At night, the wind and snow on String Moon Island are still blowing.


Wu Qingyue was lying in her sleeping bag coughing, and Qi Weiting stirred the snow water in the steel pot with a wooden stick.

When she got up this morning, Wu Qingyue was a little better, and the two braved heavy snow to go out to find food, this time luckily, they found a nest of wild eggs on the other side of the cliff.

The snow fell heavily to avoid disorientation, and the two did not go far to catch up, and when they returned, they dug a little more wild vegetable roots on the road.

It was only after arriving at the shelter that Wu Qingyue's condition began to worsen and she began to cough.

"Can it hold up?" Qi Weiting asked with a frown and worry.

"It's okay, it's just a little cold." Wu Qingyue waved her hand, half of her head stuffed into her sleeping bag, trying to make herself warmer as much as possible.

Qi Weiting came over, reached out and touched Wu Qingyue's forehead, and said in a deep voice: "No, your body will collapse in this way." "

"It's not that exaggerated.....," Wu Qingyue said in a muffled voice.

"Fever burns out your brain." Qi Weiting said softly.

Wu Qingyue poked out her head, glared at Meimu and asked, "Wouldn't that become a fool?" "

"Hmm." Qi Weiting nodded seriously, I have seen a lot of news on TV, it is because the fever is not taken seriously, resulting in more and more serious fever, and finally directly stupid.

"No, I can't be a fool, I still have to sing." Wu Qingyue shook her head repeatedly.

"Then let's give up." Qi Weiting said in a deep voice.

"Is there any other choice?" Wu Qingyue pouted, a little unwilling to give up like this, after all, it was only the fourth day to come to the wilderness.

Qi Weiting frowned and pondered, if it didn't snow now, she could go to the mountains and forests to find some herbs, but this flying snow in the sky was obviously impossible to find.

"Otherwise, let's go..." Wu Qingyue whispered.

She glanced at the camera, leaned into Qi Weiting's ear and whispered.

"Can you hold out for that long?" Qi Weiting asked with a frown.

"It should be possible, otherwise even if we quit now, the snow will fall so much, it will not be possible for the helicopter to pick us up." Wu Qingyue whispered, today's snow has not stopped.

"Wait until you get up tomorrow and see if the situation is decided."

Qi Weiting sighed, turned around and picked up the clay pot on the fire, put it on the snow to speed up cooling, and then came back with the steel pot and said softly: "Drink some hot water and go to bed early." "

"Sister Wei Ting, you are so good." The corners of Wu Qingyue's mouth rose, revealing a weak smile, and then held the steel pot and drank hot water.

Qi Weiting pursed her lips, and after Wu Qingyue finished drinking the water, she took the steel pot and put it aside, and then helped to put the sleeping bag away.

She got up and walked to the fire, added a few pieces of wood to it, and guarded it.

"Sister Wei Ting, aren't you sleeping yet?" Wu Qingyue turned her head and asked softly.

"You sleep first, I'll wait." Qi Weiting responded softly, tonight must be vigilant.

She was afraid that she would not wake up when she fell asleep, and if the fire was extinguished, with the current temperature, even if she had a sleeping bag, she would be prone to catching a cold, not to mention Wu Qingyue, who already had a cold and fever, and her condition would be more serious.

"Then don't be too late." Wu Qingyue whispered, and then couldn't help but feel sleepy, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Qi Weiting looked sideways at the wind and snow outside the shelter, looked up and looked at the tarp above her head, tomorrow she had to get the snow off the tarp, the snow was too thick.


In the morning, the sun fell on the white snow, and after a day and a night, the heavy snow finally stopped, and the sun once again shone on the earth.


Wu Qingyue frowned, her face was slightly red, and her body was lying in the sleeping bag trembling lightly.

Qi Weiting slowly opened her eyes, looked sideways at Wu Qingyue, and asked softly, "Qingyue, are you awake?" "

"Well, just woke up." Wu Qingyue opened her tired eyes, feeling that her head was heavier than yesterday, and the dizzy feeling was still there.

"How's your body?" Qi Weiting quickly got up and put her palm on her forehead.

"It's fine." Wu Qingyue slowly sat up with her sleeping bag, her messy long hair casually stretched on both sides of her cheeks.

She reached out and rubbed her head, her eyes half-squinted, and she was a little drowsy when she just woke up.

"Let's just call the helicopter." Qi Weiting said worriedly.

"No, didn't you say okay last night, go there first, if not, we'll quit and go back." Wu Qingyue pouted and muffled.

"Well, if you can't hold on, I'll force it to quit." Qi Weiting sighed secretly and compromised.

"Good." Wu Qingyue squeezed out a smile and nodded, slowly got out of the sleeping bag, rolled up the sleeping bag, and began to pack things up.

"You go boil water, I'll get it." Qi Weiting said softly, last night she kept vigil late, and today there was a fire and reddish charcoal, which could be lit with a little bark.

"Uh-huh." Wu Qingyue replied softly, leaving some strength to hurry.

Qi Weiting took a firewood knife, cut the rope that fixed the tarp, then shook off the snow on it, and then folded the tarp neatly, tied it with a roll of rope and put it aside.

Wu Qingyue stirred the snow water in the steel pot with a wooden stick, and asked softly with her head sideways: "Do we still want to bring that basket?" "

"I don't bring it." Qi Weiting said softly, the lighter the luggage, the better.

"Okay." Wu Qingyue pouted and replied, it was the first basket she made, although it was a little ugly, but it was always her first time.

"Do it again when you get over there." Qi Weiting pursed her lips.

"Uh-huh." Wu Qingyue nodded and carried the steel pot to cool on the snow.

More than ten minutes later, the two drank hot water, packed their luggage and prepared to leave.

Wu Qingyue stopped as soon as she took a step, turned her head a little embarrassed and asked, "Where are we going?" "

The corner of Qi Weiting's mouth twitched, and she raised her finger to point to the northern position: "Over here." "

Before coming, she had done her homework and remembered many important places in her mind.

"Then let's go." Wu Qingyue smiled embarrassedly, stepped on the thick snow, and walked forward with a somewhat dizzy head.

Qi Weiting followed closely aside, paying attention to Wu Qingyue's condition.

"Sister Wei Ting, how long do we have to walk to arrive?" Wu Qingyue turned her head and asked again.

"According to the scale on the map, under normal circumstances, you can arrive in half a day, but now there is snow everywhere, and the time is difficult to calculate." Qi Weiting pondered and said softly.

"Okay." Wu Qingyue nodded lightly.

The two walked north.


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