Chu Feng pondered for a moment and said softly: "The terrain here is high, and the animals should all be active downstream. "

"The footprints of the deer I saw earlier also disappeared when I got here, so why don't I see the deer now?" Liu Yimeng asked again.

"Liu Yimeng, are you a hundred thousand why?" The corners of Liu Yiqiu's mouth tugged and she was speechless.

"Sister, you don't understand, this is called intellectual curiosity." Liu Yimeng is serious.

".......," the corner of Liu Yiqiu's eyes twitched, and she really wanted to leave a brain melon for her sister.

"It's very simple, there may be a better place for the deer herd to live, or there may be natural predators of deer." Chu Feng said in a deep voice, and then glanced outside the shelter, the natural enemy of the deer?

"Deer's natural enemies? Wolf or jackal? Wu Qingyue asked curiously.

"It's all possible, it could be a feline." Chu Feng said softly, then slowly stood up and walked out of the shelter.

The perception of danger in the back of his head was triggered, only to disappear the next moment.

Yun Xin's delicate face wrinkled, and asked softly, "Chu Feng, what's wrong?" "

"It's okay, let's eat dinner quickly, it's not delicious when it's cold." Chu Feng smiled, squatted down and sat at the door of the shelter, holding a pottery bowl and eating meat.

The vigilance in his heart did not relax in the slightest, but the danger perception did not warn, proving that it was still safe, and what made him wonder was what triggered the danger perception just now.

More than half an hour later, the second pot of mutton bean cake soup cooked by the girl was also eaten,

"Hopefully the blizzard will stop tomorrow." Wu Qingyue added fast wood to the fire, and he could continue to move with a little snow, but the blizzard could only stay obediently.

"I don't know, I should be able to." Chu Feng faced the outside of the shelter and kept an eye on the dark jungle outside.

The shelter is built under a cliff wall, so there are hot springs on one side and jungle on the other.

"Chu Feng, you didn't even soak in the hot spring, it's a pity." Yun Xin said softly.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, and he turned his head and asked thoughtfully, "Then do you want me to soak with you?" "

"I didn't say that." Yun Xin rolled her eyes angrily, and at the same time her cheeks blushed shyly.

"I'll have a chance to soak in the future." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose and he chuckled.

"Then why don't we move the shelter here?" Liu Yimeng asked casually.

"First, the seaside is too far from here.

Second, rebuilding a strong and safe shelter is too time-consuming and laborious.

Thirdly, there is no security here as you think, and fourth....."

Chu Feng stretched out his fingers and said five or six reasons in a row.

"So that's the case, but Chu Feng, what do you mean when you say that there is no imaginary security here?" Liu Yimeng's face was full of doubts.

"I guess the reason why the deer herd did not stay here for a long time is probably the presence of carnivores." Chu Feng said in a deep voice.

"Isn't that very unsafe tonight?" Liu Yimeng's long eyelashes trembled, and her body shrunk into the shelter.

"There is a fire, don't worry, I will keep vigil tonight." Chu Feng waved his hand and said softly.

"Take turns guarding, you have to sleep too." Yun Xin hurriedly said softly.

"Yes, six people, take turns to guard for an hour and a half, and the sky will soon dawn." Wu Qingyue nodded approvingly.

"Such a pleasant decision." Liu Yimeng said with a smile.

"Okay, are you going to sleep then?" Chu Feng chuckled helplessly.

"After a while, the hair is not completely dry." Yun Xin flicked her long hair.

When she cooked dinner, she was worried that her hair would get in the way, so she coiled it again, and put it down only after dinner, and the hair wrapped in it was still wet.

"When there's a blizzard, you can't do anything." Liu Yimeng held her hands on her knees and stared at the fire with her eyes, a little bored.

"Let's play riddles, it's time to pass the time." Wu Qingyue suggested.

"Well, don't do some low-IQ questions, I'm very strong." Liu Yimeng's eyes lit up, and she sat up straight with interest.

"Really?" Liu Yiqiu pursed her lips, seriously doubting what her sister said.

"Of course, don't underestimate me." Liu Yimeng rolled her eyes angrily.

"Then please listen to the question, bite off the tail of the ox, and guess a word." Wu Qingyue thought about it and said softly.

Liu Yimeng raised his eyebrows proudly, and immediately rushed to answer: "It's too simple, it's the word 'sue'." "

"Hey, I guessed it so quickly."

Wu Qingyue was stunned, and then continued: "People take off their clothes, they wear clothes, people take off their hats, they wear hats, guess an item." "

"This..." Liu Yimeng bit her lower lip and thought.

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, the mystery seemed to be very simple.

"Coat rack, right?" Yun Xin replied with a look in front of him.

"That's right, you're all so good." Wu Qingyue sighed.

"It's your question that's too easy." Chu Feng chuckled, these riddles seemed to be at the level of elementary school students.

Wu Qingyue stuck out her tongue embarrassedly and said expectantly: "In that case, then Chu Feng, you say one, let's guess." "

"Yes, Chu Feng, you have one." All the women spoke one after another.

"Ahem! All right. "

Chu Feng coughed twice, thought about it and said softly: "Open the hot quilt I nest, touch the leg I, break I open the two I legs, put it on the eyes, guess the daily necessities." "

"Chu Feng, what are you sure is a riddle?" Liu Yimeng's face turned blushing shyly.

"It sounds... How is it so unorthodox. Wu Qingyue said with disgust.

"Ahem, it's a serious riddle, don't think too much." The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched, and he could only think of this from his mind at present.

This is what he accidentally saw when he first looked at the web page, and he kept writing it down.

"This is all touching I on the leg, and breaking I to open two I legs, can it be a serious riddle?" Liu Yimeng pouted.

Chu Feng grinned, if he told the mystery, he would understand it.

"Lift the hot quilt and touch it on your leg..." Yun Xin's face turned blushing shyly, and a restrictive picture appeared in her mind.

"Break off your legs..." Qi Weiting frowned tightly, thinking about what the mystery was.

"Or I'll change one." Chu Feng asked tentatively.

"No, I'll guess." Liu Yimeng said with a straight face, her mind racing fast, thinking about matching items.

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, and this first riddle stumped several women.

In the live broadcast room, the audience brushed the barrage.

"This is not a serious riddle, I suspect that Chu Feng is driving, but I have no evidence."

"Is Chu Feng opening a yellow cavity?"

"This riddle is very simple, do you want me to tell you the mystery?"

"Shut up the front you and be careful to turn you into a private account."



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