The remaining four pearl oysters were all opened, and only the last oyster was empty, and the remaining few were all pearls.

"These few look average, and they are ground to make masks." Chu Feng said softly, with three oval-shaped pearls in his palm.

"Save these shellfish for tomorrow." Liu Yimeng cleaned up the table, stuffed the opened pearl oyster back into the clay pot, and covered it with snow.

According to the method of making a mask for the first time, Chu Feng spent more than ten minutes to prepare the pearl mask, which was still a familiar green, but the amount was a little more than the first time.

He stirred the mask in the bowl with bamboo slices, looked at the women and whispered, "Which of you will come first?" "

"Me." Yun Xin raised his hand with a smile.

"Then you lie down, I'll help you smear." Chu Feng said softly, sitting sideways on the edge of the earthen kang.

"Good." Yun Xin replied crisply.

She slowly lay down, her head resting on Chu Feng's lap, and closed her eyes with a red face.

Chu Feng carefully used bamboo pieces to help the girl apply the mask, like the position of the nose, around the eyes, and lips, he used his fingers to apply it gently.

"Okay, lie down for a while." Chu Feng said softly, pinching the girl's little nose with his fingers.

"Uh-huh." Yun Xin raised her head slightly.

"Who of you wants to paint?" Chu Feng asked sideways.

"Me." Liu Yimeng raised her hand to signal, immediately lay down flat, closed her eyes with her head facing out, and crossed her hands in front of her.


The corner of Liu Yiqiu's mouth twitched, and after hesitating, she also lay down like her sister, and said softly: "I want it too." "

"Me too." Wu Qingyue smiled at the corner of her mouth, closed her eyes and lay down.

Qi Weiting frowned slightly, looked at the four women lying down and thought about it, and then lay down with her.

Chu Feng grinned, turned to glance at the camera, revealed an innocent expression, and then seriously helped the other four women put on masks.

In the live broadcast room, the audience quickly brushed the barrage, the previous one was not clear, and it will soon be covered up by the next one.


"Chu Feng, let them go, let me come."

"Shock! During the live broadcast, five women lay side by side on the I bed at the mercy of the men, and they did not resist. "

"In front, you are a talent, and tomorrow you will report from the 'shock department'."


Liu Yimeng's long eyelashes trembled, and the bamboo slices ran across her face, feeling cold and a little itchy.

Immediately afterwards, she felt the side of her lips, and there was a warm touch around her eyes, which was Chu Feng's fingers.

"Okay, you can wash it off when it's dry." Chu Feng withdrew his finger and walked to the next person.

Liu Yiqiu pursed her mouth, didn't bother to open her eyes, and let Chu Feng smear it on her face, and the cheeks covered by the green mask were actually blushing.

"Okay." Chu Feng said softly, stretched out his left hand that was not stained with the mask, and gently pulled the long hair on her forehead away to avoid staining the green mask.

After doing this, he moved on to the next person.

Wu Qingyue felt the cold touch on her face, and couldn't help but open her eyes, but it was Chu Feng's serious expression.

"Close your eyes." Chu Feng said softly, his fingers dipped in the mask across her pretty cheeks.

Wu Qingyue quickly closed her eyes, and the next moment there was a cold feeling around her eyes, except for her eyelids, the rest of the place was coated with a green mask.

"It's quite comfortable." Her slightly pale lips moved.

"Well, it can relieve symptoms such as dry skin and itching, followed by whitening." Chu Feng said softly, the herbs used in the mask are all good for the skin.

"You can't let anyone know." Wu Qingyue reminded in a low voice.

"I know." Chu Feng's face showed surprise, and her senses changed a little in her heart.

He walked to the next one, looked down at Qi Weiting with her eyes open, and asked softly, "Do you want to apply it?" "

"Thank you." Qi Weiting pursed her lips and said softly, and then closed her eyes.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, and sure enough, women couldn't resist the temptation to become beautiful.

A few minutes later, all the masks in the bowl were used up, and the five women lay side by side on the earthen kang, and the originally pleasing scene was destroyed by the green mask on the face.

Chu Feng put down the pottery bowl and came to Yun Xin's side, his fingers gently poked the girl's cheek, and the mask on it had solidified.

"Okay?" Yun Xin opened her eyes a little confused, and had almost fallen asleep just now.

"Well, go wash your face and get ready for bed." Chu Feng said softly.

"Good." Yun Xin yawned, got up and got off the earthen kang.

"Go to the toilet and wait, I'll fetch water for you." Chu Feng said softly, the girl came to her aunt, and her body was not energetic.

"Uh-huh." The corners of Yun Xin's mouth rose, and he took the towel into the toilet.

Chu Feng shoveled out stones from the fireplace, filled the clay pot with water, and turned around and went into the toilet.

Four or five minutes later, the girl came out after washing her face, I don't know if it was an illusion, it seemed to give people a lot of energy.

"I'll wash it too." Liu Yimeng rolled over and got off the earthen kang and carried a towel into the toilet.

More than half an hour later, the five women had washed their faces, and Wu Qingyue was helped into the toilet I and wiped her body by the way with the help of the Liu family sisters.

Chu Feng urged softly: "Okay, you all go to bed quickly, especially if you are not feeling well, go to bed early." "

"Good." Wu Qingyue got into the sleeping bag with a smile, and Qi Weiting lay on her side.

The Liu family sisters also climbed onto the earthen kang one after another, falling asleep slightly sideways, leaving a place for Chu Feng.

"You can sleep on your back." Chu Fengqiu said softly.

The earthen kang is two meters and five meters, and the average person occupies more than forty centimeters, which is enough for a person to sleep lying flat, although it is a little crowded, but this cannot be avoided.

"I remember you have two big beds, or Wei Ting and I will go to sleep on the big bed." Wu Qingyue tilted her head slightly, her face a little embarrassed.

"No, Yunxin and I occupy less space." Chu Feng chuckled, the girl basically slept half-lying on him.

"Well, I sleep on my side." Yun Xin blushed shyly.

"Okay, go to sleep." Chu Feng waved his hand.

"Okay." Wu Qingyue yawned, her physical weakness made her more and more sleepy, and she slowly fell asleep after her head was stained in the earthen kang.

"Chu Feng, aren't you sleeping yet?" Yun Xin whispered.

"In a while, tonight the earthen kang will be warmer, you sleep first." Chu Feng said softly, walking over to help fold the sleeping bag.

"Then don't be too late." Yun Xin instructed softly.

"Got it." Chu Feng replied casually.

He had to stay up until the wee hours of the morning tonight, because it was time to collect the package again.


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