Liu Yiqiu stood aside, a little clueless.

"I'll put the mycelium, you can carefully cover it with a thin layer of wood chips. Chu Feng tilted his head and said softly.

"Good. Liu Yiqiu nodded quickly.

Chu Feng turned the wood chips in the bamboo trough into a 'concave' groove, used bamboo tweezers to pick up a mycelium, and gently placed it in the bamboo trough.

"Is it okay to cover so much?" Liu Yimeng gently stroked the opened wood chips with her fingers, carefully covering the mycelium.

"Yes. Chu Feng nodded lightly.

The two are busy in the cultivation room, planting mushrooms is boring and careful work, two cultivation racks, to plant all mushrooms, it takes a lot of time.

Each section of bamboo trough Chu Feng buried more than ten mycelium, if the mushroom successfully grows in the future, the bamboo trough will be squeezed full, and the mushrooms grown by the two cultivation racks are enough for four people to eat for a while.

Liu Yiqiu carefully covered the mycelium with wood chips on the side, and asked some knowledge about mushrooms from time to time, and Chu Feng could explain it to her in an easy-to-understand way every time.

"Chu Feng, how do you understand so much?" asked Liu Yiqiu in surprise.

Chatting before, she knew that Chu Feng had only read it until she graduated from high school.

"These are all learned from TV science and education programs. Chu Feng opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"TV school?" Liu Yiqiu's mouth tugged, she didn't believe this answer, if she could learn so much on TV, she wouldn't have been hiding in the greenhouse all day studying plants.

Outside the cultivation room, Yun Xin and Liu Yimeng are busy.

"Add some snow, it seems like there's a little less water." Liu Yimeng lifted the hay covered with the clay pot and observed the banana taro leaves boiling inside.

"Good. Yun Xin got up and filled the clay pot with snow, and poured all the snow in the clay pot into the clay pot.

"The fire burns again. "

She crouched in front of the stove again, stuffing wood into it.

"Chu Feng said that you can boil until the banana taro leaves are rotten, how long will it take to cook this?" Liu Yimeng squatted on the side and roasted the fire.

"It should be cooked for more than two or three hours." Yun Xin was not very sure.

The rough eucalyptus bark had been boiled for almost a day, and the fiber in this banana taro leaf was much thinner, and she guessed that it should not have been boiled for so long.

Liu Yimeng stood up, reached out and patted the snowflakes stuck to his body, and said softly: "Then I'll go and move the loom out, let's make sackcloth." "

"It's good that you can bask in the sun. Yun Xin nodded and said, staying in the shelter all the time will be very depressing, it is time to come out and breathe activities.

Today there is the sun, and there is very little snow in the yard, so I am not afraid of snow blindness if I stay for a long time.

Liu Yimeng bounced back to the shelter, and after the snow was cleared, she walked much easier.

After a while, she came out with a loom and two small wooden stools, and the two sat by the fireplace and knitted sackcloth and chatted, adding a few pieces of wood and bark to the stove from time to time.

"Yunxin, what else do you have to do with so much sackcloth?" asked Liu Yimeng curiously, there were already quite a few sackcloths stored in the shelter.

"I don't know yet, save it first, we will always use it later, we will stay for three hundred and fifteen days." Yun Xin said softly.

Today is the fiftieth day of coming to the wilderness, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, and now only more than a month has passed.

"It's only been more than a month, I thought it had been more than half a year." Liu Yimeng sighed.

She has a very comfortable time here, every day is fun, very fulfilling, but as if it has been a long time, it feels like home.

"Time is always so elusive. Yun Xin said with a smile.

"After that, we left String Moon Island, and we will see each other often when we return to the city." Liu Yimeng said seriously.

"Good. Yun Xin also nodded seriously, and the two already regarded each other as friends.

Time passed slowly, and after more than two hours, the water in the clay pot continued to boil.

"It should be boiled a little longer. Liu Yimeng said softly, using a wooden stick to lift the hay, and then took out a banana taro leaf and kneaded it, the degree of soft and rotten was not the best.

"Then cook for another half hour. Yun Xin said softly, adding some more wood to the stove.

"Add some more snow, there's no water." Liu Yimeng said softly, carrying the clay pot filled with snow and pouring it into the clay pot.

"I don't know if Chu Feng is busy or not. "

Yun Xin clapped his hands, turned around and walked towards the shelter, and said softly: "I'll go cook some sweet soup and replenish the sugar and calories." "

"Good. Liu Yimeng waved her hand, sat on the wooden stool and continued to weave sackcloth.

In the cultivation room, Chu Feng and Liu Yiqiu were busy, one of the two cultivation racks was already full of mycelium, and the other cultivation rack was only two layers of bamboo troughs still empty.

"Growing mushrooms is a time-consuming job. Chu Feng twisted his neck and said with a bitter smile.

He must be very careful every time he picks up the hyphae, after all, the tools are limited, and if he is not careful, he will tear the mycelium and break and rot.

"I'll help you press I. Liu Yiqiu patted the wood chips on his hand, put his hands on Chu Feng's shoulders, and gently kneaded I.

"...," Chu Feng relaxed.

"Is the strength okay?" asked Liu Yiqiu softly.

"Well, you can. Chu Feng nodded lightly, although Liu Yiqiu's technique was single, the strength was still possible.

"Chu Feng, are you guys busy?" Yun Xin's voice sounded outside, followed by footsteps.

"Uh..." Liu Yiqiu reflexively withdrew her hand and quickly stood aside.

"It could be another half an hour. Chu Feng responded, glancing at Liu Yiqiu, how did this reaction feel as if he was doing something shady??


The door to the incubation room was gently pulled open.

Yun Xin came in, quickly scanned the circle with his eyes, and said with a smile: "I cooked some sweet soup, let's drink some and get busy." "

"Good. "

Chu Feng stood up, stretched his lower waist and I body, made a few sounds of bone dislocation, and whispered sideways: "Let's go, drink some sweet soup and get busy." "

"Good. Liu Yiqiu replied softly, and she also felt a little inexplicable about her actions.

The two followed the girl out of the cultivation room and towards the shelter.

Chu Feng looked at the still smoking clay pot and said softly: "Banana taro leaves have been boiled until now, it should be possible." "

"Uh-huh, I'll move on to the next step after eating the sweet soup. Yun Xinlian nodded and said.

The four entered the shelter and sat on the earthen kang drinking sweet soup.

This time, the girl put some pecan kernels into the sweet soup, and it tasted rich and rich.


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