Wu Qingyue dismissed the snow in her hand and pursed her dry lips.

"I'll make a fire. Qi Weiting put aside the steel pot, sleeping bag and other things in her hand, got up and looked for wood around, ready to drill wood for fire.

"Then I'll clear the snow. Wu Qingyue stood up and walked to the bottom of the small dirt slope to prepare to clear the snow.

"Tread, tread..."

Qi Weiting searched around the snow, only found a few dead branches, and returned to the bottom of the small dirt slope.

She cleared a piece of snow, piled the branches she found, then picked out a slender and straight branch, treated it with a firewood knife, and carved a trench.

Qi Weiting pursed her mouth, recalling the steps of Chu Feng drilling wood for fire in the video, first aiming the slender branch at the end of the groove, and then quickly rubbing the branch back and forth with both hands.

With a serious face, she stared intently at the position where the branches were connected, the branches turned rapidly, but the branches would deviate from time to time, and the force and angle were difficult to grasp.

After more than ten minutes, Qi Weiting stopped the movement in her hand, her delicate brows furrowed, and looked at the hand that had rubbed I, and the 'smokeless' branch, there was no sign of smoke at all.

She pursed her lips, rubbed her hands, picked up the branch, and continued to rub it.

In the observer's live broadcast room, He Ming and Wang Lin were watching the live broadcast of the two.

He Ming crossed his hands and said softly: "It seems that drilling wood for fire is more difficult than expected." "

"Well, it seems simple but it's actually hard. Wang Lin said flatly, remembering that when he was surviving in the wilderness, it took most of the day just drilling wood to make fire, and finally it was difficult to raise the fire.

Now that it is snowing on String Moon Island again, the difficulty of drilling wood for fire has increased by more than a star and a half.

"I don't know if our two goddess observers can successfully raise the fire in the end. He Ming drove the atmosphere.

Observers go to the wilderness to survive with the contestants, which is a new attraction of the show and can attract more viewers.

"You have to be very patient with this. The corners of Wang Lin's mouth rose slightly, he was complained about ruthlessly on weekdays, and this time he wanted to see how good the two could live in the wilderness.


"This snow is so thick. Wu Qingyue bit her lower lip and gouged the snow with the branches she had picked up.

For more than ten minutes, only a clearing with a diameter of less than half a meter was cleared, and she sat on the snow to rest, looking sideways at Qi Weiting, who was still drilling wood for fire, feeling that the 'future' was at a loss.

"Sister Wei Ting, do you want to rest too?" said Wu Qingyue with a sideways head.

"No need. Qi Weiting bit her lower lip, rubbed the branches with both hands, and continued to try intently.

"Okay. Wu Qingyue pouted slightly, glanced up at the drone suspended in the air, gritted her teeth and got up to continue shaving the snow.

After more than two hours, the snow in front of the small dirt slope was cleared, revealing the stiff ground below.

Wu Qingyue looked at her frozen red hands, turned her head sideways and shouted softly: "Sister Wei Ting..."

"Almost ready. Qi Weiting replied without replying.

Two hours passed, and the branch in front of her had been rubbed off, and smoke finally rose from the branch on top, which made her spirits shake and the speed of rubbing increased.

"Qingyue, go and look for something that ignites the fire. Qi Weiting said in a deep voice.

"Good. Wu Qingyue stepped on the thick snow, rummaging around, the snow has been falling for so many days, and the dry grass and branches have long been completely covered by snow.

She rummaged through several snowdrifts and found only some hay that was already wet.

"Sister Wei Ting, I found hay, but it was wet. Wu Qingyue came to her side helplessly.

"I'll look for it. Qi Weiting glanced sideways, got up to find something to fuel the combustion, and finally used a firewood knife to cut the dead wood, scraping the debris in the middle of the wood, and then found Qi Huo's lead.

The two took turns rubbing the branches, the smoke increased, and gradually Mars came out.

