In the early morning, the sun shines on String Moon Island.


Liu Yimeng rubbed her sleepy eyes, and reluctantly got down from the earthen kang.

She put on her rabbit leather shoes and came to the fireplace, quickly crouched down and stuffed hay and branches into the fireplace, and then used flints to rekindle the fireplace.

"Boil some water first. Liu Yimeng scooped some water from the water tank and poured it into the steel pot, setting it on the fireplace and boiling.


She yawned, blinked her sleepy eyes, and gently pushed open the door of the shelter, the cold wind outside made her spirits shake and her sleepiness receded.

"It's good it didn't snow. Liu Yimeng whispered to herself, stepped out of the shelter, and walked towards the cultivation room.

Chu Feng hadn't gotten up yet, she wanted to help light a fire for the cultivation room.

Liu Yimeng pushed open the door of the cultivation room and walked straight towards the fireplace, skillfully stuffing hay and branches, and after a while, the fire was lit, and the warmth of the cultivation room was restored.

"It sprouted, quite quickly. She squatted in front of the breeding rack with wild vegetable seeds, and on the soil mixed with black charcoal, several shoots emerged, and there were many bamboo troughs in each layer.

Liu Yimeng reached out and gently pressed the soil, the degree of wetness was just right, no need to water anymore.

She stood up, pushed open the wooden door of the incubation room and returned to the shelter.

Yun Xin had woken up and greeted with a chuckle: "Early, Sister Meng." "

"Early. Liu Yimeng responded with a smile and closed the wooden door of the shelter with her backhand.

The two loaded some hot water into the toilet and began to brush their teeth and wash their faces.

Half an hour later, Liu Yiqiu and Chu Feng got up one after another, brushed their teeth and washed their faces and teased the dog.

"Squeak..." the little squirrel's furry tail flicked, waving its little paws in protest.

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, Chu Feng threw a pecan for the little squirrel, then got up and came to the wooden frame, lifted the hay covered by the water tank, and bent down to check the wood chips inside.

"It seems to be good. "

He picked up the water tank and turned to walk outside.

"I'll open the door for you. Liu Yimeng trotted open the wooden door of the shelter and followed outside.

She ran to the cultivation room and also helped open the door, allowing Chu Feng to open unimpeded.


Chu Feng placed the water tank steadily next to the cultivation rack, clapped his hands and said softly: "The cultivation material should be enough." "

He lifted the hay from the water tank, grabbed a handful of wood chips with his hand, and spread them evenly in the empty bamboo trough where the cultivation was raised.

"I'll help you. Liu Yiqiu rolled up her sleeves, picked up the wood chips in both hands, carefully filled the empty bamboo trough, and then gently smoothed the excess with her hands.

The two were busy in the cultivation room, and half an hour later, the bamboo troughs of the two cultivation racks were covered with wood chips, and just as the wood chips in the water tank were also used up.

"Chu Feng, sister, come out for breakfast. Liu Yimeng's shouting came from outside.

"Good. Chu Feng replied casually.

The two returned to the shelter and sat on the earthen kang eating breakfast.

More than half an hour later, the four of them finished breakfast and sat on the earthen kang and drank coconut milk.

"Chu Feng, it seems that the paper is running out. Liu Yimeng said softly as she drank coconut milk.

"I'll teach you how to make paper, and then the task will be given to you. The corner of Chu Feng's mouth raised and said softly.

"Okay. Liu Yimeng's eyes were full of excitement.

"But Chu Feng, we don't seem to have soaked the bark. Yun Xin asked suspiciously.

"I don't use the bark this time, didn't I bring back some banana taro leaves before, and those can be used to make paper." Chu Feng said softly.

When he first dug for the taro, he brought back a large bundle of taro leaves, dried them and kept them in the warehouse, which was the raw material for his papermaking.

"Then I'll go and take it out. Liu Yimeng put down the clay cup, got up and got off the earthen kang, put on rabbit skin shoes and ran towards the outside of the shelter.

"Let's go, while it's not snowing now, I'll teach you how to make paper." Chu Feng chuckled and shook his head, got up and got off the earthen kang, put on his shoes and walked outside.

Yun Xin and Liu Yiqiu also got off the earthen kang one after another and followed them to the courtyard.

Chu Feng came to the stove, reached out to clean up the white snow on it, and brought wood and hay to light the stove.

He walked under the eaves of the shelter and picked up the clay pot and placed it firmly on the stove.

"Fill it with snow. Chu Feng clapped his hands and said softly.

"Good. Liu Yiqiu and the girl took action, holding the clay pot and starting to fill the snow.

After more than ten minutes, the clay pot was filled with snow, and under the high temperature of the flame, the snow began to gradually melt, and finally turned into half a pot of snow water.

The four of them continued to pour snow into the clay pot, and did not stop until the snow was eighty percent full.

The fire of the stove was blazing, and the snow water in the clay pot began to steam.

Liu Yimeng looked at the water in the clay pot on tiptoe and sighed: "I really want to go in and take a bath." "

"Are you going to stew yourself?" said Liu Yiqiu with a raised eyebrow.

"Then this clay pot may not fit. Chu Feng chuckled, his eyes scanning Liu Yimeng's figure.

"It's just right to pretend that your house Yunxin. Liu Yimeng laughed and shot back.

"What's your family, my family...," Yun Xin blushed and muttered.

"Okay, let me tell you about the process of making paper, first put the leaves of the banana taro into the clay pot..." said Chu Feng softly.

The papermaking steps of banana taro leaves are similar to those of eucalyptus bark, except that banana taro leaves do not need to be soaked for several days like eucalyptus bark, and can be directly put into a clay pot to boil.

"Remember to cover with hay to prevent the water from evaporating too quickly..." Chu Feng elaborated on the papermaking steps.

"Okay, got it. Yun Xin nodded repeatedly.

"Then I'll leave it to you here, pay attention to safety, I'll grow mushrooms." Chu Feng said softly, I want to plant all the mushrooms today.

"Sister, you go help Chu Feng, leave it to us here." Liu Yimeng gently patted her sister's shoulder and said, she had seen Chu Feng make paper, and she remembered some steps.

"Okay, you guys stay safe. Liu Yiqiu said softly.

Chu Feng and Liu Yiqiu came to the cultivation room and brought out the clay pot next to the fireplace.

"It's growing well." Chu Feng glanced at the mushrooms in the clay pot.

He took the bamboo tweezers he made last night, slowly took the mushrooms in the clay pot, and took them out together with the wood chips, so that it was convenient for cultivation.

Using tweezers is afraid of turning wood chips, so it is easy to turn the mycelium, which is a patient job.


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