Chu Feng dug up the soil in the bamboo trough with his fingers, sprinkled the wild vegetable seeds evenly, and then covered it with a thin layer of soil.

"It seems like a simple look." Liu Yimeng came over, looking eager to try, and had never planted wild vegetables before.

She had just finished using up the soil in the tank and filled the bamboo troughs of the two cultivation racks.

"Then you will put it."

Chu Feng handed over the wild vegetable seeds in his hand and gently instructed: "Don't put too many seeds in a bamboo trough, seven or eight is enough." "

The density of planting should not be too large, otherwise the supply of nutrients will be insufficient, and the growth shape of wild vegetables will be affected.

"Okay, I see." Liu Yimeng took the wild vegetable seeds with great interest, squatted down and began to sow seeds from the bottom layer.

She counted the seeds and whispered, "One... Five, six, seven..."

"It doesn't have to be so accurate, two more is fine." Chu Feng smiled bitterly and said, if it is true that the seeds of each bamboo trough must be counted, then after these cultivation troughs are planted, it is estimated that the sky will be dark.

"Okay, five, six, seven..." Liu Yimeng pouted and nodded, still chanting words in her mouth.

Chu Feng grinned, pushed open the door of the cultivation room and went out.

He returned to the shelter, took two clay pots and bamboo tubes, filled them with water and returned to the cultivation room.

Chu Feng took a bamboo tube and filled it with water from the clay pot, and then gently poured it into the bamboo trough with buried seeds, and the water of one bamboo tube could be watered with three sections of bamboo trough.

Soon, the water in both clay pots was used up, and he carried the clay pot back to the shelter and began to carry the water back and forth.

Yun Xin blinked her long eyelashes, and after watching Chu Feng come in again with the clay pot, she asked suspiciously: "Chu Feng, why don't you put a water tank in the cultivation room as well?" "

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched, and he responded seriously: "It's not that it's dark, it's too late to wait for the snow to melt." "

He was also a little speechless, and when he was busy, he forgot such a simple thing, and the girl had to remind himself.

Chu Feng returned to the cultivation room with the clay pot filled with water again, this time did not rush to water, but took the water tank originally containing charcoal ashes out of the cultivation room and loaded snow in the yard.

A few minutes later, the water tank was filled with snow and placed next to the fireplace in the incubation room.

"No need to run around in the future." Chu Feng sighed, he did a stupid thing today.

He then poured water on the remaining bamboo trough, and the excess water dripped down the small hole at the bottom of the bamboo trough.

The incubator is 'X' shaped, and the water dripping down each layer of the bamboo tank will fall directly to the ground and will not drip into the next layer of bamboo trough.

"It's finally done, my old waist." Liu Yimeng put away the paper holding the wild vegetable seeds, unwilling to waste the paper.

She reached out and rubbed her thin waist, bent over for a long time and suddenly straightened up, the sourness was indescribable.

"Let's go back and rest first." Chu Feng chuckled, reached out and rubbed Liu Yimeng's thin waist through the animal skin clothes, and pricked the acupuncture points on the waist I, so that the blood flowed faster.

"He~~" Liu Yimeng's face turned red, but the soreness and swelling in her waist were much reduced.

She twisted her waist and said in surprise: "Chu Feng, has your hand opened the light?" "

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched, and he waved his hand: "Go and rest, I'll burn the fire and leave, I should be able to eat dinner." "

"Good." Liu Yimeng blushed slightly, pushed open the door of the cultivation room and walked out.

"I just wanted to call you to dinner."

Yun Xin pushed open the door of the shelter and walked out, just happened to meet Liu Yimeng, and said softly: "What about Chu Feng?" Not done yet? "

"He said to bring the fire to its own point." Liu Yimeng replied casually.

"Then you go first, I'll go find him." Yun Xin smiled like a flower road, and stepped on the snow to the cultivation room with small broken steps.

After she gently pushed open the door, she saw Chu Feng squatting in front of the fireplace, adding wood and bark to it.

Chu Feng heard the movement and looked sideways: "Can you eat?" "

"yes, let's see how you're doing." Yun Xin said with a smile, closed the wooden door of the cultivation room and walked in.

Chu Feng patted the carbon ash on his hand, stood up and said softly: "The wild vegetables have been planted, and it is estimated that the first batch of wild vegetables should be able to grow in more than half a month." "

"Look at you, sticky face of carbon ash." Yun Xin pouted, slightly padded his toes, and reached out to help Chu Feng wipe off the carbon ash stuck on his face.

"It's okay, wipe it clean when you take a shower at night." Chu Feng's hand subconsciously grabbed the girl's waist and let her wipe the carbon ash off her face.

Yun Xin's face turned slightly red, and he seriously wiped off the last bit of carbon ash on Chu Feng's face.

"Let's go, didn't you say you can have dinner?" Chu Feng chuckled, reached out and took the girl's hand, scanned the cultivation room with his gaze, and after finding nothing missing, pushed open the wooden door and walked towards the shelter.


Liu Yiqiu looked at the wooden door that was pushed open and said softly: "It's almost dinner, the meat is almost cold." "

"Let's have dinner then." Yun Xin smiled and bent into the shelter with Chu Feng and sat at the wooden table.

Liu Yimeng has already served oyster soup to several people, and today I ate stir-fried wild vegetables, stir-fried venison with fungus, and a pot of oyster kelp soup.

"Tonight is also very rich." Chu Feng chuckled, picked up the pottery bowl and took a sip of hot soup, his body warmed up a lot.

"I haven't eaten stir-fry for a long time, so I fried two more." Yun Xin said with a smile, in fact, it was to replenish Chu Feng's physical strength and the calories consumed today.

She took a bite of wild vegetables and stuffed them into her mouth and chewed, frowning her good-looking brows and saying helplessly: "It's that the wild vegetables are soft and rotten after thawing, and the taste of stir-fry is not very good." "

"When the wild vegetables in the cultivation room germinate, you will soon be able to eat fresh wild vegetables." Chu Feng said softly, the wild vegetables chewed in his mouth did not taste good, and they were a little soft and rotten.

In the observer's live broadcast room, He Ming and the others were watching Chu Feng and the others eat dinner.

Wu Qingyue secretly licked my lower lip and said softly: "That pot of oyster soup seems to be delicious." "

"What the audience said makes sense, watching Chu Feng and them live broadcast is like watching a food broadcast." He Ming smiled bitterly, and his stomach was a little hungry when he saw it.

"Teacher Wang, now let you go to the wild to survive, can you eat so well?" Wu Qingyue asked slyly with a side head.

"Yes, probably." The corner of Wang Lin's mouth twitched, and his tone was not very sure.

These days, he has also learned a lot from the live broadcast room, such as the firing of pottery, the production of paper, etc.

"Me too." Qi Weiting said coldly.

Recently, she has also learned a lot of knowledge points, after all, the live broadcast of wilderness survival for 365 days is broadcast around the clock, as long as it is not a fool, you can learn some survival knowledge.

"Uh..." Wang Lin choked.

He Ming stood up and pulled away the topic, and said with a haha: "Haha, the director should have prepared our box lunch, I believe we will be able to eat soon." "


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