In the observer's live broadcast room, He Ming and the others watched the live broadcast of Chu Feng and others.

"Great, finally caught up." He Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and originally planned to contact the director team to quickly send someone to rescue, after all, Wu Qingyue's situation did not look optimistic.

"I think it's still necessary to get the pilots ready in advance." Wang Lin looked at the monitor in front of him and said.

He didn't quite believe that Chu Feng could heal people, after all, Wu Qingyue's situation was obviously a high fever, and he could be cured by relying on herbs in the wilderness?

"Well, medical staff and helicopters are on standby on the island." He Ming said to the camera in front of him, appeasing Wu Qingyue's loyal fans.

The barrage in the observer live broadcast room has long been invaded by Wu Qingyue's fans, and all kinds of barrages demanding rescue are quickly brushed.

Some fans even directly swiped 50,000 gifts, in order to make the red bold and colorful conspicuous tail barrage, just to let more people see.

"The audience don't worry, if Chu Feng can't heal well, the doctor will immediately take a helicopter to heal." He Ming had an official smile on his face and responded to the audience's questions.

As for what was written on the barrage, he didn't read a single thing, but he could probably guess what it was.

After a while, more and more red bold barrages appeared on the monitor.

He Ming couldn't help but be curious, leaning slightly to look at the content of the barrage.

"Quickly send our Qingyue Goddess out, then Chu Feng won't do anything, don't touch my goddess."

"Fart, Chu Feng will go more than you."

"That is, there is nothing that Chu Feng will not do, it's just a cold and fever, he has already cured two people."

"If the goddess has any three lengths and two weaknesses, we won't let Chu Feng go..."

Barrages like this are flying all over the sky.

The corner of He Ming's mouth twitched, are the fans so crazy now?

Fans on both sides were chattering each other in the observation booth, while the main lord was in the shelter on String Moon Island, preparing to eat lobster.

Liu Yiqiu gently put the pottery plate on the wooden table, and said softly with his head sideways: "Chu Feng, you also come to eat." "

"You guys eat first, I'll take care of the medicine first." Chu Feng replied casually, squatting by the fireplace and handling the herbs.

The Liu sisters sat around the wooden table and used their sabers to knock open the shell of the lobster, revealing the white and tender lobster meat inside.

Yun Xin also got down from the earthen kang and sat around the wooden table, her stomach was already hungry.

Liu Yimeng used a saber to cut the lobster meat, cut it into small pieces, and said softly: "Taste, I don't know how it tastes." "

"It's tender and delicious." Yun Xin picked up a piece of white and tender lobster meat with chopsticks, dipped some sauce and stuffed it into her mouth and chewed.

"It's a little cold, but it's still delicious." Liu Yimeng commented with a half-squinted eye, her mouth bulging.

Yun Xin quickly handed the chopsticks to Qi Weiting, who was a little dazed, and chuckled, "Sister Weiting, you can eat it too." "

"Thank you." Qi Weiting glanced sideways at Wu Qingyue lying on the earthen kang, and then did not hold back, stretched out her chopsticks and clamped a piece of lobster meat, dipped some dipping sauce and stuffed it into her mouth.

She chewed lobster meat in her mouth, her long eyelashes trembled, this large lobster tasted much better than the steamed lobster she had eaten before, more tender and juicy.

The four women gathered around the wooden table and ate meat.

The girl looked sideways at Chu Feng, who was still busy, got up and found a pottery bowl from the wooden shelf, clamped a few large pieces of lobster meat into the bowl, and then poured some dipping sauce, turned around and squatted by the fireplace.

"Chu Feng, ah... Mouth. Yun Xin held the lobster meat and held it to his mouth.

Chu Feng chuckled, opened his mouth to catch the piece of lobster meat, closed his mouth and chewed.

"How does it taste?" Yun Xin asked with a smile.

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, nodded and said, "Well, it's better than prawns." "

"Can that compare? How much is a pound of prawns. Yun Xinjiao glanced at him with disgust, held up his chopsticks and took another piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

Chu Feng stuffed lobster meat in his mouth, and said vaguely: "You eat more, it's good for your body." "

"Just now you have eaten a lot, you eat another piece." Yun Xin said coquettishly, holding the chopsticks and stuffing them into his mouth that could not be refused.

"Okay, let's eat the rest." Chu Feng waved his hand, signaling that his mouth could no longer be stuffed.

"Hee-hee, good." Yun Xin stood up satisfied, returned to the wooden table and sat down.

"Do you want to leave some for Sister Qingyue?" Liu Yimeng looked at the few lobster meat left, and looked sideways at Wu Qingyue who had fallen asleep on the earthen kang.

"No, you all eat it, people with fever and cold can't eat seafood, they can only eat light." Chu Feng's voice came.

He processed the herbs according to the amount of the potion in his mind, then stuffed them into the prepared clay pot, filled them with water and set them aside.

"Good." Liu Yimeng cast a 'your life is bad' look at Wu Qingyue, and then ate the lobster meat with several people.

A few minutes later, a pile of ripe red lobster shells remained in the clay pot, and the four women looked unfinished.

"The wild ginger soup should be good, Sister Wei Ting will drink the bowl first to warm up." Liu Yimeng licked I's fingers.

She got up and went to the fireplace, lifted the lid of the steel pot, stirred the wild ginger soup with a wooden spoon, scooped some soup and blew it, took a sip and picked up the steel pot and returned to the wooden table.

Liu Yimeng used a wooden spoon to hold wild ginger soup and placed it in front of Qi Weiting.

"Trouble you." Qi Weiting pursed her lips.

"Drink quickly, drive away the cold." Yun Xin said with a smile.

She got up and filled some wild ginger soup, turned around and climbed onto the earthen kang, ready to feed Wu Qingyue some ginger soup.

"Yunxin, I'll help you." Liu Yimeng wiped the grease on her hands, turned on the earthen kang, and reached out to help Wu Qingyue up.

"Don't drink too much, and drink medicine later." Chu Feng instructed softly, picked up the clay pot containing herbs, set it up on the fireplace and began to decoct the medicine.

"Good." Yun Xin replied casually, gently blew the hot air in the bowl, and fed wild ginger soup to Wu Qingyue with a small spoon.

"It's the first time I've been so close to a star." Liu Yimeng sighed that she could only see it on TV before, but she didn't expect that one day she would appear next to her.

"It's really beautiful." Yun Xin pursed her envious mouth and stuffed the wooden spoon into Wu Qingyue's chapped lips.

"You will grow up more beautiful than her." Chu Feng came over and sat on the side and said softly, reaching out and poking the girl's soft cheek, sure enough, the girls were very concerned about their appearance.

Yun Xin's hand moved, and his face turned slightly red and asked, "Really?" "


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