Liu Yimeng's eyes lit up, and she asked expectantly, "Is it the kind of wild vegetable soup you cooked before?" "

"Well, do you want to eat it?" Chu Feng asked with a chuckle.

"Think." Liu Yimeng nodded quickly.

"Then let's go back." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised, pushed open the wooden door of the cultivation room, and walked towards the shelter.

"Busy?" Yun Xin looked up and asked.

"Well, come back and make you some wild vegetable soup." Chu Feng replied softly, scooped some water into the water tank, and went into the toilet to rinse the clay sticking to his hands.

"I'll help you wash the wild vegetables." Yun Xin said softly, put down the linen gloves he had just made, and got up to help.

"Okay." Chu Feng said softly, turned over all the wild vegetables that needed to be used, and handed them to the girl.

The girl went to wash the wild vegetables, and he sorted together the medicinal herbs he needed, after all, the camera was pointed in the direction of the fireplace.

Nearly twenty minutes passed, and the clay pot on the fireplace was steaming, and the ingredients inside were constantly tumbling.

Chu Feng put some salt and honey into it, and after boiling it for a while, the food supplement full of clay pots was ready.

He put the hay in his hands, held the clay pot on the wooden table, and said softly: "It's ready to eat." "

"Good." Liu Yimeng quickly got up and took out the bowl and chopsticks from the wooden shelf, and skillfully filled everyone with wild vegetable soup.

"It looks so appetizing." Liu Yiqiu secretly swallowed her saliva, scooped some soup with a small spoon, and her body suddenly warmed up a lot.

"Let's eat more." Chu Feng said softly, eating more of this wild vegetable herb can only have benefits and no harm.

"Uh-huh." Liu Yiqiu gently bowed her head and sipped the wild vegetable soup spoon after spoon.

The wild vegetable soup full of clay pots was eaten by four people after more than ten minutes, leaving only a table of empty bowls and chopsticks.

"I'll go wash the dishes." Liu Yimeng collected the dishes and chopsticks, got up and went to the toilet to wash.

Chu Feng stood up, walked out of the shelter, and moved the bamboo he brought back from the warehouse into the cultivation room, he wanted to make a cultivation rack for growing mushrooms and wild vegetables.

"It doesn't seem to be enough." Chu Feng said to himself, there are not many bamboos left, at most two cultivation racks, and there are not many mushrooms and wild vegetables to grow.

He sighed softly and said, "It seems that I have to go to the beach again." "

Chu Feng squatted down and processed the bamboo with a firewood knife, cutting the calf-thick bamboo from the middle, revealing the groove inside, which could be used to fill the culture material to grow mushrooms and wild vegetables.

"Chu Feng, I'm coming." Liu Yimeng shouted and pushed open the door of the cultivation room and walked in, with a lot of snowflakes stuck to her short hair.

She asked curiously, "Do you need me to do anything?" "

"Help dig the hole." Chu Feng said softly, holding a firewood knife to dig holes at the bottom of each section of bamboo, so that when planting mushrooms and wild vegetables in the future, watering would not cause too much water to accumulate.

"I will." Liu Yimeng said crisply, and with great interest he took the saber he brought and began to dig holes.

"The hole doesn't need to be too big, and don't dig and crack." Chu Feng instructed softly.

"Don't worry, I'm a professional." Liu Yimeng laughed, but the movements in his hand slowed down and carefully drilled the hole.

At noon, although the sun hangs directly above String Moon Island, it still makes people feel cold.

Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng were busy in the cultivation room, and after the fire in the corner weakened, they added wood to it, and time passed imperceptibly.

Chu Feng found a wooden stick, tied it at one end of each two, and pulled it apart in a small arc to make an 'X' shaped bracket.

In the same way, he made six, each in groups of three, using long wooden sticks to join the three groups together from the top.

Then fix the treated bamboo, with the groove facing up, on both sides of the 'X' shaped bracket, with five layers of bamboo on each side, each layer separated by 20 centimeters.

Such an 'X-shaped bracket, with bamboo fixed on both sides, has ten layers of concave I grooves that can be used to grow mushrooms and wild vegetables.

"It doesn't seem to be difficult." Liu Yimeng said softly, helping to secure the other three 'X' brackets together, and then began to fix the bamboo to the sides.

The two were busy, time flew by, and the sky outside had gradually darkened, so they set up the two cultivation racks and placed them on both sides of the cultivation room.

"It seems to be empty." Liu Yimeng clapped her hands, but she couldn't feel the cold in her busyness.

The incubation room is still very spacious, and after the two brackets are moved aside, the middle is still very empty.

"Well, you can also put two brackets in the middle, wait two days to go to the beach, and then pull some bamboo back." Chu Feng said softly.

"So what's next?" Liu Yimeng reached out and brushed the short hair that fell from her forehead behind her ear.


At this time, the wooden door of the cultivation room was pulled open.

Yun Xin poked her head in and said with a smile: "Don't do anything, it's time for dinner." "

"It's dark." Liu Yimeng looked at the night outside in amazement.

"yes, you're too focused."

Yun Xin said softly: "Don't be busy, come out for dinner." "

"Good." Chu Feng chuckled and clapped his hands.

"Sure enough, time flies fastest when he's busy." Liu Yimeng sighed and followed the two back to the shelter.

"Sit down, it's time to eat." Liu Yiqiu was serving dinner to everyone.

Tonight I had a stew, a wild boar stew with venison with some wild vegetables and fungus, in addition to a pot of oyster soup.

"Drink some oyster soup first." Liu Yiqiu sat back on the wooden stool after serving the soup.

This is a sun-dried oyster before, and occasionally a meal will cook some soup to supplement the nutritional factors that the human body lacks.

"Put it down, we can do this ourselves, you sit and rest first." Chu Feng said softly.

"It's okay." Liu Yiqiu's face is slightly red, there is no side leakage after padding the sanitary cloth, as long as the range of exercise is not too large, it is still no problem.

"My sister came to that... It doesn't hurt. Liu Yimeng tilted her head and whispered in Chu Feng's ear.

Liu Yiqiu's ears heard it, and her face turned red and gritted her teeth and shouted: "Liu Yimeng... You're itchy, right? "

She stared at her sister angrily, can this kind of thing be said nonsense?

"Hee-hee... This soup is delicious. Liu Yimeng smiled and immediately lowered her head to sip the soup.

"..." The corner of Liu Yiqiu's eyes twitched.

Chu Feng endured a smile and coughed twice, "Ahem... Eat quickly, don't wait until it gets cold. "


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