Yun Xin supported the edge of the earthen kang with his hand, hesitated to move his body and got off the earthen kang, put on rabbit skin shoes and walked outside.


The wind in the courtyard was cold, and the fire in Chu Feng's hand illuminated the surroundings, and he saw at a glance that above the fence, there were three drones circling.

"What about people?" Liu Yimenghu said suspiciously.

Chu Feng walked towards the yard, stepped on the snow to the fence, the perception of danger was not triggered, he gently pulled open the gate of the fence, revealing the figure behind.

On the snow outside the door, two women slumped on the ground, one of them unconscious to be exact, the other exhausted.

"Chu Feng, it's great." Qi Weiting looked up at Chu Feng's face through the firelight, and she was inexplicably relieved in her heart, and then dizzy.

"Hey??? hey"

Liu Yimeng stared at Meimu and exclaimed, and said in surprise: "Isn't this Wu Qingyue and Qi Weiting?" "

"Are they really them? How could it be here? Liu Yiqiu was stunned, and a series of questions in her mind, how could the two big stars appear here?

The Liu sisters know two big stars, and when they are in the city, they often see them on TV.

"It's a long story, can you see Qingyue first?" Qi Weiting sighed secretly.

"What's wrong with her?" Yun Xin came over and was also shocked when she saw the two stars, after all, Wu Qingyue and Qi Weiting are both very famous.

"Cold plus fever." Qi Weiting said in a dumb voice, she had not drunk water for a day, and her throat was already dry and painful.

Chu Feng's brows furrowed slightly, and he said softly: "It's windy outside, come first." "

He bent down to pick up Wu Qingyue in the way of a princess hug, turned around and walked quickly towards the shelter.

"Yunxin, hurry in, be careful of catching a cold." Chu Feng turned his head and shouted softly.

"Good." Yun Xin quickly responded.

"Come first." The Liu sisters bent down to support Qi Weiting, then closed the gate of the fence and bent down into the shelter.

Chu Feng carefully placed Wu Qingyue on the earthen kang, and reached out to move the low wooden table aside.

He put his palm on Wu Qingyue's forehead, and the temperature was already very high.

Chu Feng quickly got up, cut a piece of sackcloth with a saber, dipped some cold water from the water tank, wrung it out, and applied it to Wu Qingyue's forehead, and began to initially reduce the fever.

He looked sideways at Qi Weiting coming in, sat down at the wooden table, and asked softly, "What's going on?" Are you a contestant too? "

"It's not." Qi Weiting pursed her lips and shook her head, her voice extremely hoarse.

"Yimeng, pour her a glass of water first." Chu Feng said softly.

"Oh, good." Liu Yimeng quickly took out the bamboo cup used before from the wooden frame, cleaned it and poured a cup of warm water and handed it over.

"Thank you." After Qi Weiting thanked softly, she lowered her head and drank warm water.

"Let's talk about it first." Chu Feng glanced sideways at Wu Qingyue lying on the bed.

"You should not know yet, Wu Qingyue and I are observers of 365 days of wilderness survival, this time..." Qi Weiting said softly, simply explaining what happened.

"Observers?" The Liu sisters were stunned at the same time, this was indeed something they did not know, after all, the observer was invited after the start of the competition.

"In other words, you just came to String Moon Island to experience survival, and you will leave in fourteen days?" Chu Feng asked in a deep voice, and some of the worries in his heart also dissipated.

"Well, just look at the clothes and tools on us." Qi Weiting said calmly, placing the wood knife tarp and so on on the wooden table on the side.

Her point was obvious, the privilege of being an observer had more tools, although only one more.

Chu Feng's eyes scanned the circle, counting the tools on the two people, and found that there were eight, while the standard equipment of the ordinary competition group was six tools.

"Inviting big stars to experience survival in the wilderness is indeed a big attraction of the show." Liu Yiqiu said softly.

"In nine days, we'll leave." Qi Weiting said softly, today is the fifth day that she and Wu Qingyue came to Qianyue Island, and a third of the time has passed.

"Got it." Chu Feng nodded lightly, turned to face Wu Qingyue, reached out and lifted her eyelids, and checked her pupils.

He removed the sackcloth from Wu Qingyue's forehead, and after a while of cold water, he applied it back to his forehead.

"Yiqiu, Yimeng, help her cover a quilt." Chu Feng said softly, walking towards the wooden frame, ready to find some herbs to reduce Wu Qingyue's fever and cool down.

"Good." The Liu sisters got up and answered, got up and put on the earthen kang, and unfolded the folded quilt.

"Well, I have a sleeping bag here." Qi Weiting said softly, untying the sleeping bag on the side.

"It's better to use a sleeping bag." Chu Feng said without replying.

"Give it to me." Liu Yimeng took the sleeping bag, carefully moved Wu Qingyue into the sleeping bag, and closed the mouth of the sleeping bag at the same time.

Liu Yiqiu poured a cup of warm water, held Wu Qingyue's head, and slowly fed her half a cup.

"Yunxin, don't walk around, go and sit down obediently." Chu Feng glared at the girl with a side head and a reproachful look, and the aunt was still running around.

"Good." Yun Xin stuck out his tongue and obediently answered, turned around and slowly climbed onto the earthen kang to sit down, reaching out and tentatively touching Wu Qingyue's forehead.

"Aqiu~~" Qi Weiting rubbed my stomach and sneezed, and also had a little cold.

"Yimeng, go cook some wild ginger soup." Chu Feng said softly, turning out two pieces of wild ginger from the clay pot on the wooden frame and handing them over.

"Howler." Liu Yimeng quickly took the wild ginger to deal with it.

"Yiqiu, move the oven out and eat the barbecue tonight." Chu Feng turned his head and said, the fireplace only has a stove mouth, and the next thing is to cook wild ginger soup and boiling medicine, and there is no time to make seafood soup.

"Got it." Liu Yiqiu nodded, squatted down next to the wooden frame, and moved the ceramic oven out.

She simply wiped the oven, then turned and walked out of the shelter, turned two pieces of venison under the eaves, and thawed them by the fireplace.

Chu Feng rummaged through the clay pot to find the herbs he needed, glanced at the lobster placed next to the fireplace, paused and said softly: "You guys eat the big lobster first to pad your stomach, it's not delicious when it's cold." "

"Big lobster?" Qi Weiting's eyebrows trembled slightly, followed everyone's line of sight, and found the huge splendid lobster next to the fireplace.

She couldn't help but purse her mouth, why didn't she watch the live broadcast for a few days, Chu Feng even caught a big lobster?


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