In the early morning, the sun shines on the white snow, refracting to the surrounding trees.

"Whew... It's still as cold as ever. Liu Yiqiu rubbed her arms, and was the first to get up today.

She gently pushed open the wooden door of the shelter, scanned the yard, and found that the snow covering the deer and jackals was higher, and then closed the wooden door, the glowing snow was very uncomfortable to see.

"It seems that you can't go out often when you are out of the sun." Liu Yiqiu sighed, but she didn't want to become like her sister, and Xue blind had to apply medicine to be taken care of.

She went to the fireplace and first lit the fire to raise the temperature of the shelter.

A thin layer of ice had formed in the water tank on the side, and as the fire in the fireplace was lit, the ice began to melt.

Liu Yiqiu filled the steel pot with some water and set it on the fireplace to cook.

More than half an hour later, Yun Xin, Chu Feng, and Liu Yimeng also woke up one after another.

"Early, Sister Qiu, it's so early to get up today." Yun Xin yawned, full of energy today, apparently slept well last night.


Liu Yiqiu responded softly: "The water has been boiled, you can go to wash first." "

"Good." Yun Xin scooped some water from the steel pot with a clay cup, and went into the toilet with a towel and toothbrush.

"Chu Feng, can you take this off?" Liu Yimeng sat up with the bed propped up, reached out and touched the blindfold on her face.

"That's it." Chu Feng said softly, reaching out to untie the slip knot on the back of Liu Yimeng's head, and lifted the blindfold containing the medicinal mud.

He then put the sackcloth aside and asked softly, "Open your eyes and see, will it hurt?" "

Liu Yimeng's long eyelashes trembled, tentatively opened her eyes, blinked her eyes and chuckled: "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all." "

"That's good." Chu Feng chuckled.

Liu Yiqiu raised her eyebrows and said softly: "Your eyes are good, but this circle of green marks looks like poisoning." "

Liu Yimeng, who took off the blindfold, left a circle of light green marks three fingers wide at the position of the temple of the eye.

"Huh? Have it? Liu Yimeng quickly raised her hand to touch the surroundings of her eyes, and did not feel any difference.

"This will automatically disappear in two days." Chu Feng pursed his lips and said, this is dyed by the medicinal mud, and after the body's natural metabolism, it will slowly fade.

"Well, I thought it was disfigured." Liu Yimeng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and patted 'Yima Pingchuan's chest.

"No, don't worry." Chu Feng assured.

He then threw the sackcloth in his hand into the fireplace and turned and walked out of the shelter.

"It won't snow today." Chu Feng looked up at the sky, the sun was big today, although it didn't bring much warmth.

He turned back to the shelter and came out with a firewood knife, ready to dispose of the carcasses of deer and jackals.

"Chu Feng, I'll help you." Liu Yimeng walked out with a sabre.

"No, the sun is big today, be careful that your snow blindness has recurred." Chu Feng waved his hand.

"I can face the shelter and not look at the snow outside." Liu Yimeng waved her hand and squatted down with her back to the snow.

Her face was facing the shelter, and the snow she could see was limited.

"Then pay attention to yourself, if there is a tingling and sore feeling, hurry in." Chu Feng instructed softly.

"Got it." Liu Yimeng nodded seriously, cut the neck of the jackal with a saber, and began to deal with it.

"It's frozen and stiff, it's a little hard to peel." Chu Feng said in a deep voice, and the wood knife carefully and slowly cut along the gap between the skin and flesh.

It took the two more than half an hour to peel off the deer skin and jackal, which still had many pieces of meat stuck to it.

Chu Feng took the fangs and short knife, scraped all the sticky flesh on the fur, and then took two furs into the shelter and put them next to the fireplace to bake.

After more than ten minutes, the two furs were a little softer, and then they were stuffed into the water tank, and some grass and wood ash were added to start soaking.

"Don't be busy yet, let's get it after breakfast." Yun Xin called out to the two, and steel pots and clay pots had been set up on the wooden table, which contained the breakfast of the four of them today.

"Good." Chu Feng clapped his hands, sat down at the wooden table and began to eat breakfast.

Yun Xin chewed something in his mouth and said indistinctly: "Chu Feng, what do you want those grass and wood ashes for?" Two water tanks have been installed. "

The ashes she had burned before had been collected by her, and she didn't know what to use them for.

"You'll know when I get it out." Chu Feng didn't say that it was used to make earthen cement, which can be regarded as a small surprise.

"It's mysterious again." Yun Xin rolled her eyes.

More than half an hour later, breakfast was settled, and Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng returned to the courtyard to continue processing venison and jackal.

"Hard I can't cut it." Liu Yimeng gritted her teeth and cut hard with a saber.

After a while, she entered the shelter angrily, took the cleaned sapper shovel out, and sawed the jackal's body back and forth with the jagged side.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, this method can be, the efficiency is much faster than the saber.

It took the two more than an hour to divide the deer and jackals into pieces of meat, put them in clay pots and seal them, and place them under the eaves of the shelter.

The snow and cold outside are equivalent to a natural refrigerator, which can keep venison and jackal meat for a long time, eliminating the step of marinating and roasting.

"Chu Feng, what are you going to do next?" Liu Yimeng rubbed the blood stains on my hands with snow.

"Let's go to the beach and pull some bamboo back." Chu Feng said softly, the cultivation room still has some bamboo to use.

He recently wanted to get the cultivation room ready, anyway, he didn't have to go out hunting, so he would live a more refined life.

"Then I'll go with you." Yun Xin and Liu Yimeng said at the same time.

"Well, I just went to move the bamboo, it took about two hours to go back and forth, and I will be back soon." Chu Feng said softly.

"Are you sure?" Yun Xinhu asked suspiciously, worried that Chu Feng would run to another place again, and then return for most of the day.


Chu Feng nodded and said sideways: "Yimeng, your snow blindness is just right, and you are also honest." "

"Okay." Liu Yimeng pouted and nodded.

"I'm leaving, I'll be back soon." Chu Feng waved his hand, took the rope and wood knife, and walked towards the beach.

"Be careful on the road." Yun Xin instructed with a wave of his hand.

"Got it." Chu Feng responded seriously.

The snow was thick, and he walked for more than forty minutes to the beach with bamboo.

"Let's make a sled, you can pull more." Chu Feng muttered to himself, pulled out a few bamboos from the beach and began to make sleds.

After almost half an hour, the simple sled made of bamboo was completed.

He began collecting bamboo, tying it with rope, then carrying it to the coast in bundles, loading it on a sled and securing it with rope.

"Time to go back." Chu Feng pushed his arms hard and pulled the sled back.


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