"Banana core, you can eat it." Liu Yiqiu said softly.

She dug out another small half of the banana core, then opened her mouth and bit it, and the white I filament was pulled out from the broken section.

"Is this something to eat??" Liu Yimeng was stunned, out of trust in her sister.

She also opened her mouth and chewed a few times, and found that there was a lot of water in the banana core, and her thirsty throat was moisturized, and the whole person was much more comfortable.

"A lot of moisture, and it tastes good." Liu Yimeng's long eyelashes trembled, and then she took a few bites of the banana core and chewed it.

"Saved." Liu Yiqiu sighed, chewing the banana core in her mouth and relaxing, temporarily alleviating the crisis of lack of water.

The two rested in the wild plantain forest, and Liu Yiqiu went to open the plantain leaves from time to time to check, and a little water had seeped out of the dug tree trunk.

Liu Yimeng smacked her lips and said with a blank eye: "Sister, bring me another banana core." "


Liu Yiqiu took the saber and peeled the bark of another wild plantain tree, dug out the white banana core inside, folded it in half and handed it to her sister.

"After eating wild vegetables and dried mangoes for so long, I finally changed the taste." Liu Yimeng chewed the banana core contentedly, and the silk thread hung at the corner of her mouth.

"We'll go see if there's a water source later, maybe it's good to build shelter here." Liu Yiqiu said sideways.

"Uh-huh, 910." Liu Yimeng nodded in agreement, her mouth bulging, stuffed with banana cores.

Nearly two hours later, Liu Yiqiu lifted the leaves covered by the two plantain trees, and the 'hollow' groove inside was already half water.

The two rested in the wild banana forest, eating banana cores and chewing dried mangoes to supplement today's consumption.

"Are you still thirsty?" Liu Yiqiu turned his head and asked, ready to use a bamboo tube to fill up all the water.

"After eating banana cores, I am no longer thirsty." Liu Yimeng waved his hand and said.

"Then store the water first." Liu Yiqiu nodded, filled the water that seeped out of the 'hollow' grooves of the two plantain trees into the bamboo tube, and then covered it again with banana leaves, and came back to fetch it next time when needed.

Liu Yimeng looked at the water that was only filled with a bamboo tube, and sighed: "Sister, wouldn't it be a bit too wasteful to cut down two plantain trees for such a little water." "

"There is no water in the wild, but the severed roots of plantain trees will grow new shoots and grow again in more than a year." Liu Yiqiu said softly.

When the bananas are harvested, the farmer also cuts the fruit-bearing banana trees to leave nutrients for the new shoots to grow.

"That's how it is." Liu Yi nodded dreamily.

In the observer's live broadcast room, He Ming and Wu Qingyue had been observing the two sisters for a while.

"It's the first time I've known that plantain trees can still get water like this." Wu Qingyue exclaimed, with a long and insightful expression.

"If you can't find water in the wild, you can get it this way." Wang Lin nodded lightly, he knew this method of getting water.

He Ming frowned slightly, and wondered, "How do I see that the wild banana forest they just was in is very familiar. "

"Being reminded by Teacher He like this, it seems to be a little familiar, like I have seen it in someone's live broadcast room." Wu Qingyue frowned, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

After all, there are too many live broadcast rooms to observe, and there are many scenery that have been seen, and there is no fixed impression in the mind, which is difficult to identify immediately.

"Chu Feng." Qi Weiting spoke concisely and quietly continued to look at the screen in front of her.

"Oh oh, I remembered that this wild banana forest appeared in Chu Feng's live broadcast room." Wu Qingyue suddenly realized.

"So, the twin sisters are now near Chu Feng's camp?" He Ming was surprised, could the four meet?

"Then will they meet Chu Feng?" Wu Qingyue's eyes lit up.

He Ming said with interest: "I'm curious now what will happen when the four meet. "

"I guess Chu Feng should help them." Wu Qingyue answered and guessed.

"I don't think so, although Chu Feng still has a lot of food, but if there are two more people, then it will not be enough."

Wang Lin hugged his chest with both hands and analyzed lightly: "People are selfish, not to mention that this involves super prizes, and helping them is equivalent to cultivating competitors for themselves." "

Wu Qingyue's brows furrowed slightly, and she retorted: "Not everyone is selfish. "

"That's not necessarily, the storage of meat between Chu Feng and the two is enough to survive for a long time, and it is definitely not enough to add two more people to come in." Wang Lin said confidently.

Chu Feng and Yun Xin can live very well now, but with two more people coming out, the situation is different.

He thought that Chu Feng would not take in the two sisters, otherwise he would definitely not survive the winter, and four mouths consumed much more than two mouths.

"This... Liu Yiqiu and the two are not dragged down, they can also help a lot, but they understand too little knowledge. Wu Qingyue said weakly.

The twin sisters have survived until now, in her opinion, they have worked very hard, compared to some male challengers.

And Liu Yiqiu and the two sisters will not necessarily rely on Chu Feng and the two, Wu Qingyue according to the previous situation analysis, the two sisters do not like to rely on people's personalities.

"Maybe, why not eliminate a few more fighters?" Wang Lin spread his hands.

After all, wilderness survival is not a family affair, and more consideration is reality.

He Ming saw that the atmosphere was a little stiff, and quickly took over the topic: "The guesses of the two are reasonable, and the audience can also guess, if they meet in the end, what will be the result?" "


Liu Yimeng and Liu Yiqiu climbed up from the ravine.

"It should be dark in less than two hours." Liu Yiqiu looked up at the sky through the gap in the jungle, and the sunlight was much milder.

"Then let's go quickly, it's best to find a place with water first." Liu Yimeng carried the bamboo basket and walked forward with a cane.

"Going this way, you should be able to find water along these traces." Liu Yiqiu reached out and pulled her sister and pointed in the direction behind her.

It was a cleared trail with cut shrub branches and rattan along the way, apparently made by other competitors, meaning that their camp could be reached along the trail, perhaps where the water was.

"Then let's go." Liu Yimeng also understood, and walked first with her crutches.

More than an hour later, the sun in the sky slowly set to the west, and the originally bright sky was also covered with a gray veil.

"Sister, it's going to be dark again, we haven't found a water source yet, should we find a place to spend the night first?" Liu Yimeng suggested.

"Further on, there is no place for us to rest." Liu Yiqiu's eyes were anxious, and it was too dangerous when it got dark.

Unexpectedly, I walked along the road for nearly two hours, although it was mainly a problem with Liu Yimeng's feet, which caused the walking speed to be very slow.

Liu Yimeng bit her lower lip and walked forward, and suddenly in her line of sight, cooking smoke rose in the sky not far away.

She shouted in surprise: "Sister, there is smoke there." "


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