At night, String Moon Island is dark, and the moon cannot be seen tonight.


Chu Feng sat in front of the fireplace and yawned, stood up and stretched his waist.

He turned and pushed open the door of the shelter, walked towards the cultivation room against the cold wind, added some wood to the fireplace after entering the cultivation room, and then returned to the shelter.

Chu Feng closed the door of the shelter and gave an order in his heart: "Sign in." "

The next moment, a virtual system panel popped up in front of you, showing the date on the 26th.

A mechanized voice sounded in his head: "Ding! Sign in for seven days and get a junior pack. "

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose slightly, stretched his waist, took off his rabbit skin shoes, and carefully climbed into the sleeping bag.


Yun Xin pursed his lips and muttered something, as always, he rolled over and lay on him, rubbing his head.

Chu Feng glanced sideways, and then ordered in his mind: "Open the gift bag." "

"Ding! One taste enhancer. (Elementary)"

"Ding! One toxin immuno-enhancing agent. (Elementary)"

"Ding! One recipe for plant culture solution. (Elementary)"

Chu Feng grinned, and was a little speechless in his heart: "It's really a taste enhancement potion!" "

When he opened the package last time, he wondered whether the next package would have a taste enhancement potion, but he didn't expect to be really guessed.

"Use taste enhancement potions." Chu Feng gave an order in his mind.

"Taste enhancement agents, after use without any sequelae to improve the sense of taste, newly increase the ability to distinguish some toxins and nutrients."

"Improving taste and distinguishing between toxins and nutrients?" Chu Feng was stunned after reading the introduction of the taste enhancement potion.

"Ding! Taste enhancement potions are in use..."

After a few seconds, he felt that the cavity of his mouth became a little numb, followed by the head of the tongue, and it took a while to return to normal.

"Nothing seems to have changed." Chu Feng pursed his lips and muttered softly.

He decided to find an herb to try when he had time, and then ordered in his head: "Use a toxin immune booster." "

"Ding! Toxin immuno-enhancing agents are in use..."

"Toxin immune enhancement agent, after use without any sequelae to enhance the body's immunity to toxins."

The next moment, Chu Feng's body trembled slightly, as if electrocuted, the feeling of numbness spread from the Tianling cover to the soles of his feet, and the cells in his body were quietly transformed by the medicine.

He clenched his teeth to avoid himself from humming, and after two or three minutes, the trembling of his body slowly stopped.


Yun Xin opened her eyes in confusion and muttered suspiciously, "Chu Feng, what's wrong with you?" "

"It's okay, keep sleeping." Chu Feng stretched out his hand and put his arm around the girl's thin waist, gently patting her back to soothe.

"Hmm~~" Yun Xin pursed her lips, and she quickly fell asleep again.

Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes to feel the changes in his body.

"Nothing seems to have changed?"

When he opened his eyes, there was confusion in his black eyes, and there were no obvious changes in his body except for the tingling feeling at the beginning.

Chu Feng said to himself: "Forget it, wait until you study it slowly later, and open the last gift package." "

"Ding! Plant culture liquid formula transmission......."

In nearly a minute, a wave of knowledge flooded into Chu Feng's mind, which made his somewhat sleepy head clear up a lot.

He closed his eyes and silently received the knowledge of the plant-based nutrient solution formula, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

"It's really time." Chu Feng sighed in his heart, the cultivation liquid can speed up the growth of plants, which is the same as the role of mushroom culture liquid.

Similarly, this pack contains a total of thirty-two recipes, the best of which can increase the growth rate of the plant by thirty-two times.

"It seems that in a few days, there will be fresh wild vegetables to eat." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose and he thought to himself.

With the culture solution recipe, the growth rate of wild vegetables in the cultivation room will be much faster.


"It's time to sleep." Chu Feng couldn't help but yawn and closed his eyes with a grin.


In the early morning, the sun is shining outside the window, and the sky is already bright.

The Liu sisters were busy in front of the fireplace, and today they got up first.

Qi Weiting's closed eyes trembled, and then slowly opened her eyes, first confused and vigilant, then gradually clear.

She slowly sat up with her sleeping bag, scanned the surroundings with her eyes, and fixed her mind after seeing the Liu sisters busy in front of the fireplace.

"Sister Wei Ting is awake, go wash up, you can have breakfast in a while." Liu Yimeng turned her head and chuckled.

"Good." Qi Weiting replied softly, carefully got out of her sleeping bag and got off the earthen kang, put on her shoes and came to the fireplace.

"There is no cloth, let's use sackcloth as a towel first." Liu Yiqiu said softly, took out a clean sackcloth from the wooden frame and handed it to Qi Weiting.

"Okay, thanks." Qi Weiting thanked and took the prepared hot water into the toilet.

"Aha~ I slept so comfortably." Wu Qingyue also opened her eyes, her slender arms raised.

"Everyone, early." Yun Xin and Chu Feng also got up and sat on the earthen kang to relieve the difficulty of getting up.

"Early." Liu Yimeng responded with a smile, today's breakfast is made of noodles, and the food will be lighter.

"Wu Daxing, how do you feel physically?" Chu Feng asked softly with his head sideways.

"Much better, my head is not very dizzy anymore."

Wu Qingyue stretched out her hand and touched her forehead, and then said seriously: "You still call me Qingyue, Wu Daxing sounds strange." "

"Yes." Chu Feng's eyebrows raised slightly, got up and got off the earthen kang, taking a towel and toothbrush to wash.

More than half an hour later, everyone was sitting around the earthen kang eating breakfast, although it was a little crowded, but they could sit down.

"The noodle soup is also delicious." Wu Qingyue's appetite was much better today, and she ate two large bowls of noodle soup.

"Very chewy." Qi Weiting nodded lightly, and she also ate a lot of breakfast.

This was the second time the two had eaten a full meal in the wilderness, and the first time was naturally last night.

Yun Xin chewed the meat in his mouth and asked vaguely, "Chu Feng, what are you going to do today?" "

"It's not snowing today, go and dig up the rest of the oily beans." Chu Feng thought for a moment and responded.

When I went to add wood to the fireplace in the nursery in the morning, I observed the sky and it will not snow today.

"Okay, I'll be back before dark this time." Yun Xin instructed with a serious face.

"Well, I don't have to pick walnuts this time, it will be much faster." Chu Feng said softly.


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