Chu Feng took out all the cakes in the trough, placed them on the wooden table on the side, and looked down to check the oil press.

He was a little worried that he would smash the oil press with the force just now.

"It's okay, it still works." Chu Feng reached out and touched the bottom of the material trough, but did not find a crack, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He wiped his greased hands, found wood and began to strengthen the oil press, especially the support frame at the bottom, it was necessary to reinforce and thicken, otherwise if it was smashed a few times, it would directly let it fall apart.

Yun Xin took the oil salsa beans milled by the Liu family sisters and came to the fireplace to get busy, and the remaining oil salsa beans had to be steamed.

Liu Yiqiu played with the cake in her hand and said softly: "Chu Feng, do you want to take all these apart and break them up?" "

"Well, crush them all." Chu Feng nodded and replied softly, waving the firewood knife in his hand and continuing to strengthen the oil press.

"Good." Liu Yiqiu untied the rope wrapped around the outside of the cake, and then lifted the sackcloth, revealing the oil and beans that had been pressed into hard lumps inside.

"So hard." Liu Yimeng clenched his fist and hammered it.

She took a wooden stick and began to beat the bean cake, and it took a lot of effort to break it, and then crushed it into pieces with the wooden stick on the stone.

"It's more laborious than crushing oily beans." Liu Yimeng bit her lower lip and rolled the wooden stick hard.

"This oil is hard to come by." Liu Yiqiu also sighed softly, even if he left the wilderness in the future, it is estimated that he will not waste food casually after returning to the city.

Chu Feng chuckled and found a rope to reinforce the support frame of the oil press, especially where the wood was connected, and several loops of rope were wrapped.

More than half an hour later, Yun Xin once again steamed the oil beans and continued to wrap the cake with the disassembled sackcloth.

"Chu Feng, there are six more."

She shouted softly, with six wrapped cakes beside her, the maximum amount used at one time.

"Good." Chu Feng replied casually, bending down to check the stability of the oil press to ensure that there would be no problems in continuing to press oil.

After checking that there was no problem, he got up and brought the six cakes made by the girl from the fireplace, stuffed I into the trough in turn, and then stuffed I into it.

"Knock knock..."

Chu Feng stuffed the third piece of wood into it, and then held the wood and beat it.

Until the third wooden plug I is halfway in, the oil outlet of the oil press begins to drip grease out, which falls down the bamboo pipe into the clay pot.

"Tick Tick . . ."

Chu Feng squatted down and watched the grease drip down, and the fatigue of the past two days was rewarded.

He got up and continued to beat the wooden deed until there was no more grease flowing out of the oil outlet, and then used a wooden stick to remove the wooden deed, took out the cake inside and checked the oil press.

Chu Feng checked the oil press inside and out, and said softly: "It should be no problem to use it a few more times." "

Nearly an hour later, the girl steamed another batch of oily beans and wrapped them in sackcloth.

When it was close to dark, Chu Feng squeezed out all the oil beans and obtained nearly two clay pots of vegetable oil.

"If you squeeze the tail oil out again, it should be able to fill it." Chu Feng said softly, the vegetable oil in two clay pots was enough for four people to eat for a long time.

"I'll make dinner first, and then squeeze the tail oil." Yun Xin said softly, then pushed open the wooden door of the shelter and went out, picking a few pieces of frozen venison under the eaves.

She returned to the shelter, first thawed the venison on the fireplace, then turned around and looked for ingredients such as wild ginger and cinnamon on the wooden shelf.

"Yun Xin, what are you doing tonight?" Liu Yimeng clapped her hands and got up, and came to the fireplace to help.

"Let's stir-fry, try it with vegetable oil and see how it tastes." Yun Xin said with a smile, now that there is oil, it is time to change the taste and make some stir-fry to eat.

"The oil smells quite fragrant, and the stir-fried dishes should also be delicious." Liu Yimeng looked forward to it, helping to handle the venison in her hand.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, put on a cloak and pushed open the wooden door of the shelter, and walked towards the cultivation room, ready to add some wood to the fireplace.

More than half an hour later, Yun Xin and Liu Yimeng served the earthen kang with stir-fried vegetables and broth, and Liu Yiqiu brought pottery bowls and chopsticks.

"It smells good." Chu Feng sat on the earthen kang, holding a piece of venison with chopsticks in his hand and stuffing it into his mouth and chewing.

"How does it taste?" Yun Xin asked expectantly.

"It's very good, it tastes better." Chu Feng nodded in satisfaction, and took another piece of venison and stuffed it into his mouth.

Liu Yimeng chewed the meat in her mouth and said indistinctly: "The oil squeezed from the oil and beans seems to be more delicious." "

"Indeed." Liu Yiqiu said softly.

"It's very fragrant." Yun Xin agreed, gulping down the meat.

She looked at her somewhat greasy fingers, and asked curiously on the side: "By the way, Chu Feng, can this vegetable oil be made into soap?" "

"Yes, but you won't know until you try." Chu Feng said softly, the oil used to make soap does not necessarily have to use wild boar oil, and the oil of other animals and plants can also be used to make soap.

"Then I'll soak the grass and wood ash water first." Yun Xin put down her chopsticks, got off the earthen kang and walked towards the fireplace.

"There's no hurry to get it after eating." Chu Feng said with a wry smile.

"Soak first, it's going to take a long time." Yun Xin said coquettishly, scooped some water in the water tank with the clay pot, and then grabbed a handful of delicate grass and wood ash and put it in, stirred it well with a wooden stick and placed it next to the fireplace.

After doing this, she washed her hands, climbed back into the earthen kang, and continued to eat dinner.

"Huh? Do you make soap? Liu Yimeng said eagerly.

"Tomorrow you can try to make a piece yourself." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Good." Liu Yimeng responded expectantly, making soap by herself was the first time.

More than half an hour later, everyone finished dinner.

Yun Xin and Chu Feng were busy in front of the fireplace, pouring the broken cakes into the steel pot, stir-frying them with a wooden spoon, and preparing to make the cakes for the second oil press.

"Well, you can't over-fry it, otherwise the squeezed oil will be bitter." Chu Feng instructed, and quickly carried the steel pot and poured the oil and beans inside into the prepared sackcloth.

"Got it." Yun Xin nodded seriously, reloaded some broken cakes and continued to stir-fry.

Chu Feng pressed the broken cakes in the sackcloth tightly, then folded the sackcloth, fixed it with a few circles around the rope, and the cake with squeezed tail oil was ready.

More than half an hour later, with the help of the Liu sisters, six cakes were prepared, stuffed into the oil press trough again, loaded with wooden qi and began to squeeze the tail oil.

After a few minutes, tail oil comes out of the oil outlet.

Yun Xin squatted down and sniffed, and said softly: "The tail oil seems to be more fragrant." "

"Indeed." Liu Yiqiu nodded lightly, the tail oil will be more fragrant and purer than the head oil.


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