At night, the dark night sky is full of stars, and the cold wind blows through the mountains and forests, bringing up snowflakes.

"How long will Sister Wei Ting cook?" Wu Qingyue sat by the fire, looking at the wild vegetable roots tumbling in the steel pot, and secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit.

After dark, she and Qi Weiting dug up wild vegetable roots for another half an hour, and finally dug up a total of twelve I stems, all washed with snow and put into a steel pot to cook.

"Cook a little longer and that's pretty much it. Qi Weiting said softly, holding a wooden stick in her hand and stirring the wild vegetable roots in the steel pot.

"Then I'll make two pairs of chopsticks." Wu Qingyue touched her shriveled belly, picked up a firewood knife and began to cut the branches, scraping off the rough bark outside the branches with the blade.


Wu Qingyue did not control her strength well, and directly cut the branch into two sections, each section is only finger-long, obviously cannot be used as chopsticks.

She pouted slightly, threw the severed branch into the fire, and then picked up another branch and continued to sharpen.

"It's time to eat. Qi Weiting put down the wooden stick in her hand and said softly.

"The chopsticks haven't been made yet." Wu Qingyue bit her lower lip, and only made one chopstick.

"Use it first. Qi Weiting picked up the sharpened chopsticks and poked the wild vegetable root floating in the steel pot.

She frowned beautifully, poked I several times before poking a wild vegetable root in I, hesitated and handed it to Wu Qingyue's mouth, and said softly: "Try it." "

"Huh? Good. Wu Qingyue was stunned for a moment, and then blew a few breaths towards the smoking wild vegetable root.

She opened her mouth and grabbed the wild vegetable root, pulled it off the chopsticks, tilted her head slightly to let the wild vegetable root fall into her mouth, and chewed it slowly.

"How does it taste?" asked Qi Weiting curiously.

Wu Qingyue frowned, glanced at the camera placed not far away, and tried to control her facial expression: "It's hard to say a word." "

Qi Weiting pursed her lips, poked I in the steel pot again with chopsticks, poked I again after a few times, raised her head and stuffed I into her mouth I and chewed it.

"It's unpalatable. "

The corners of her mouth twitched, and the snow-boiled wild vegetable root only had an astringent taste, and it was impossible to taste good without any seasoning.

"Chu Feng, they should be eating big fish and meat now, we are too difficult. Wu Qingyue pouted, survival in this wilderness was several times more difficult than expected.

Their wilderness survival, and Chu Feng's wilderness survival, are not on the same channel at all.

In the live broadcast room, the audience who had been paying attention to the two brushed the barrage.

"Ah~~ I feel sorry for the goddess Qing, I really want to send them warmth. "

"Hahaha, I'm so hard. "

"It's the first time I've seen such a goddess of Qing, so pitiful, and she looks aggrieved. "

"The director team is also ruthless, for the sake of heat, let the two goddesses go to the wilderness without the power of chickens. "

"Front, beware of being locked up in the dark room.

After comparing, I knew how powerful Chu Feng was. "


Qi Weiting handed over the chopsticks and said softly: "Eat, there is too much physical exertion, and I have to replenish it." "

"Uh-huh. Wu Qingyue chewed the wild vegetable root in her mouth and endured it.

"Gollum . . ."

She took the chopsticks and poked another wild vegetable root, hesitated, and finally stuffed it into her mouth amid the cry of protest.

The two of them ate the wild vegetable roots in the steel pot one by one, and the rest of the soup was drunk for more than half.

"It's a full meal. Wu Qingyue said with a wry smile.

Half of her stomach is soup, basically drinking soup to drink.

"What are you going to eat tomorrow morning?" said Qi Weiting coldly, adding a few pieces of wood to the fire in front of her to make the fire burn.

"I don't know. Wu Qingyue put her chin on her knees, put her hands into the pockets of her storm jacket, and sat in front of the fire in a daze.

"Let's explore the surroundings tomorrow and see if you can find anything else." Qi Weiting said softly, holding a wooden stick and fiddling with the charcoal.

It is very cold at night on String Moon Island, and even if you wear a warm storm suit, your body will still feel cold.

"Good. Wu Qingyue nodded gently.

"Will the body be uncomfortable?" asked Qi Weiting softly, if she was sick in the wilderness, it would be troublesome.

"No, except for being a little tired and a little wanting to eat meat, the rest is fine. The corners of Wu Qingyue's mouth barely pulled out into a smile.

"Will find meat. Qi Weiting said calmly.

"It's only the first day. Wu Qingyue sighed, and still had to hold on for thirteen days.

She admires the competitors who can still hold out until now, and it is not easy to survive in such weather.

Now, what she admired the most was Chu Feng, who could live so comfortably in the wilderness, with meat to eat every day, as well as seafood, fruits and snacks.

Wu Qingyue looked up at the position in the north, and her heart was a little stupid.

"It's been a busy day tonight, rest early. Qi Weiting said softly.

"Okay, then let's brush our teeth. "

Wu Qingyue nodded, picked out a piece of charcoal from the burning fire with a branch, and said softly: "Chu Feng said that charcoal can clean teeth, try it." "

She pressed the charcoal into the snow and let it cool down quickly, otherwise she wouldn't be able to stuff it into her mouth.

After more than ten minutes, Wu Qingyue turned out the cooled charcoal from the snow, first holding it in her hand to feel the temperature, making sure that it was completely cooled and then breaking it with a wooden stick.

She pinched a few small pieces of charcoal, hesitated and stuffed I into her mouth and chewed until she chewed all the charcoal, then turned her back to the camera and rubbed my fingers between her teeth.

"Hmm..." Wu Qingyue puffed out her mouth, the charcoal in her mouth did not feel very good.

"Gargle. Qi Weiting said softly.

Wu Qingyue got up and went out of the shelter, spit out the charcoal powder in her mouth, turned around and drank some water, and rinsed her mouth several times before cleaning the charcoal powder in her mouth.

She leaned in front of Qi Weiting, opened her mouth to show her teeth and asked, "Sister Weiting, is it clean?"

"Well, it's pretty clean. Qi Weiting scanned for a while, her teeth were indeed clean, at least there was no residue of wild vegetable root.

"Sister Na Weiting also go to try it, and then go to bed early." Wu Qingyue said with a smile, keeping your mouth clean can indeed make people feel much more happy.

"Good. Qi Weiting nodded, followed Wu Qingyue's appearance, stuffed the charcoal on the snow into her mouth and chewed, only to spit it out after a few minutes and rinse her mouth with snow water.

A few minutes later, the two lay down in their sleeping bags.

"So warm. Wu Qingyue breathed a sigh of relief, and her body completely relaxed.

"I don't know if the fire will last until tomorrow morning. Qi Weiting was a little worried and looked up at the fire at the door of the shelter.

She didn't want to get up tomorrow and have a fire again, which would collapse.

"It should be okay, I'll talk about it tomorrow." Wu Qingyue muttered, already very sleepy after a tired day.

Qi Weiting pursed her lips, looked at the fire repeatedly, and finally couldn't help but fall asleep.

She decided to get up in the middle of the night and add wood once, hoping not to sleep soundly.


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