In the dark night, the cold wind blows.

"Chu Feng, what's wrong?" Liu Yimeng asked nervously, biting her lower lip, and the hand holding the longbow tightened.

"The jackals are coming this way." Chu Feng composed his face, stood up and looked at the jungle outside vigilantly.

"Shall we run?" Liu Yimeng also stood up, with her back against the shelter~ nervousness.

"Don't act rashly, this is the safest place." Chu Feng said in a deep voice, casually picking up the bamboo bow and bamboo arrow on the ground.


The roar of jackals was heard in the darkness, and the beast eyes that emitted a dark green were so conspicuous in the dark jungle.

Five jackals ran out of the jungle at an extremely fast speed, rushing towards the location where Chu Feng and the two were.


Slowing down as he approached the fire outside the tree, he kept hissing and began to wander outside, keeping his mouth screaming.

Only then did Chu Feng and the two see the appearance of these jackals, their appearance was similar to that of wolves, but a little smaller than wolves, their abdomen and the inside of their limbs were light brown, and the rest of the hair on their bodies was tan.

There is a jackal closest to the fire and is tentatively trying to bypass the fire and enter.

The back of Chu Feng's head was numb, making his face cold, this is that the perception of danger has been triggered, which means that there may be danger next.

No longer hesitating, he skillfully bent the bow and took the arrow, aimed at the jackal, and without hesitation released the finger that hooked the bowstring, the whole process was completed in one go, and in two seconds, the bamboo arrow broke away from the bowstring.


The bamboo arrow flew out, extremely fast, and directly hit the side neck of the jackal.

The observer's live broadcast room boiled, and the barrage brushed one by one.

"God, Chu Feng is a marksman." Wu Qingyue exclaimed in a low voice, her beautiful eyes widened, and she couldn't believe it.

"Could it be that Chu Feng is still proficient in archery?" He Ming was also surprised, he had read Chu Feng's information, and it seemed that he had not undergone orthodox archery training, why was archery so powerful?

"The jackal should not be much of a threat to Chu Feng." Wang Linjian couldn't see through Chu Feng more and more.

"........," Qi Weiting's eyes lit up beautifully, and she continued to watch the live broadcast quietly.

"There are still four jackals, I don't know if Chu Feng can kill them all." Wu Qingyue's long eyelashes trembled, and her heart was still very nervous.

The corners of Wang Lin's mouth tugged, and the jackal felt the threat of death, wouldn't he run?

The jackal, who was shot in the side of the neck, fell directly to the ground after taking two steps, and his body trembled. The jackals were frightened and retreated.

"Chu Feng, it's so powerful." Liu Yimeng exclaimed, before the bow and arrow in his hand were erected, Chu Feng had already shot a jackal.


The jackals lingered not far away, did not leave, and seemed unwilling to give up the 'delicacy' of Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng.

Chu Feng stared at the jackals with a cold face, paying attention to their movements.

After a while, the wandering jackals slowly moved forward again, and their green eyes in the darkness stared at Chu Feng.

"Find death." Chu Feng bent his bow and arrow again with cold eyes, and the next moment released his fingers.


Another bamboo arrow flew out, this time hitting a jackal walking in front and hitting his front leg.

"It seems that bamboo arrows are still not as good as charcoal fiber arrows." Chu Feng sighed secretly in his heart, this arrow failed to kill this jackal.


The jackals retreated in panic, and the injured jackal turned and fled with a lame foot, taking away the bamboo arrows on his body.

"Wasted me a bamboo arrow." Chu Feng pouted, looked at the dead jackal that fell not far away, and hesitated and did not go out to pick it up.

"Great, the jackals retreated." Liu Yimeng breathed a sigh of relief, slowly squatted down, and leaned on the shelter.

She looked at Chu Feng, there was a special color in her black eyes, Chu Feng's archery skills were the best people she had seen so far.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised and ridiculed: "Is there a flower on my face?" "

"Yes, a big flower." Liu Yimeng said with a smile, Chu Feng's face was stained with a lot of deer blood, which had dried out, forming dark red spots.

Chu Feng reached out and touched his face, only to find that the previous deer blood had not been cleaned up.

"Wipe it with water." Liu Yimeng handed the bamboo tube over.

"Good." Chu Feng poured some water from the bamboo tube on his hand, rubbing the dried blood on his face.

Liu Yimeng asked softly, "Chu Feng, will you have the opportunity to teach me archery in the future?" "

She no longer had the idea of trying it, and she was impressed by Chu Feng's ability to shoot deer and jackals today.

"No problem." Chu Feng nodded and agreed.

"Is that the jackal just there?" Liu Yimeng looked at the night and asked.

········ Ask for flowers... 0

"Let's clean up tomorrow." Chu Feng nodded lightly and continued to process the deerskin.

It's obviously not a good idea to clean up that jackal now, and there may be other dangers in the dark jungle.

Time passed slowly, and the fire outside the tree was about to burn out.

Chu Feng looked at the few remaining wood, and did not continue to add the fire outside, the remaining wood was only enough to make the fire in the shelter last until dawn.

"Aha~~" Liu Yimeng yawned, her eyes almost unable to open.

"Hurry up and sleep." Chu Feng persuaded and said that the deerskin had almost dried under the baking of the fire.

"No, don't you still have a vigil?" Liu Yimeng pursed her mouth and said seriously, although the upper and lower eyelids had already begun to fight.


"I'll just keep it." Chu Feng said softly.

Liu Yimeng opened her eyes hard, pouted and said stubbornly: "No, we take turns to keep vigil." "

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised slightly, and he suggested: "Then I will keep watch for the first half of the night, and you will keep the second half of the night." "

"Then I'll sleep first, you remember to wake me up." Liu Yimeng yawned again, put on her hood and entered the shelter, lying on the left side and closing her eyes.

"Hmm." Chu Feng raised the corners of his mouth and added wood to the fire, and he had to keep watch for a while longer.

As for whether to call her in the second half of the night, let's talk about it when the time comes.

Time flew by imperceptibly, and the night was already deep.


Chu Feng yawned and ordered in his mind, "Sign in." "

A virtual screen popped up with the date of the 1st lit up.

It's the start of another month of check-ins.

"It's time to sleep." Chu Feng stretched his waist, moved the deerskin away from the fire a little, and then added a few more pieces of wood to the fire.

He stood up, carefully bent down into the shelter, and slowly lay down.

Chu Feng looked sideways at Liu Yimeng, who was lying quietly, and muttered in a low voice: "It's quite honest to sleep." "

He touched the firewood knife placed next to him and closed his eyes to sleep at ease.

With the ability to sense harm, Chu Feng decided not to wake Liu Yiqiu to keep vigil.


"Three more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for automatic subscription, ask for support. "_

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