Yun Xin looked at Liu Yimeng's action of packing up her tools, and asked softly curiously, "Are you going out?" "

"Well, dig up some clay and come back." Chu Feng said softly.

Yun Xin nodded and said softly, "Pay attention to safety." "

"Good." Chu Feng took two bamboo baskets and shoveled out of the shelter with the sappers, followed by Liu Yimeng.

The two walked in the direction of the creek and stepped on the soft snow to the creek.

"It's all frozen." Liu Yimeng's eyes scanned the stream, and the originally clear stream had frozen, and even the waterfall had frozen into an ice waterfall.

"Be careful of slipping." Chu Feng instructed softly.

"Got it." Liu Yimeng replied softly and walked towards the location where the clay was originally dug.

"So hard." Chu Feng muttered and poked the ground with a sapper shovel.

The clay was dug next to the creek, so the soil here was very wet, and the moisture froze after a snowfall, and even the mud and clay froze.

"This clay is a bit hard to dig." Chu Feng smiled bitterly, and slowly dug the clay on the surface with a sapper shovel, digging down a few centimeters until the clay was no longer so hard.

The two dug for more than 20 minutes and filled two bamboo baskets.

"Gone, it should be enough." Chu Feng said softly.

He carried the bamboo basket behind him, then picked up another bamboo basket filled with clay and walked forward with a sapper shovel.

Chu Feng's strength has become much greater, so this time he brought two bamboo baskets, and moving clay once was enough to build the fireplace.

"Wait for me." Liu Yimeng shouted, carrying the small bamboo basket and hurriedly keeping up.

She learned to be smart this time, no longer stubborn, the clay just filled the plane of the bamboo basket mouth, and she couldn't carry it any more.

On a snowy day, the road was not easy to follow, and the two walked for more than twenty minutes before returning to the camp.

Chu Feng poured all the clay into the cultivation room and prepared to build the fireplace.

Yun Xin saw the two come back, poured hot water and shouted, "You guys drink some hot water to warm up first." "

"Good." Chu Feng replied casually, turned around and left the cultivation room and returned to the shelter, sitting by the fireplace and drinking hot water to rest.

Yun Xin looked at Chu Feng's bare hand and said with a straight face: "Chu Feng, bring the gloves later." "

"Wait until the fireplace is set up before wearing it, otherwise it will not be good to stick to the clay." Chu Feng said softly.

"Then make another pair." Yun Xin pouted.

"You better make yourself a pair first."

Chu Feng reached out and poked the girl's face, and said softly: "I'll burn a fire in it later, so it's not cold." "

"That's fine." Yun Xin's face slowed slightly, and he gently patted away the messy hand on his face.

Chu Feng stood up with a chuckle, stretched out, took out a burning log from the fireplace, and walked outside the shelter.

He moved some wood in the warehouse and lit a fire in the corner of the incubation room to warm up the incubation room.

"Let's make the door first." Chu Feng said to himself, the fire was burned, but there was no door in the cultivation room, and the heat could not be retained.

He got up and took some sticks out of the warehouse and cut them with a wood knife to the same length, the same height as the cultivation room.

Liu Yimeng also came, squatted down and took the rope and asked, "Do you want to tie it up?" "

"Well, just set up another log horizontally, and then fix it to the log one by one." Chu Feng said softly, using the rope to start fixing.

"Howler, I'll tie this up." Liu Yimeng said with great interest, and the rope in her hand skillfully went around the wooden stick and fixed it to the crosswood.

After nearly half an hour, the door frame of the incubation room was ready.

"Weave some hay up, there are too many gaps." Chu Feng said softly, some wooden sticks are not straight, there will be many gaps, even if such a door is installed, the insulation effect is limited.

"Then I'll go get the hay." Liu Yimeng put down the rope in her hand, got up and entered the warehouse, and soon came out with a bundle of hay.

The two continued to busy, spreading the hay evenly on the wooden door, and then wrapping it around it with ropes to secure the hay.

More than ten minutes later, the wooden door was officially completed.

Chu Feng lifted the wooden door to the cultivation room, and installed the wooden door of the cultivation room in the same way as fixing the shelter door.

"It seems to be good." Liu Yimeng tried to open and close the wooden door, which was easier to push open than expected.

"Come in, it's cold outside." Chu Feng said softly with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and turned around and entered the cultivation room.

"Uh-huh." Liu Yimeng answered casually, turned around and entered the cultivation room, and then closed the wooden door, leaving a gap.

She is letting the air circulate, otherwise the closed cultivation room lights a fire, is this to burn charcoal to commit suicide?

"You stay here, I'll go find some stones." When Chu Feng entered the cultivation room, he remembered that he needed stones to build a fireplace.

"I'll go with you." Liu Yimeng spoke, not waiting for Chu Feng to refuse, she had already pushed open the wooden door and returned to the courtyard, bending down to find the stone.

Chu Feng chuckled and shook his head, carried the bamboo basket to sweep away the snow layer, turned out the covered stones, and then loaded them into the bamboo basket.

More than twenty minutes later, the two picked up a pile of stones.

"It should be enough." Chu Feng said softly and carried the bamboo basket back to the cultivation room.

"It's so cold."

Liu Yimeng rubbed her arms, closed the wooden door, and asked softly, "Chu Feng, when are we going out hunting." "

Only when he went out to hunt, Chu Feng had animal skin pants to wear, and he didn't have to wear a pair of animal skin pants with his sister.

"Look at what the weather is like tomorrow, with light or no snow we will go out." Chu Feng thought for a while and said, the animal skin should have been solved earlier.

"Well, good." Liu Yimeng answered crisply, squatting on the side to help build the fireplace.

The fireplace that Chu Feng was going to build was the same as that of the shelter, but it was smaller, and it was easier to set up.

The two were busy, spending nearly two hours to set up the fireplace.

The fireplace was only half the size of the one in the shelter, but it was enough to heat the nursery.

Chu Feng buttoned the clay between his fingers and said softly, "Okay, let's wait for the clay to dry out." “

"So what's next?" Liu Yimeng asked.

"Go back to the shelter and cook some vegetable soup for lunch." Chu Feng thought for a moment and said softly.

He is ready to give the three of them another food supplement to improve everyone's physical fitness, especially Liu Yiqiu also came to the menstrual event, which is a little difficult in this snowy weather.


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