Inside the camp, Yun Xin would stand at the gate of the thorn fence every half an hour to see if Chu Feng had returned.

"Yunxin, don't worry too much, it's safer to go to the beach." Liu Yiqiu said softly.

"There are saltwater crocodiles there." Yun Xin said softly.

"Shouldn't Chu Feng go to fight crocodiles?" Liu Yimeng said in amazement, her long eyelashes trembled, and she regretted a little in her heart that she didn't go out with her.

"Probably not..." Yun Xin said uncertainly, Liu Yimeng's words made her even more worried.

"Liu Yimeng, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as a dumb." Liu Yiqiu said angrily.

"Hehe..." Liu Yimeng smiled embarrassedly, reached out and made a pulling motion in front of his mouth.


In the jungle, there was a sound of crackling, something approaching.

After a while, Chu Feng's figure appeared in the sight of the three.

"It's back." Yun Xin suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and trotted out to help pull the sled behind him.

"It shouldn't take more than two hours?" Chu Feng looked at the girl running over and asked with a chuckle.

"Just right." Yun Xin replied with a slight blush.

The Liu sisters also ran over to help, pulling the sleigh and the pile full of bamboo into the yard.

"Chu Feng, you won't pull all the bamboo by the sea back, will you?" Liu Yimeng was surprised, that bundle of bamboo all added up, there must be nearly a hundred.

"There's a lot more." Chu Feng chuckled, these bamboos did waste a lot of strength to pull back, which was the limit he could reach at present.

"Do you want to continue to do the breeding rack?" Liu Yimeng asked.

"Well, let's finish the cultivation room today." Chu Feng nodded gently.

He unloaded all the bamboo, leaving some of it at the door of the cultivation room, and putting the rest into the warehouse.

"I'll help you." Liu Yimeng held a saber in her hand and walked half-squinted through the snow between the shelter and the cultivation room.

Liu Yiqiu and the girl stayed in the shelter and continued to weave sackcloth, and the demand for sackcloth for the four of them was still very high, especially the quilt of the Liu sisters was too thin, and it was necessary to make several layers of sackcloth superimposed.

Chu Feng squatted in front of the fireplace in the cultivation room to check, and after making sure that no cracks appeared, he stuffed some hay and bark into the fireplace and lit it with flints.

After a while, the incubation room gradually warmed up.

"It doesn't seem to be warm up by shelter." Liu Yimeng said softly.

"Because there is no floor heating here." Chu Feng said softly, the cultivation room is only used to cultivate mushrooms and wild vegetables, there is no need to lay floor heating.

He picked up the firewood knife and began to dispose of the bamboo that had just moved in.

The two spent nearly two hours making two more cultivation racks and placing them in an open position in the middle of the cultivation room.

In this way, there are a total of four cultivation shelves in the cultivation room, each with ten layers, four is forty layers, and the mushrooms and wild vegetables are enough for the daily consumption of four people.

Liu Yimeng cleaned up all the excess bamboo pieces on the ground and threw them into the fireplace to burn.

"Chu Feng, Sister Meng, I cooked some sweet soup." Yun Xin pushed open the door of the cultivation room and shouted, while his eyes quickly scanned the two.

"Right away." The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched, why was the girl's eyes so bright?

"Hee-hee... Let's go, it's all busy here. Liu Yimeng held Yun Xin's arm, and the two jumped back to the shelter.

More than twenty minutes later, the four of them finished eating sweet soup and chatted around the fireplace.

"What else are you going to do later?" Liu Yimeng asked sideways.

"While it's not snowing now, you have to clear the snow around the fence." Chu Feng said in a deep voice, this is to prevent a beast from using the thickness of the snow to climb over the thorny fence.

"Then I'll help you." Liu Yimeng rolled up her sleeves and said.

"There is only one sapper shovel, you better stay in the shelter and help me dispose of the charcoal." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Charcoal? How to deal with it? What do you have to do when you deal with it? Liu Yi was stunned and asked three questions in a row.

"Break up large pieces of charcoal, the more broken the better, and use it to grow wild vegetables." Chu Feng chuckled, reached out and took out charcoal from the two water tanks on the side, smashed it directly with stones, and then piled it aside.

"Leave it to me." Liu Yimeng said enthusiastically, rummaging through the water tank for charcoal.

The water tank contains not only charcoal, but also grass and wood ash left after the burning of bark and hay.

Chu Feng shoveled out of the shelter with the sappers, pushed open the gate of the fence and came to the outside of the camp, and began to shovel the snow close to the fence.

"It's really thick."

He smiled bitterly, scooped up a large cloud of snow with a shovel, and threw the snow outside the camp with both arms.

Chu Feng repeated the same action, and it took nearly an hour and a half to shovel away the snow within a distance of two meters around the fence, leaving a half-meter-deep ravine.

He wiped the sweat that appeared on his forehead and sighed: "A few more snows, it is estimated that it will have to be shoveled again." "

For nearly an hour and a half, a lot of exercise made him sweat a lot, Chu Feng returned to the shelter, poured a cup of warm water and drank, replenished the water consumed by his body.

"Chu Feng, is this enough?" Liu Yimeng gestured in front of him, piled up like a mountain of charcoal ash.

"Enough." Chu Feng nodded and came to the two water tanks containing grass and wood ashes, and the grass and wood ashes in each were only half.

He integrated the grass and wood ash in the two water tanks to free up one tank for the charcoal ash.

He shoveled all the charcoal ash into the water tank with a sapper shovel, and then carried the water tank out of the shelter and to the door of the cultivation room.

Liu Yimeng followed and asked curiously, "Chu Feng, are you planting wild vegetables now?" "

"Well, while it's not dark yet, plant the wild vegetables first, and you can also eat them early." Chu Feng chuckled, then gouged the snow layer not far away, and then began to dig the soil, put it into the water tank, and stirred it with charcoal ash.

After more than half an hour, the charcoal ash in the water tank was fully mixed with the excavated soil, and then the water tank was moved into the cultivation room.

"What to do?" Liu Yimeng was a little clueless.

"It's very simple, put the soil in the grooves of these bamboos and fill them up." Chu Feng said softly, holding the soil and putting it into the groove of the bamboo.

"It's that simple?" Liu Yimeng was surprised, learning Chu Feng's appearance, and began to fill the bamboo trough of the cultivation rack with soil.

"How hard do you think it will be?" Chu Feng smiled bitterly and said, growing wild vegetables is actually very simple, and the difficult part is the construction of the cultivation room

He took out a paper package from his body, and when he opened it, it contained the seeds of various wild vegetables, which he collected when he went out to find wild vegetables on a snowy day.


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