The sun was shining high, and it was around eleven o'clock in the afternoon.


Wu Qingyue pursed her lips and turned over in her sleeping bag.

Qi Weiting slowly opened her eyes with a beautiful brow, supported her sleeping bag with both hands and got up, first scanned the surroundings a little blankly, and her eyes gradually cleared, remembering where she was now.

She quickly got out of her sleeping bag and walked towards the fire outside the shelter.


Qi Weiting breathed a sigh of relief, although the fire was extinguished, there were still a few pieces of charcoal that were still red, and there were white ashes sticking to them, apparently the fire had just been extinguished.

She got up once in the middle of the night and added wood to the fire, originally planning to add wood again before dawn, but she was too sleepy but fell asleep.

"Sunny Moon should have woken up once. "

Qi Weiting glanced at Wu Qingyue, who was still sleeping, and guessed in her heart.

She looked up at the sun hanging high above her, and based on the time she had fallen asleep last night, if no one had added wood to the fire halfway, it would not have been possible to have reddened charcoal by this time.

Qi Weiting found branches to put on the reddened charcoal, and the hay she found yesterday had also been dried and placed on the charcoal together.

She crouched down and blew the reddened charcoal, and soon the hay was ignited, and the branches burned again.

Looking at the burning fire, Qi Weiting breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and finally didn't have to drill wood to make the fire hard.


She touched her flat belly and sighed inwardly.


Wu Qingyue got up a little confused, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and asked coquettishly: "Sister Wei Ting, why did you get up so early today?"

"It's already noon. Qi Weiting said softly.

"Here is..." Wu Qingyue was stunned, her long eyelashes trembled, and her eyes scanned the surroundings before remembering that she had come to the wilderness.

"Hurry up, it's time to go find something to eat." Qi Weiting said softly, her stomach was already a little hungry, and the few wild vegetable roots she ate last night had already been digested.

"Good, good. Wu Qingyue stretched her waist, and although she was wearing a warm storm suit, she could still see the slenderness of her figure.

She stood up and just took two steps, suddenly clamped my legs, blushed and whispered: "Sister Wei Ting, I think..."

People have three anxious, she drank too much soup last night, it was too cold at night and the surrounding darkness, so she didn't go to the toilet I, and she has been holding back until now.

"I'll help you watch. Qi Weiting raised her eyebrows slightly, put the controller of her wrist, and put the drone above her head on standby.

"Thank you. Wu Qingyue hurriedly took small steps and walked towards the back of the small soil slope.

A few minutes later, she walked back relaxed.

"Sister Wei Ting, where are we going to find food?" asked Wu Qingyue touching her belly, her stomach had already begun to protest, and her legs were a little weak with hunger.

"Go over there and take a look. Qi Weiting stretched out her finger to the northern position and said softly, picked up the firewood knife and walked in front.

"Sister Wei Ting, wait for me. Qi Weiting wrapped herself in a tight storm jacket and followed Qi Weiting with steps, and now only she can give herself a sense of security.

The two began to walk north, only snowy and bare trees along the way.

"I want to see how Chu Feng found food under such circumstances..." Wu Qingyue pursed her mouth, recalling the content of the live video in her mind.

She thought for a while, then turned her head with a strange face and asked, "Sister Wei Ting, do you say it's possible that we also picked up deer and jackals?"

The corner of Qi Weiting's mouth twitched, how could this be?

She didn't think that the luck of the two of her could be as good as Chu Feng's and them.

"Deer, jackal, come out quickly. Wu Qingyue whispered.

Qi Weiting pursed her lips, is it really good to let the jackals come out?

In the live broadcast room of the observer, it was Qi Weiting's live broadcast room that was observed at this time.

"Our observers started setting out to find food. With a light smile on his face, He Ming began to interact with the audience.

"It's not so easy to find food on a snowy day. Wang Lin shook his head.

"Last night they ate wild vegetable roots, and they couldn't hold up if they were hungry. He Ming said softly, worrying for the two.

Wang Lin tapped his fingers on the table and said softly: "If you can't last for three days like this, your body will collapse." "

There is not enough food to supplement the calories consumed by the body on a snowy day, and the body cannot withstand the erosion of the cold wind, and it is only a matter of time before it collapses.

"Let's bless them. He Ming sighed, now he can't do anything.

Unless the two observers opt out, the fourteen-day wilderness survival experience will not continue. Otherwise, there's really nothing that can help them.


"Sister Wei Ting, will we get lost?" Wu Qingyue looked at the white snow around her, a little confused in direction.

"Walking back with the footprints won't. Qi Weiting said softly, her physical strength began to gradually decline, and the food had not yet been found.

"Hopefully it doesn't snow. Wu Qingyue looked up at the sky and looked a little dizzy, making her quickly lower her head.

"Probably not, the sun is big today. Qi Weiting analyzed that before coming, she had checked how to observe the winter weather, but it was unknown whether it was reliable or not.

Wu Qingyue raised her spirits and pointed to the jungle on the left: "Sister Wei Ting, let's go over there and take a look." "

"Good. Qi Weiting replied softly, anyway, now it is also wandering around without purpose.

The two walked towards the jungle on the left, and they saw a white expanse with brown tree trunks.

More than half an hour later, the two stopped again, facing a towering and steep cliff.

"Heh, this is a bit similar to where Chu Feng and they hunted wild goats. Wu Qingyue said in amazement.

"Not there, it's higher here. Qi Weiting observed and shook her head slightly.

The cliff where Chu Feng hunted wild goats was only about ten meters high, and the cliff in front of him had to be at least more than twenty meters high.

"If we can catch a wild goat, it should be enough for us to eat for two weeks." Wu Qingyue shrugged and pulled her face, her stomach was already hungry.

"Look around, maybe there is food. Qi Weiting pursed her dry mouth and rummaged in the surrounding snow first.

More than ten minutes later, Wu Qingyue shouted in surprise: "Sister Wei Ting, I found mushrooms." "

"Mushrooms on a snowy day?" Qi Weiting was stunned, got up and hurriedly walked over.

She came to where Wu Qingyue was, where there were two dead dead trees with large mushrooms growing on their trunks.


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