Around 9:30 in the morning.

Chu Feng and several people sat around the earthen kang, with steel pots and pottery bowls on the table, obviously just finished breakfast.

Liu Yimeng drank hot coconut water and asked, "Chu Feng, what are you going to do today?"

"Clear the snow from the roof, you can't pile up too much, I'm afraid the roof won't be able to withstand it." Chu Feng said softly, the snowstorm a few days ago caused a thick layer of snow on the roof of the shelter.

"I'm going to be together. Liu Yimeng raised her hand and said enthusiastically.

"You better rest in the shelter, that hasn't left yet, right?" said Chu Feng with a chuckle, waving his hand.

"Not yet..." Liu Yimeng pouted, her aunt couldn't exercise vigorously before she left.

"So, stay obedient. Chu Feng got up with a chuckle, picked up the sapper shovel placed next to the wooden frame, and turned to go out.

"Chu Feng, put the gloves on. Yun Xin instructed softly.

"Good. Chu Feng stopped, took the gloves from the wooden frame, put them on sharply, and pushed open the wooden door to the courtyard.

He removed the ladder from the warehouse, cleared the snow from the ground to a clearing, set up the ladder and climbed the roof.

"This snow is thick enough." Chu Feng stepped on the roof, the soles of his feet sinking, only revealing half of his calves.

"Chu Feng, be careful. Yun Xin came out of the shelter and looked at Chu Feng on the roof.

"Got it, don't keep running outside, it's warm inside." Chu Feng instructed with the sapper shovel.

"I went to feed the rabbits and fawns. Yun Xin said with a smile, stepping on the thick snow and walking towards the warehouse.

With each step, she had to work hard to pull the foot behind her out of the snow, and then repeat the same movement to move forward, which was very cute.

"The snow in this yard also needs to be cleared. Chu Feng looked at the way the girl walked, and shook his head funny.

If the third girl walks like this every day, it is estimated that no matter how much meat she eats, she will not be fat.

Chu Feng began to shovel the snow on the roof with a sapper shovel, and a handful of white snow fell from the roof, fell not far under the eaves, and gradually piled up into a small snowy mountain.


Not far away, there was a sudden sound of helicopters.

"Has anyone been eliminated?" Chu Feng stopped the movement in his hand, looked into the distance, and a black dot was flying towards the southeast, and then gradually disappeared from sight.

Yun Xin came out after feeding the rabbit and deer, raised his head and asked suspiciously: "Chu Feng, I seem to hear something." "

"Just now a helicopter passed by, I don't know if someone has been eliminated again. Chu Feng said casually.

"That's one less competitor. Yun Xin said with a smile.

"Okay, you hurry up and go inside, go to the earthen kang and stay." Chu Feng urged softly.

"I'll go cook you some wild ginger soup." Yun Xin nodded lightly, pushed open the wooden door and entered the shelter.



On the other side, on the helicopter that just passed by.

"It's white everywhere. Wu Qingyue wore the hood that came with her storm jacket, and half of her face was buried in the collar that stood up.

Her long eyelashes trembled, and her eyes peered through the helicopter's window at the island below.

"Two get ready, and in ten minutes prepare for landing. The driver raised his voice to remind.

"Good. Wu Qingyue quickly responded.


Ten minutes later, the helicopter landed slowly, and in an open field, the surrounding snow had been cleared, apparently arranged by the director team.

Qi Weiting and Wu Qingyue carefully got down from the helicopter, and three drones came down together, levitating above the heads of the two and starting to follow.

"Good luck, I'll pick you up in fourteen days. The driver waved goodbye.

"Thank you. Wu Qingyue responded politely.


The helicopter started again, lifted off the ground, and flew towards the outside of Qianyue Island.

"Okay, now it's just the two of us. "

Wu Qingyue rubbed her hands, suddenly a little overwhelmed, and said sideways: "Sister Wei Ting, what are we going to do next?"

"Find a place to shelter. Qi Weiting said softly, her eyes scanning the surroundings, familiar with the environment.

"How is it here, the snow has been cleared. Wu Qingyue stomped the stiff ground under her feet, and there was no snow within a radius of six or seven meters around her.

"The terrain is too high and there is no shelter around, and we are the first to suffer when the snowstorm comes. Qi Weiting said calmly and said a lot of rare things.

"So it is. Wu Qingyue suddenly realized that she had not considered any of this.

"Let's go over there. Qi Weiting picked up her sleeping bag and held the steel pot, pointing to the north.

"Good. Wu Qingyue followed with a firewood knife and a tarp.

After more than thirty minutes, Qi Weiting's eyes kept looking around, looking for a suitable place to build a shelter.

"This snow is so thick. Wu Qingyue pursed her somewhat dry mouth, and missed the moisturizer I lipstick in her previous bag I bag.

"Would you like to rest for a while?" asked Qi Weiting as she turned her head and asked softly.

She is a martial arts champion, her physical strength has been stronger than ordinary people since she was a child, and she has walked in the snow for more than half an hour, and she is already a little tired, not to mention Wu Qingyue, who is physically weak.

"No, let's go a little longer. Wu Qingyue bit her lower lip and waved her hand.

"Good. Qi Weiting glanced at Qi Weiting, reached out and took the tarp in her hand, and helped her walk forward.

"It seems to be harder than expected." Wu Qingyue sighed, trying to keep up with Qi Weiting's footsteps.

After another twenty minutes, the two walked to a small dirt slope and stopped.

"It's here to build a shelter. Qi Weiting said softly, in front of the small dirt slope is a jungle, there are many huge trees, which are very suitable for building shelter.

In particular, the side of the small dirt slope is leeward, which can withstand a large part of the cold wind, which can be seen from the direction in which the snow on the slope is blown by.

"Good. Wu Qingyue clenched the firewood knife in her hand and prepared to cut down trees to build a shelter.

"Rest for a while, sharpen your knife and don't cut wood by mistake. Qi Weiting pulled Wu Qingyue and said softly.

"That's fine. Wu Qingyue swallowed the saliva, but the throat was still dry and astringent.

"The fire hasn't risen yet, there is no way to melt the snow and boil water, or we will eat some snow to quench our thirst." "

She reached out and grabbed the clean snow on the ground and was ready to stuff it into her mouth.

"If you can't eat it, it will lower your body temperature." Qi Weiting stopped.

Although eating the heated snow without melting can quench thirst, the greater impact is the human body temperature, and if the body temperature drops too much in the snow, it is easy to fall.


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