The corner of Liu Yiqiu's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but cough twice and reminded: "Cough ~ Liu Yimeng, are you going to perform how to bathe in front of the national audience?" "

"Ah, forgot." Liu Yimeng stuck out her tongue.

"Chu Feng..." Yun Xin pursed her mouth, her face a little blushing.

"Got it." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, and he slowly turned around.

He walked towards a boulder in front of him, while controlling the drones and letting them all standby.

The audience in the live broadcast room all wailed, and the barrage quickly brushed.

"Chu Feng, I hate you~"

"Ah~ The goddess of Qing wants to bathe, and I want to join me."

"Turn on the camera, I'm just worried about their safety and have no other ideas."

"Believe in your ghost, the bad old man is very bad."


Yun Xin looked up at the sky and there was no drone, and then glanced at Chu Feng, who was sitting on the boulder and turned his back, and sighed with relief in his heart.

She turned her head and said with a smile: "Okay, you can wash it with confidence." "

"Can you really rest assured~~" Wu Qingyue pursed her lips and muttered softly.

"Don't worry, Chu Feng won't peek, I trust him." Yun Xin affirmed with a slightly red face.

"I don't care, I'm going to take a good shower." Liu Yimeng hesitated, and then unfastened the elastic cord of her storm pants.

"Okay then." Wu Qingyue was entangled for a while, and then couldn't resist the temptation of the hot spring, and also took off his clothes

Qi Weiting was more free, and the clothes she had just taken off were piled on the stones on the side, but the person had already walked to the center of the pool, and the water just passed the collarbone.

"Whew~~" She gently sighed in relief, and her body gradually relaxed.

"So comfortable." Liu Yimeng also got off the hot spring and came to Qi Weiting's side, holding water and rubbing my pretty face.

She raised her hand and waved, and quickly urged: "Sister, you also come down quickly." "

"Here it is." Liu Yiqiu glanced sideways at Chu Feng, who was turned over from the boulder, and then took off his clothes and waded towards his sister in the water.

The girl quickly coiled her long hair to avoid getting wet by the water, and then carefully walked towards the middle of the hot spring until the water stopped before her shoulders.

"It's still too short." Yun Xin pouted, still more than two meters away from Wu Qingyue and the others.

"Hee-hee, Yunxin, you swim over." Liu Yimeng said with a smile.

"I can't swim..." Yun Xin pouted.

"I'll teach you, it's simple." Liu Yimeng swam towards the girl, like a white-flowered swimming fish.

She demonstrated in front of Yun Xin and said softly: "Let's teach you the simplest freestyle first." "

Qi Weiting raised her eyebrows, breaststroke is the easiest, right?

"Yimeng, breaststroke seems to be simpler." Wu Qingyue covered her mouth and snickered.

She also swims a lot, and for this reason she even signed up for swimming classes, which is what the original female coach said.

There are generally four most common postures for swimming: freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly, and backstroke.

Freestyle is the fastest, breaststroke is the most durable, backstroke is the least strenuous, butterfly is the most beautiful, and the simplest pose is breaststroke.

These poses are also professional swimming postures, and there are some poses that are less used, such as dog planing, side swimming, backstroke breaststroke, etc.

"Huh? Is it? "

Liu Yimeng was stunned, and then said in amazement: "But I am more comfortable swimming freestyle." "

"It varies from person to person, but breaststroke is easier to learn." Qi Weiting said softly, swimming is a common thing for her, after all, there is a pool at home.

"But I can't breaststroke..." Liu Yimeng stuck out her tongue embarrassedly.

"I'll teach you." Wu Qingyue said with a smile.

She stretched her hands forward and said softly: "Stroke your hands first, straighten your arms and then kick your legs, don't move your legs when your hands are rowing, your hands first close your legs and then retract, let your body slide forward for a while and then repeat the action." "

When swimming, stretch your hands forward, palm palms slightly tilted outward, then thumb up, hands outward to ventilate, hands inward when the legs hold their breath, hands over the head while kicking the legs to exhale.

"It doesn't seem to be difficult." Liu Yimeng muttered softly.

"You try." Wu Qingyue said with a smile.

"Good." Liu Yimeng said eagerly, following the steps Wu Qingyue said, and swam up to learn her appearance.

"Boom, boom..."

The hot spring water surged and after Liu Yimeng swam forward for a distance, she swam uncontrollably into freestyle.

"Hee-hee... You have to practice more. Wu Qingyue chuckled.

"It's still freestyle." Liu Yimeng flicked her short wet hair, smoothed the hair sticking to the sides of her cheeks, and then pulled it behind her ear.

"Yun Xin, you learn to breathe first, swimming will be easy." Wu Qingyue turned her head and said softly.

"Sister Qingyue, you teach me." Yun Xin said with great interest, learn to swim, can Chu Feng go with him when he goes into the sea in the future?

"Good." Wu Qingyue nodded cheerfully, teaching the girl to hold her breath, exhale, and how to ventilate during swimming.

"Sister, you don't seem to be able to swim." Liu Yimeng raised her eyebrows and asked sideways.

“...... No. Liu Yiqiu pursed her lips and said, swimming is too physically demanding, it is better to study more flowers and plants in the greenhouse.

"I can swim when I have time, it helps to shape the body." Qi Weiting said lightly.

She slowly lay on her back and swam backstroke, revealing her graceful vest line.

"Good figure!!" The Liu family sisters also exclaimed that it was extremely tempting for a woman to have a vest line.

"I'm going to learn to swim too." Liu Yiqiu pursed her lips.

"Sister, I'll teach you." Liu Yimeng said with a smile.

"Wei Ting, can you teach me to swim?" Liu Yiqiu glanced at her sister, and then turned her head sideways to Qi Weiting.

"No problem." Qi Weiting simply agreed.

"Really..." Liu Yimeng grinded her teeth, and then continued to learn breaststroke.

"It's really a test of a man's concentration." Chu Feng smiled bitterly, and there was the laughter of all the women playing in the water behind him.

Swim? I am a master, but this scene is really not suitable for teaching.

"It looks like I can't go back tonight." Chu Feng looked up at the sky, now the time is about two o'clock in the afternoon, even if he rushes back now, he won't be able to return to the camp before dark.

What's more, looking at the interest of several women, it is estimated that it will not end for a while.

He chuckled helplessly, sitting silently on the boulder, looking at the environment downstream, but his ears paid attention to the movements behind him in case of danger and accidents.


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