The wind direction of String Moon Island was changing silently, the sky was changing rapidly, and thick clouds began to appear in the originally cloudless sky in the distance.

"Reach out and stroke first, and then kick your legs after doing this action..." Qi Weiting carefully corrected Liu Yiqiu's swimming posture.

"I'll try again." Liu Yiqiu pursed her mouth, reached out to wipe the water off her cheeks, and then continued to practice.

"It doesn't seem to be very difficult." Yun Xin stopped paddling, turned around and stopped in the shallow water.

She studied for more than half an hour and was able to swim a short distance on her own, but she couldn't stay on the surface for a long time.

"Yunxin is very talented." Wu Qingyue praised, learning this level in half an hour is already very powerful.

"I don't know when I will be like Chu Feng." Yun Xin muttered softly.

"It is estimated that after a few years of training, you should be able to be like him." Wu Qingyue recalled that when watching the live broadcast, Chu Feng stayed at the bottom of the sea for five or six minutes before going ashore, which is not something that ordinary people can do.

Professional swimmers have to practice for several years before they can be like Chu Feng, but it is a little difficult to hold their breath.

"It's time for you to play a little longer, it's time to change." Chu Feng suddenly stood up on the boulder, looked at the clouds in the distance, and felt the direction of the wind.

"What's wrong?" Yun Xin asked suspiciously, staying in the warm spring water and not wanting to get up.

"A blizzard is coming." Chu Feng said in a deep voice.

"What? Another blizzard? Several women exclaimed at the same time.

Liu Yimeng looked up at the sky, it was still clear, and there was no sign of snow.

"Chu Feng, could it be a mistake? The weather looks good. Wu Qingyue asked suspiciously.

"You'll know later, get up quickly, dry your hair, and spend the night here tonight." Chu Feng grinned in response.

He originally thought that the weather would always be good today, but he didn't expect it to change, and he couldn't help but sigh: "The weather on this String Moon Island is really unpredictable." "

Judging by the wind direction and the trend of the clouds in the morning, there is a high probability that it will not snow today, but I did not expect the wind direction to change in the afternoon.

"Okay." Wu Qingyue and the others reluctantly answered, left the hot spring one after another, carefully stepped on the chaotic stones on the shore, and wiped their bodies with the sackcloth they brought in turn.

"Chu Feng, are you going to spend the night here tonight?" Yun Xin put on her storm suit, pulled her coiled hair down, and wrung out her wet hair with her hands.

"Aren't we going back?" Liu Yimeng asked softly after getting dressed.

"It's too late, now rush back, halfway there will be a snowstorm." Chu Feng shook his head lightly, it was too dangerous to be in the wilderness when it was dark, especially with so many girls.

Liu Yiqiu got dressed, glanced sideways, and found that everyone was dressed, so he raised his head and shouted: "Chu Feng, you can turn around." "

"Wei Ting and Yiqiu went to collect wood, Yunxin and Qingyue raised the fire, and after a while to prepare dinner, Yimeng helped me build a shelter together." Chu Feng turned around and arranged the work.

"No problem." The women answered in unison, and the group of two dispersed and walked towards the surrounding jungle.

"Pay attention to safety, shout out if there is danger." Chu Feng instructed loudly, the temperature here is very comfortable, and wild beasts will appear here at any time.

"Got it." Liu Yiqiu responded seriously and followed Qi Weiting into the jungle.

"Let's make bean cake broth tonight." Yun Xin muttered softly, rummaging through the bamboo basket to find wild goat meat and bean cake.

"Good." Wu Qingyue replied softly, helping to handle the mutton and bean cakes, and when the wood came back, he could make a fire to cook.

"Chu Feng, where is the shelter going to be built?" Liu Yimeng asked softly.

"Leaning against the rock wall." Chu Feng said in a deep voice, the shelter to be built this time is still 'A' shaped.

"Okay, let's do it." Liu Yimeng shouted enthusiastically.

Chu Feng held the firewood knife and walked towards the jungle, selecting suitable trees, and using the firewood knife to cut down and dispose of the excess branches.

The two divided their work and cooperated, Liu Yimeng was responsible for collecting branches, and Chu Feng cut down trees to make frames.

Nearly an hour and a half later, a simple 'A' shelter was set up.

Because it was to accommodate six people, the shelter was made very large, three meters wide and nearly two meters high, with one end serving as the entrance and the other next to the rock wall.

The sides of the shelter are covered with tree branches to protect against wind and snow.

"These should be enough." Liu Yiqiu and Qi Weiting came back and put down the branches and wood they were holding in their arms.

In the hour and a half, they ran back and forth several times, collecting enough wood to warm up tonight.

"It's snowing." Yun Xin raised his head and reached out to catch the falling snowflakes.

The sky had already overcast, thick clouds covered the sky above String Moon Island, and the snowflakes were getting bigger and bigger, gradually becoming dense.

"Move the fire in." Chu Feng said softly, using wood to build a shelf at the door of the shelter, which could be used to hang steel pots.

After more than ten minutes, the snow had turned into a blizzard, the cold wind was blowing, and it was completely dark.

"Chu Feng, you are really a god operator." Liu Yimeng sighed.

She looked sideways at the snowflakes fluttering outside, and Chu Feng had predicted this blizzard two hours in advance.

"Judging by the celestial phenomena." Chu Feng said softly, leaning against the shelter and sitting down, with worry on his face.

"Chu Feng, what are you worried about?" Wu Qingyue asked softly.

"It's nothing, it's just that no one heats the cultivation room." Chu Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He was worried in his heart that the mushrooms and wild vegetables grown in the cultivation room, the wood added in the morning, should have been burned in the afternoon, without the fireplace heating, what would become of the mushrooms and wild vegetables when he went back tomorrow?

"It's only been one day, it shouldn't be fine..." Wu Qingyue said uncertainly, not understanding this aspect.

Liu Yiqiu pursed her lips, mushrooms may be fine, wild vegetables are estimated to freeze, but can they continue to grow after thawing?

"Maybe, we'll know when we go back tomorrow." Chu Feng chuckled, it was a big deal to eat the young sprouts of fresh wild vegetables in advance, and then continue to plant.

"Stop thinking about it, let's have dinner first." Yun Xin said softly, the bean cake broth in the steel pot had been cooked.

She took a wooden spoon and filled a bowl for everyone, and said softly: "I'll cook another pot later." "

Chu Feng chewed the meat in his mouth, and asked softly with his head sideways: "How much meat is left?" "

"You can cook two more pots." Yun Xin responded softly, this time he brought a lot of meat.

"Then cook another pot, and the rest will be breakfast tomorrow." Chu Feng said in a deep voice.

"Good." Yun Xin nodded obediently.

Liu Yimeng chewed wild goat meat in her mouth and muttered softly: "It's obviously so comfortable here, why are there no animals?" Otherwise, you can add meals. "


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