Then failed, the two rubbed their hands red, but they were unwilling to give up.

"I see how Chu Feng started the fire so easily. Wu Qingyue had a bitter face, and her hands were about to rub my skin, but the fire had not yet risen.

"It seems pretty easy. Qi Weiting pursed her dry mouth.

She watched those live videos, Chu Feng really just rubbed the wooden stick quickly for a while, and the fire was ignited, why couldn't he make a fire when it was time to practice it himself?

"Try again, I don't believe I can't make a fire." Wu Qingyue gritted her teeth and rubbed it again with the wooden stick between her hands.

"I see Chu Feng rubbing from top to bottom, and then back and forth..." Qi Weiting said softly, saying the knowledge learned from the video.

More than twenty minutes later, black smoke came out of the wooden trough, and after a while, you could see Mars appear.

"Sister Wei Ting, there is Mars. Wu Qingyue became excited, nervously looking at the smoke under the branches.

More than half an hour later, they finally used the feathers in their warm storm suits as ignition, and the two wasted their strength before they could barely ignite the branches.

"It's great that there is a fire. Wu Qingyue said excitedly, feeling that the fire was so cordial for the first time.

It took nearly four hours to get the fire on fire.

Qi Weiting also breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the burning fire and relaxing a little in her heart.

"When I have a chance to meet Chu Feng, I have to ask if I have any skills. Wu Qingyue said with a wry smile.

Qi Weiting shook her swollen hand and said softly: "First burn the fire, boil some water and drink." "

"Good. Wu Qingyue ruffled her long hair behind her, threw all the branches she found into the fire, and then found a few stones and surrounded the fire.

She took out a steel pot, filled it with a large pot of snow, and boiled it on a stone.

"I'll go find some wood again, Sister Wei Ting, you will have a good rest." Wu Qingyue said softly, the branches in the fire will not burn for long, if you don't quickly find the branches and wood, the fire will soon be extinguished.

"Hmm. Qi Weiting replied softly, her hands close to the fire for warmth, and there were already several scratches on her palms, which were rubbed by branches.

Wu Qingyue rummaged through the snow, found a few dead trees, jumped in place, barely reached the branches bent by the snow overhead, and forcefully folded them all.


"You have to rub some rope. Qi Weiting looked at Wu Qingyue, who was struggling to break branches in the distance, and got up and used a firewood knife to cut down a wrist-thick bush.

She peeled off the outer skin of the bush with a firewood knife, learned the steps of Chu Feng weaving the bark in the live video, and knitted them all into rope.

"That's enough for the time being. Wu Qingyue came back holding the branches and stepping on the thick snow, and piled the branches aside.

The snow in the steel pot has melted, and there is hot gas rising in the steel pot, and the melted snow water slowly begins to boil.

A few minutes later, the snow water was completely boiling, and Wu Qingyue took the steel pot away from the fire and put it on the snow to cool.

"Sister Wei Ting, drink some hot water to warm up. Wu Qingyue lowered her head and drank a few sips of hot water, and after the cooling of the snow, the temperature of the water was just right.

She wiped her mouth, handed the steel pot to Qi Weiting, and said with a smile: "There are no cups and bowls, you can only drink like this." "

"It's okay. Qi Weiting didn't care, took the steel pot and drank hot water, the dry and smoking throat was relieved, and the whole person was much relieved.

Do you want to cut wood?" Wu Qingyue added some snow to the steel pot and set it on the fire to continue cooking.

"It's better to tie the tarp to the tree with a rope, so it will be less laborious. Qi Weiting thought about it and said.

There are several large trees in front of the small earthen slope, which can be used as natural pillars for shelter, and tarps are tied and the perimeter is fenced with branches to protect from the wind and snow.

"Good. Wu Qingyue quickly untied the tarp, took the rope and began to get busy with interest.

Now it was afternoon, the two were lucky, there was no snow today, and even the cold wind was much weaker than usual.


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