Chu Feng chuckled, "You will eat this for dinner tonight, and eat meat tomorrow when your health is better." "

"Huh?" Wu Qingyue chewed wild vegetables in her mouth and said vaguely: "No meat to eat tonight?" "

"The roast is too greasy, you can eat a few pieces if you have an appetite." Chu Feng shook his head lightly and smiled.

"Have an appetite and can eat." Wu Qingyue quickly nodded.

"It seems that five days in the wilderness have tortured you enough." Chu Feng chuckled and said.

"I haven't eaten meat in five days." Wu Qingyue touched my stomach embarrassedly, now there is no oil and water in her stomach, basically all of them are the roots of wild vegetables.

She glanced sideways at the camera on the wooden frame, mysteriously leaned into Chu Feng's ear, and said softly: "When we leave, the tool can be left for you, what do you want?" "

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows and said suspiciously: "It seems that the rules of the competition do not have this. "

"Of course not, this is the privilege of observers, and it can be regarded as a compensation for our troubles with you." Wu Qingyue lowered her voice and whispered, for fear of being heard by the audience in front of the camera.

"And this operation?" Chu Feng was stunned, thinking about the authenticity of this matter.

"Of course, but when we leave, the director will announce." Wu Qingyue said softly.

"Then I want a sleeping bag." Chu Feng thought for a while and said, since the director will announce, then there is no problem.

"I thought you would ask for a wood knife or a tarp." Wu Qingyue said stunned.

"Yiqiu and Yimeng don't have sleeping bags yet." Chu Feng said casually.

Although wood knives and tarps are also very useful, in contrast, sleeping bags can improve the quality of life and allow the Liu sisters to sleep more comfortably.

Liu Yiqiu shouted sideways: "It's time for dinner." "

"Coming, coming."

The door of the shelter was pushed open, and Liu Yimeng bent in with a torch.

Liu Yiqiu took the ceramic oven and put the earthen kang, and then served all the cut meat with Qi Weiting.

"Eat quickly." Chu Feng picked up the chopsticks and put the meat on the ceramic oven.

"You're welcome." Wu Qingyue said softly, holding the meat and roasting it.

"Eat more." Yun Xin said with a smile.

There is still a lot of meat in the shelter, even if there is more Qi Weiting and Wu Qingyue, it is enough for them to survive the winter, not to mention that the two big stars will leave in nine days.

"I didn't expect to have dinner with two big stars one day." Liu Yimeng said with a smile.

"Hee-hee... When you go back to the city in the future, you can eat together often. Wu Qingyue said with a smile, and her face gradually turned bloody.

"Okay." Liu Yimeng's eyes were full of surprise.

"I've wanted to try it for a long time." Wu Qingyue picked up the roasted meat, dipped some sauce and stuffed it into her mouth and chewed.

She chewed a few times and her brows slowly furrowed, but she still endured the discomfort and swallowed the meat into her stomach.

"What's wrong? Is it not delicious? Liu Yiqiu asked softly, chewing venison in her mouth, the taste was as delicious as ever.

"It's delicious." Qi Weiting also chewed meat in her mouth, although the taste was not as good as those of Michelin stars, but it was similar to the taste of those barbecues in ordinary restaurants.

"It's not that it's not delicious, it's just that I suddenly don't have much appetite." Wu Qingyue said with a bitter face.

"It's not delicious to eat when you are sick, you better drink wild vegetable soup obediently." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Okay." Wu Qingyue sipped the wild vegetable soup while watching everyone stuff meat into their mouths, eating happily.

More than twenty minutes later, everyone finished dinner, and Qi Weiting and Liu Yiqiu moved the oven and pots and bowls.

"I'm going to tease the doggy." The corners of Wu Qingyue's mouth raised, and she moved her body to get off the earth.

"Be careful not to fall." Chu Feng instructed softly.

"It's okay..." Wu Qingyue waved her hand, and the next moment her feet landed on the ground, her legs trembled violently and fell to the ground.

"Be careful." Liu Yimeng and Yun Xin exclaimed at the same time.

"It's all about making you careful." Chu Feng quickly grabbed Wu Qingyue's collar to prevent her cheeks from touching the ground first.

He picked Wu Qingyue up and helped her to lean against the wall.

"The body can't use its strength." Wu Qingyue sneered.

"The fever has only subsided a little, of course I have no strength." Chu Feng rolled his eyes angrily, especially if he had been hungry for five days.

"Is it? But I feel in good spirits. Wu Qingyue pursed her lips and said, feeling light-headed and relieved a lot.

"Lie down obediently, at least tomorrow you will not be able to walk on the ground." Chu Feng instructed softly.

"But I still want to take a shower." Wu Qingyue lowered her head and sniffed her body, faintly smelling strange.

When she was in the city, she had to take a bath in the morning and evening, but now she hasn't bathed for five days, and she is already a little unbearable.

"Let's burn some hot water to wipe your body later, and then take a bath when the fever subsides." Chu Feng said softly.

"Okay." Wu Qingyue said with a smile.

Chu Feng got up and got off the earthen kang, turned around and carried two clay pots out of the shelter from the wooden frame, and walked back after a while filled with snow.

He put all the sea cucumbers and abalone he caught in the sea today into clay pots and covered them with clean snow to ensure their freshness.

In the end, there were only five pearl oysters left in the burlap bag, and he planned to see if there were any pearls inside.

"Lucky light gives some strength, it is best to have pearls in each opening." Chu Feng muttered softly.

"Hey, it's time to open pearl oysters." Liu Yimeng hurriedly came over.

Chu Feng held the saber, the tip of the knife was inserted along the gap of the pearl oyster, and then circled, the saber gently parted to one side, and the palm-sized pearl oyster was knocked open, revealing the tender flesh inside.

Yun Xin and Wu Qingyue, who were sitting on the earthen kang, were also curious, stretching their heads and asking, "Are there any pearls?" "

"Yes, not small." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised slightly, and his fingers pinched the soft flesh, and he could clearly feel that the bread I was wrapped in a pearl.

He squeezed the soft flesh with two fingers. Squeeze out the pearls inside.

"Can you show me?" Wu Qingyue's eyes lit up, and it was the first time she saw people open pearls on the spot.

"Yes." Chu Feng nodded lightly, and simply took the remaining pearl oysters onto the earthen kang, ready to continue opening pearl oysters on the small wooden table.

"It's quite big, do you want to sell it to me?" Wu Qingyue held the pearl she had just obtained in her hand, with a diameter of nearly one centimeter, which was very large in the pearl.

"Sell? You can't seem to pay now. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose.

"I'll brush you a gift after I go out, you won't be able to get it." Wu Qingyue said with a smile, this can be regarded as a souvenir of coming to survive in the wild.

After Chu Feng leaves the wilderness, the gifts received by the live broadcast will be converted into Chinese coins, and will be directly given to the contestants at that time.

"As you wish." Chu Feng chuckled and continued to open pearl oysters with his saber.


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