yun Xin was stunned, quickly put down the pottery bowl, and anxiously grabbed Chu Feng's hands and looked at it.

Chu Feng's forehead sweated, and he gently reminded: "At the wrist joint." "

"See, don't move, I'll pull it." Yun Xin said softly.

She immediately got up and trotted to the thorn fence, breaking a few thorns from above and coming down.

"There is no needle, only this can be used instead." Yun Xin bit her lower lip and carefully helped Chu Feng pick the bee tail thorn in her skin.

After a while, both tail thorns were picked out by the girl.

Chu Feng said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "It's much more comfortable." "

"Wash it with soap and water first." Yun Xin pressed Chu Feng's hand and exposed the location of the wound.

She picked up the pottery bowl and poured the soapy water on the back of Chu Feng's hand little by little.

"It feels better, it doesn't hurt so much." Chu Feng said loudly, originally he wanted to find some herbs to apply to, but now he felt that he didn't need to.

"Then wash it again." Yun Xin breathed a sigh of relief, and then took another piece of soap into the pottery bowl, rinsing Chu Feng's hands little by little.

5.2 At this time, she did not think about saving soap.

In the live broadcast room, the audience saw this scene in their eyes.

"I suddenly want to be stung by bees, and I want Little Lori to help me pick a prick."

"How did Chu Feng do it? I didn't wear a bee-proof suit, but I was only stung a few times? "

"It doesn't matter how you do it, the important thing is that this scene is so loving."

"Chu Feng is so lucky, he didn't meet a bear, it's a pity."

"The one in front, I see you like a bear, the kind that is two more than the bear."

"Little Lori, I'm also stung, help me take a look at it."



"Four more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for support, ask for support. "_

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