At night, the cold wind 'whistles'.

In the camp, the four of Chu Feng sat around the fireplace after taking a bath and chatting about the sky.

"Chu Feng, you shouldn't have to go out hunting in the future, right?" Yun Xin asked softly, not wanting to stay in the camp every time and worry.

"If nothing else, it shouldn't be used." Chu Feng thought for a moment and said softly.

Coupled with the deer and jackals picked up today, the peeled fur is enough to make him and Liu Yimeng's animal skin pants, and the warm clothes for the four are basically complete.

The meat is also well stocked, so there is no need to go out hunting without accidents.

"That's good." Yun Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aha~~" Liu Yiqiu yawned.

"Let's all sleep, you should not have slept well last night." Chu Feng said softly, looking at the eyes of the girl and Liu Yiqiu, the circle of black circles was obvious.

"Hmm." Liu Yiqiu replied softly, got up and climbed onto the big I bed, lifted the quilt and lay down.

Yun Xin yawned and got into the sleeping bag and said softly, "Chu Feng, you also go to bed early." "

"Right away." Chu Feng replied casually.

He added a few pieces of wood to the fireplace, clapped his hands, got up and went to the support column in the shelter, bending down to look at the little squirrel in the bamboo cage.

"Squeaky ..."

The little squirrel held his furry tail and looked at Chu Feng vigilantly.

"Give you a pecan." Chu Feng chuckled, took out a crushed pecan, and stuffed it into the bamboo cage, which was the first step in domesticating it.

"Squeaky ..."

The little squirrel hesitated, but still picked up the crushed pecan with his paws, picked up the walnut kernels inside and ate it.

Chu Feng looked at it for a while, straightened up and stretched out, then walked to the big I bed, took off his shoes and got into the sleeping bag.

Tonight he decided to go to bed early too, after all, he didn't sleep well last night.

Yun Xin rolled over and hugged I, hugging Chu Feng's waist to make her feel very grounded, and soon fell asleep.

Chu Feng glanced sideways at the girl's pretty face, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.


On the other side of the hill in the distance, inside a bamboo forest covered in snow.

In the tattered shelter where Li Huaan and Zhang Zhenhua were, the two were hugging and shivering.

"Ahem!!" Zhang Zhenhua coughed violently twice, and his lips were frozen blue.

"It's so cold." Li Huaan snorted, leaning against the fire in front of him.

Since the snow, the two have been staying by the fire every day to keep warm, unless the firewood is gone, they will go out to collect wood, and by the way, they will rummage through the snow layer to see if there are any wild vegetables to eat.

In this way, the two relied on 'one body of righteousness' and survived these days.


"Wild vegetables are already hard to find." Li Huaan touched his grumbling belly and said, when he went out to collect wood during the day, he wanted to look for wild vegetables.

So after turning over the surrounding snow, and finally being frozen to the point of half-baking, he dug up two bamboo shoots, and then ran back to the shelter to bake the fire, and only then persevered.

"Let's quit, it can't last until the end." Zhang Zhenhua stared at his bloodshot eyes.

Li Huaan shook his head and said stubbornly: "No, you can't quit." "

"You're crazy, if you continue, we'll all freeze to death here." Zhang Zhenhua said angrily, pulling the thin clothes on his body, which could not stop the cold at all.

Li Huaan pursed his chapped lips and insisted, "There will be a way." "

"What way?" Zhang Zhenhua suppressed his anger and asked.

Li Huaan opened his mouth and said, "I haven't thought of it yet..."

Zhang Zhenhua glanced at the camera, lowered his voice and said angrily: "What is good here?" If you can't eat enough and wear warmth, let alone survive a year, you can't last for three months this winter. "

He now misses his bed, the thick silk quilt, and the heating.

"Persistence is victory." Li Huaan whispered.

"Don't do your delusional billion-dollar dream." Zhang Zhenhua lowered his voice and said coldly.

"It's not wishful thinking, it's possible." Li Huaan responded with insufficient confidence.

"At the end of the day, you just don't want to quit?" Zhang Zhenhua smiled angrily and wanted to slap him, but because of the presence of a camera, he held back.

He wanted to withdraw, but only if both people agreed, and one person was not allowed to withdraw.

"Don't want to." Li Huaan pouted.

"You boy..." Zhang Zhenhua was so angry that his fingers were shaking.

In the live broadcast room, there is occasionally a barrage floating by.

"These two are also awesome, dressed so thinly, they can last so many days with a fire."

"Look at this Zhenhua, so cold that my fingers are shaking, and I am still insisting, this resolute character is precious."

"yes, it's already good compared to those who quit as soon as it snowed."

"How do I feel as if he is angry, is it an illusion?"


"By the way, we can make a house out of snow, I've seen it on TV, and the warmth effect is very good." Li Huaan's head flashed and he spoke.


Zhang Zhenhua was stunned, and said angrily: "The snow is so cold, can the house built be warm?" "

"I don't understand this principle, but that's what the Discovery Channel says." Li Huaan's confidence is not enough, what the Discovery Channel broadcast should not be fake, right?

The reason why snow has thermal insulation performance is because the porosity of snow is large and the amount of air that can be contained inside is large, so the thermal insulation effect is produced.

This principle is similar to the principle of covering the quilt, which also contains a large amount of air, which can well retain heat.

"Even if it is useful, on such a cold day, go out to build a snow room, it is estimated that we have returned to the west before it has been built." Zhang Zhenhua said in a low voice.

"Don't bother so much, we put the snow on the walls of the shelter, which will be much faster, both to block the wind and to make a snowroom." Li Huaan thought about it and said that this was the fastest way to build a snowroom.

"Tomorrow, I don't want to go out so late." Zhang Zhenhua hugged his knees and curled up by the fire.

He decided to try Li Huaan's suggestion again, and if it didn't work, he would force the other party to quit anyway.

"Uh-huh." Li Huaan quietly breathed a sigh of relief.


"How do you solve the food?" Zhang Zhenhua's stomach growled, and the two bamboo shoots he ate tonight had now been digested.

"Do you want to stop going to see if there are any bamboo rats?" Li Huaan shrunk his neck and said.

"I think you're like a bamboo rat." Zhang Zhenhua rolled his eyes.

I haven't even seen a bamboo rat in the past few days, how to catch it?

"I guess the bamboo rats are hiding underground, we just didn't dig deep enough." Li Huaan guessed.

"Then tomorrow you go dig." Zhang Zhenhua glanced at him, curled up by the fire and closed his eyes, ready to sleep to make himself forget about hunger.

Li Huaan opened his mouth and was speechless.


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