At noon, the vicious sun shines on the hills.

In the jungle on the hill, Liu Yiqiu and Liu Yimeng were on their way down.

"Click, click..."

Liu Yiqiu held a saber in her hand and cut off the rattan and branches that stood in the way, clearing the way for her sister behind her.

"Sister, I'm so thirsty." Liu Yimeng opened her dry lips, supported the crutches made by her sister in the morning, and followed Liu Yiqiu with a limp.

This morning, the two had already drunk the remaining little water, and under the light of the poisonous sun, their mouths were already dry.

"Bear with it again, go down the mountain and see if you can find a water source." Liu Yiqiu said helplessly, and also felt that her throat was about to smoke.

"How long do we have to go down the mountain~~" Liu Yimeng pursed her dry lips and said, holding the crutch with one hand and jumping forward with her uninjured right foot.

Her left foot was already red and swollen, there was bruising in it, and the pain was much lighter than yesterday, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

It feels that they have not hurt their muscles and bones, and they need to cultivate for a while to get better, and they can continue to stay.

"It should be another two hours to walk." Liu Yiqiu wielded a knife to cut off the branches in front of him, although he could see the jungle below the mountain, but there was still a long distance.

And it is necessary to clear the obstacles along the way, otherwise Liu Yimeng will not be able to keep up at all, and the speed will be even slower.

"Two hours, never felt like two hours was so long." Liu Yimeng sighed bitterly, and jumped forward with a basket in one hand.

Originally, Liu Yiqiu wanted to take her basket away, but she refused, on the grounds that holding two baskets could not clear the obstacles and open the way.

However, at Liu Yiqiu's insistent request, half of the mangoes in the basket were divided, which saved a lot of weight.

"Hold on a little longer, and after this bush it should be much easier to walk." Liu Yiqiu said in a deep voice, when looking down from the top of the mountain in the morning, he found that the closer to the foot of the mountain, the fewer shrubs there would be.

"Hmm~て." Liu Yimeng nodded and watched the ground move forward carefully, the straw shoes on her feet were already badly damaged.

"Would you like to take a break?" Liu Yiqiu turned around and asked.

"No, go to the bottom of the mountain and rest again, the sun is too big here." Liu Yimeng shook her head.

"Good." Liu Yiqiu nodded and continued to open the way.

After nearly two hours, the two finally descended the hill and rested in the jungle below.

Liu Yimeng held the dried mango in her hand, hesitated and put it back in the basket, now she is very thirsty, the dried mango is too dry, she can't eat it at all.

Her gaze scanned the surroundings, and she made a new discovery, and turned her head to her sister: "Sister, look at those flowers so beautifully." "

"Flowers?" Liu Yiqiu was probing the surroundings and following the direction of her sister's finger.

It was a plant more than two meters tall, with leaves similar to banana leaves, purple tips and many red flowers.

"This is?"

Liu Yiqiu frowned and thought, feeling that the flower was very familiar. After a while, he suddenly realized: "It's banana taro." "

"The flowers are beautiful." Liu Yimeng said softly.


Liu Yiqiu walked over, cut off the banana taro with a sabre, handed the banana taro flower to her sister, and said: "Give, take it if it looks good." "

Liu Yimeng was a little crying and laughing, took the banana taro flowers and put them under her nose and sniffed, there was a faint fragrance.

Because my sister studies plants, she is more interested in the value of flowers and the ornamental aspects.

"I went around to see if there was water." Liu Yiqiu was not interested in banana taro, her eyes scanned the surroundings, or she didn't know much about it, only knew the name of the banana taro.

"Let's go together, there doesn't look like there's anything to eat here." Liu Yimeng stood up with a cane and put the flowers in the bamboo basket.

"Hmm." Liu Yiqiu nodded and put one hand around her sister, the terrain here was much better.

The two walked into the jungle for more than ten minutes and made a new discovery.

"Sister, see if those are fungus." Liu Yimeng pointed to a rotten wood not far away, on which many black fungus grow.

"It's fungus." Liu Yiqiu's eyes lit up and affirmed.

"Sister, there are people here who have come, there are footprints." Liu Yimeng shouted, his eyes sharply seeing the ground next to the decaying tree pole, and there were several clear footprints.

"It looks like it's not far from the camp of the other contestants." Liu Yiqiu said with a serious expression.

She looked around carefully and found many footprints, and the fungus also showed traces of being picked.

"Shall we find out where they are?" Liu Yimeng suggested.

"Don't bother rashly, let's find the water source first." Liu Yiqiu said softly, the other contestants are not necessarily happy with others approaching, and if they are disturbed, they may be driven away.

"There is no sign of water in the vicinity." Liu Yimeng said helplessly, holding the crutches and trying to stand up straight.

"Go over there and see if you find anything else." Liu Yiqiu stretched out her finger to the east, and then helped her sister to continue walking.

The two continued walking for a few minutes until they came to a ravine with a forest of wild bananas.

"There are wild plantains here." Liu Yiqiu's eyes lit up, and her face suddenly showed joy.

Liu Yimeng shouted in surprise: "Sister, I see wild plantains." "

"Let's go, let's go down, I have a way to find water to drink." Liu Yiqiu said excitedly, helped her sister down into the ravine, and walked towards the wild banana forest.

"What way?" Liu Yimeng asked suspiciously, she didn't see a little shadow of water around.

"Just wait for the water." Liu Yiqiu came to a wild plantain tree with a saber in hand.

She half-crouched, and about ten centimeters from the root of the plantain tree, she cut off the wild plantain tree with a sabre.


Liu Yiqiu watched the wild plantain tree slowly fall (Wang Hao), began to dig the remaining banana trunk with a sabre, dug a 'concave' groove down at the location of the fracture, and then covered the fracture with plantain leaves.

In the same way, she cut down another plantain tree.

"Okay, we'll have water to drink in a while." Liu Yiqiu's whole person relaxed, this method of getting water was learned from the Internet.

"So there will be water to drink?" Liu Yimeng asked in amazement, this is the first time she has seen this method of fetching water.

"I learned it online." Liu Yiqiu said.

She turned around, used her saber to split the trunk of the plantain tree that had fallen to the ground, dug out the innermost white plantain core and handed it to her sister.

"What is it?" Liu Yimeng took it suspiciously.


"Two more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for customization, ask for support. "_

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