In the morning, the first rays of sunlight shine into the jungle through the gaps between the trees.


Liu Yimeng slowly opened her eyes, subconsciously squeezed I with her hand, and muttered unconsciously in her mouth: "Why is the hand I feeling so hard?" "

She looked sideways and found that her hand was on Chu Feng's chest.


Liu Yimeng's face turned red all of a sudden, and he quickly withdrew his hand, and secretly cursed in his heart: Liu Yimeng, when will your bad problem of messing with I touch I people be changed?

She carefully climbed out of the shelter, stood up and stretched, rubbed her slightly blushing face, and said to herself: "However, Chu Feng's chest I muscles are quite large. "

Liu Yiqiu picked up the bow and arrow, walked outside, his eyes scanned the place where the jackal appeared last night, his brows furrowed, and he said in amazement: "That jackal seems to be lying here last night, why is it gone?" "

The place where the jackal was lying was now empty, only some black blood stains.

Inside the shelter, Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes and looked down at the clothes on his chest that were wrinkled.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he muttered softly: "It seems that the sentence said last night will be taken back." "

The same is a restless sleeper.

"Tread, tread..."

Liu Yimeng ran over and saw Chu Feng wake up, his face was a little unnaturally red, and his eyes did not dare to look at each other.

She tilted her head slightly and said, "Chu Feng, that jackal is gone." "

"Gone?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, and quickly got up and came outside.

Sure enough, I didn't see the jackal that had been shot, but I found some shallow footprints on the ground.

"Was it taken away by the jackals?" Liu Yimeng asked suspiciously.

"No, these footprints are feline." Chu Feng said in a deep voice, his gaze scanning over the surrounding trees.

"Felines? Leopard or bobcat? Liu Yimeng's face changed, and the felines she knew could only think of these two now.

"I can't tell the difference, the footprints are too shallow, I can only see that they belong to felines." Chu Feng shook his head, sighed secretly in his heart, and lost a piece of fur.

Liu Yimeng suddenly remembered something, stared at Chu Feng with beautiful eyes, and said angrily: "It's too dangerous, you should have called me up to keep vigil last night?" "

"I accidentally fell asleep last night." Chu Feng opened his eyes and said nonsense.

Last night's danger perception was not triggered, proving that the feline did not approach the shelter, but only took the jackal away.

"In the future, when I have the opportunity, I will keep watch for the middle of the night." Liu Yimeng said with a serious face.

"Good." Chu Feng shrugged and answered, he couldn't say that he had the ability to sense danger, and it was okay not to keep vigil.

Liu Yimeng looked at Chu Feng's expression, knew that he had said it in vain, rolled his eyes and asked, "What is good for breakfast?" "

Chu Feng thought slightly, and said: "Pack up your things, go and dig up the deer, and eat venison for breakfast today." "

He reflexively returned to the temporary shelter, removed the completely dried deerskin, folded it and put it in a bamboo basket.

Liu Yimeng also packed up her things, looked at the deer in another bamboo basket, and found that it was still alive.

She got up and grabbed a handful of tender grass around and stuffed it into the bamboo basket, then took the bamboo basket and took the bow and arrow, checking if there was anything missing.

"Let's go." Chu Feng held the firewood knife and walked towards the location where the deer was buried.

Five or six minutes later, the two came to the place where the bucks were handled, and the guts that had been left behind yesterday were gone, only a messy footprint.

The carbon fire on the mound is still there, and there is no trace of being turned over.

Chu Feng put down the bamboo basket, used a wooden stick to pull away the cooled carbon fire, and began to dig up the soil, and Liu Yimeng quickly squatted down to help.

A few minutes later, the pit was cut open again, revealing yellowed palm leaves, simmered by the heat of the charcoal fire.

"It seems to be cooked, and it smells." Liu Yimeng shouted happily.

"Well, ripe." Chu Feng lifted the palm leaves, and the whole deer had already been stewed, and the aroma of meat wafted out.

He got up and went to find some new palm leaves, spread them on the ground next to them, and then moved the whole deer up.

"Give me the saber." Chu Feng stretched out his hand and said.

"Give." Liu Yimeng quickly took out the saber and handed it over.

Chu Feng slowly cut off pieces of meat along the deer's thighs, placed them in the steel pot, and said softly: "How about tasting?" "


Liu Yimeng opened his mouth to answer, reached out and pinched a piece of venison into his mouth and chewed, frowned slightly and said softly: "There is no taste, but the taste is not bad." "

"Then eat like this." Chu Feng chuckled, stabbed a piece of venison with a saber and stuffed it into his mouth and chewed.

The stewed venison really has no taste, only a little smell of charcoal fire, and a fishy smell.

The two squatted next to the deer and ate, and the scene was filmed by the drone overhead.

The early audience in the live broadcast room began to brush up the barrage.

"This life is so moist, I eat roasted whole deer."

"I drool, and I have to eat roast whole lamb at night."

"What kind of evil did I make early in the morning, I want to watch Chu Feng's live broadcast?"

"I silently ate vegetarian stuffed buns, hurriedly rushed to the morning bus, and suddenly envied Chu Feng's life."


Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng ate for more than twenty minutes and filled their stomachs.

"Let's find a wooden stick to hang up the deer and carry it back by one person." Liu Yimeng wiped her mouth and suggested.

"No, I'll carry it in a bamboo basket." Chu Feng took out all the deerskin and other things in the bamboo basket.

"Huh? You're kidding? Liu Yimeng glared at Meimu and said softly.

The whole deer cut a small piece of meat and ate it, even if the water and dirt were removed, the remaining part was less than one hundred and fifty pounds.

"That weight is nothing to me." In order to prove it, Chu Feng reached out and grabbed Liu Yimeng's back collar and carried her whole person off the ground.

Liu Yimeng's face turned red, and her hands and feet danced and shouted: "Let me down." "

"Do you believe it?" Chu Feng lowered his hand with a smile, and his strength seemed to have become a little greater.

Liu Yimeng blushed shyly and exclaimed, "Chu Feng, why are you so strong?" "

She quickly reached out and sorted out her clothes, remembering that when Chu Feng came to her with a stag on his shoulder yesterday, her face seemed to be not red and breathless.

"This is called innate divine power." Chu Feng spread his hands.

"Uh..." Liu Yimeng was stunned, and she didn't even have a chance to refute.

"Okay, pack up and get ready to go home." Chu Feng covered the bamboo basket with palm leaves, and then used a saber to unload all the deer's limbs and loaded it into the bamboo basket.

The body of the deer was cut into several knots and also stuffed into a bamboo basket, and the exposed part was wrapped in palm leaves to prevent mosquitoes and leaves from falling on it.


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